Valentino F/W 10.11 Paris

I guess Mr Garavani locked them into the archives after HC and threatened to make pug-food out of them if they wouldn't ruffle the thing up.

I still don't like it. I came to hate and that's what I'll do.
RUFFLES! :shock: Can't say I'm a big fan.. But I kind of think of the collection as so yesterday? They're a bit tacky IMO...
First collection with an actual Valentino spirit!
I was entering here sayin' "how are they gonna butcher up the Valentino aesthetics now?" :lol:
But color me surprised! Some of it looks really good, some not too much, and the fur coats are :heart::heart:!
The fur jackets are stunning, and so far it does have that V luxe feel, need more.
This is lovely so far.
They are still going for a young client but it isn't too trendy or skimpy and can still appeal to older clients who just want something beautiful.
Ah, they did it! They did red! No! I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.
ruffles ruffles ruffles ruffles
on and im done
this was boring but im so happy they didnt go in the direction of their couture show
I guess their trademark is going to be ruffles.Oh HOW exciting.Who would actually BUY any of this? it's just rehash,nothing special at all.And those furs are disgusting,it actually looks as if Naomi went in a rage and shredded them,then they had to be re pieced together.
For me, this is better than what they've done before. Certainly, by no means perfect, but things are coming together slowly.
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I guess their trademark is going to be ruffles.Oh HOW exciting.Who would actually BUY any of this? it's just rehash,nothing special at all.And those furs are disgusting,it actually looks as if Naomi went in a rage and shredded them,then they had to be re pieced together.
Half Hollywood would. :lol: What a joke. I really dislike this collection. If this came from any other unknown fashion house, I'd be believing it straight away but I excpect a lot more from a house like Valentino.
This is interesting, and WAY BETTER than the couture collection, but that doesn't mean it's good. Fire them right now! XD
The gowns suck, but the rest of it is pretty good.

I still don't get all the people bitching about how un-Valentino they are because so much of this seems dead on Valentino just less fussy and frou-frou.

You constantly hear people going on about what these designers shouldn't be doing because it's not Valentino enough, but never actually suggesting what they should be doing. It kind of suggests that people either hate them just for the sake of hating them, or don't know any better than Chiuri and Piccioli what it is that Valentino should be doing.
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