Vogue Czechoslovakia September 2018 : Karolina Kurkova by Branislav Simoncik

Československá filmová epopej
Photographer: Michal Pudelka
Styling: Jan Králíček
Models: Frederika Baranová, Barbora Hrušková, Mag Cysevska, Denisa Dvořáková, Karolína Egersdorfová, Kamila Filipčíková, Magdaléna Havlíčková, Eva Herzigová, Eva Klímková, Sasha Melnychuk, Alica Niedelska, Daniela Peštová, Jana Plodková, Johana Slezáková, Markéta Šalounová & Niki Trefilová
Make-up: Kateřina Brans
Hair: Mirka Myšička

The credit list is too long!
... continuation ...

Lucky us we're still entitled to having an opinion and all the happier for it, sorry for not applauding this mediocre excuse of a cover, truly sorry. It's also worth noting that many members have talked very positively about Vogue Portugal's and Ukraine's approach to fashion photography in the past, so it's not like we're all secretly conspiring to crap on this guy but the recent backlash was to be expected. Honeslty I love Brainslav's work for it makes me appreciate all the formal aspects that are so perfectly realized in Meisel's work and so lacking in his own, I really take for granted how perfect Meisel's photographs can be. What is to say about the image that hasn't been posted already: it does look like poor man's Man Ray, it doesn't look well composed or like a fully fledged-out idea and it's painfully pretentious. I'd only add that the wig is very cheap looking and that it ruins anything good the cover had going on for it.

Ken Doll Jenner beat me to it, works of art can gain a lot once you explore the context and meaning of what you're seeing but what's really important is for the image to stand on its own regardless of anything else. This one doesn't therefore it's not a succesful image. That simple.

I think someone mentioned it on the anouncement thread already but the type used for the "CS" thing does makes it look like the photoshop logo. They should have gone the british Vogue route and use the nationality adjective for the banner instead.
Thanks Royal-Galliano :flower:, must say that I don't know zip about Czech films, but Michel's editorial is really intriguing. Paulina looks amazing with her son in the beauty editorial too.

I sort of dig the vibe of this issue, it's not polished but it feels more authentic and at least more experimental than any other mag at the moment.
Going through this thread I'm clearly in the minority here for not minding this cover :lol:

Then I feel this cover is not made to please me or a worldwide audience. I think this choice is a good idea : talking to a public which is the first able to buy the magazine, start by a cultural and historical reference to begin with a common background of this public. They make a difference, focus on a target. It says "this is where we come from".

Saying that, if Vogue CS aims to be a fashion magazine, I think this photo, because of its lightening, has not the standards for a cover.

As per the text in Royal-Galliano's opening post, I think Vogue CS has tried to be original and respectful to the country in a creative way
(although I am not convinced by the dodgy grey wig).

True, the cover doesn't scream FASSSSSHIIOOOOOOON!!! with all the expected bells and whistles; in fact, it's very, very subdued for a debut issue, and it looks like most people in this thread are unhappy about this. While Vogue is primarily a fashion and lifestyle magazine, I don't think it could hurt for the magazine to be a little more serious now and again. If there was ever a time to make an impact, the first issue is it, right? If we had received another cover with Karolina in a power pose, wind machine making her hair fly, what's the point in creating another Vogue which churns out nothing original and doesn't resonate with its country's readers at all? I read quite a bit of criticism from readers on other magazine threads about how magazines seem to be loosing touch with their readers (e.g. Vogue Australia) yet here we have a Vogue edition that is really making an effort, and it's still unacceptable. Gosh, we are really, really difficult to please.
Looking back at the thing that brings us to this thread, it's actually not that bad, just.. a back.. of a model that managed to be tolerable even when photographed by the most painfully commercial photographers (most of her career..), plus nice lighting and not a desperately trendy getup by Balenciaga/Prada/Dior/LV/you name it. It will survive the taste of time with more dignity than all of the issues put out by the 'big' Vogues this year.. if you consider the level of expectation they have, their huge market, their obscene budgets and the interests (political, social, artistic) behind.. yeah, how dare Vogue Czechoslovakia ventures out of that freak show, who do they think they are.. pretentious.

Beautiful :magic:

Photographer: Branislav Šimončík
Styling: Alba Melendo Garcia
Art Direction & Set Design: Kaduri Elyashar
Creative Director: Jan Králíček
Make-up: Hristika Georgievska
Hair: Mirka Myšička
Thanks for the snaps Royal-Galliano. I was hesitant to buy this because the cover leaves me cold. I get the symbolism and that it means a lot for czech people but it didn't make a strong impression on me. I'll be buying this only for the Pudelka editorial, I love his work. I'm very disappointed his cover with Kamila is only available at one place in Prague. If you want to have a Czechoslovak Vogue why not sell some copies of the limited edition also in Slovakia?! :rolleyes:
Thanks for the snaps Royal-Galliano. I was hesitant to buy this because the cover leaves me cold. I get the symbolism and that it means a lot for czech people but it didn't make a strong impression on me. I'll be buying this only for the Pudelka editorial, I love his work. I'm very disappointed his cover with Kamila is only available at one place in Prague. If you want to have a Czechoslovak Vogue why not sell some copies of the limited edition also in Slovakia?! :rolleyes:
I know, right? Surely there are places in Bratislava and elsewhere, where these limited editions could be sold, perhaps online, too. The publisher could've taken care of this, being a Slovak herself. :bounce:

I was hesitant, too, but it's absolutely worth the purchase. And it's heavy, 400 or so pages. The question is, will they sustain this level with the next issues? I'm curious...

Ten, kdo miluje, obětuje vše

Photographer: Alexandra von Fuerst
Styling: Alexis Roche
Set Design: Hella Keck
Creative Director: Jan Králíček
Make-up: Tiziana Raimondo
Hair: Olivier Schawalder
Model: Lily Nova (IMG London)

This editorial!! :woot: Beautiful! :heart:
I saw the magazine is sold out in a lot of places. So they prints way too low or the magazine is a sucess
Many of those images from the main editorial aren't clickable so they can only be seen as thumbnails - but it has me VERY excited to see in greater detail. This is exactly the kind of editorial that Karolina hasn't been given the opportunity to do in a long time, but very clearly excels at. She's always been incredibly versatile - can you think of another Victoria's Secret Angel, past or present, that could deliver such moody, somber, emotive and decidedly unglamourous work such as this? She must have felt such a great honour and pride to have been given this cover and editorial representing a woman I'm sure she would have been familiar with.
Yeah, that cover is gonna be a no from me dawg. BUT the content SUPERB! Will definitely buy if I can find a copy.
Thank you for the snaps Royal-Galliano!

Now I’m more annoyed with the cover. The contents are superb! There’s glamour, there’s a story, and the photography is up there. It had so much potential!

And good job if the magazine is indeed sold out! At least the message of the cover resonated to its target audience.
I saw the fashion film on KK's IG and it looked rather interesting hope theres a cover that will cover that cinematic element. The editorials are amazing!


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