What Causes You To Buy Vintage?

I like the fact that in the past alot more time and care was taken into making a garment.

27 U.K
quality clothing - stands the test of time
uniqueness - wearing things that no one else can get hold of!
good prices
luxury factor
You probably really don't need responses now, considering how old this thread is... but I don't buy vintage or stuff from thrift stores. My local thrift store is like a dumpster, almost literally. It's terrible. I have a vintage store near me, but everything is really out there...and just not my style. Although I love the jewelry.
I'm totally hung up on vintage. First there's the hunt of course. How great is it to search for great, unique items, and then bump into it on like some crappy flea market? Second is the bargain. In most cases you can get really good items from great quality, or even designer's items, 10 times cheaper then in stores (that's what makes vintage great, you don't wanna be paying the amount for it as in the stores now do you?) Then there's the uniqueness, creativeness, personality and the zeitgeist (spirit of the time) an item breathes. Apparel with history and a story. And last but not least; quality. Items made like 50 of 40 years back were not yet made with the same mass production we know nowadays. There was more eye for detail and craftmanship. The fit and cut is better. More luxurious fabrics. And a smaller amount made, so more exquisite. Yes, I'm a true addict ;)
Quality, cost, originality and the fact that you are sharing a part of someone else's life
The thrill of the chase.

The fact that you'll get one-of-a-kind pieces count, too.
Cause it looks like it has been around for ages and that you've been too.

(Maybe also cause I like to dress like a Skater/Surfer, and getting torn and softened, slightly destroyed pieces is easier for me. I can't get myself to destroy things I own. But *psshhh* :ninja:)
I buy vintage because the pieces are a lot more unique than new clothes! I also like to feel that my clothes have some kind of story behind them, not that I just went into a mall and picked out a shirt that 50 other girls from my town are going to own as well. Vintage clothes have that nice worn-in feel too.
The fact it's vintage has really no influence on whether or buy the item or not.
I love vintage shoes from the 50's and before - there is something about the arch which I find so beautiful and slightly different from shoes of today. Actually I collect vintage shoes... and shoes in general... :blush:
I like vintage when everything in the store is way too ultra-trendy and stupid looking. Sometimes stuff from the past looks better, you know?
first, i've been buying vintage BEFORE it became a trend because i love the old used feeling. i have a thing for this :p
and i like to look different and having something one of a kind, i don't like too mass products and look the same with every people i see.

and 2nd, because it's cheap, i like to collect my money for my designer handbags and would not spent fortune on clothes or shoes.

28, asian
I love the feeling that comes when I buy vintage. I know that they have some story behind them and that story doesn't include poor children who work basically free all day long. I also like the unique feeling that a vintage item has. They are also good quality and they make me feel more nature friendly, because consuming is one of the biggest problems on earth. I know I shop a lot so I can make my consciense better by bying second-hand items.
yes it's more affordable to buy vintage couture.
i find the workmanship and quality really good, much better than what we are offered these days, yes even the no-brand pieces are great.
35, europe/asia
I like to have something nobody else has.
I like the styles better.
I try to ask myself this often. But I think because Vintage clothes is sometimes, usually, uniquely made for one person. You can find an outfit that fits you better and is more body flattering than something off the rack that is made to fit many bodies. At the same time, you might find something you like so much you could scream, and then it doesnt fit you right or fit you at all.

I agree with the hunt part on some aspect. I will blend this answer with another one. The possibility of finding great designer pieces that someone else has tossed away is a huge rush. I know a lot of record collectors, and they can sympathize.

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