What Causes You To Buy Vintage?

A couple of years ago I would never had been able to buy something old. Now I find it really hard to buy somethinh new from H&M,Gap,vero moda or mango because alot of people are going to be wearing the same items. Plus I find the fabric to be better in old clothes then in the new ones. And the history or story that piece must have, is also very appealing to me. I dont know, nowadays I only seem to be buying really expensive or cheap vintage clothes.
I just get so tired of the endless cycle of THIS BAG THIS NECKLACE THIS SHOE THIS SWEATER...in EVERY store and magazine, and when I go to a vintage store and choose something I love that hasn't been endlessly drilled into my head as being a must have, I feel like I've truly chosen something that I want and love. I also secretly love when someone asks me where I got something I'm wearing that's vintage or thrift store and say, "oh", because they know they won't be able to go out and buy it:)

25- American
The quality of workmanship and materials in vintage pieces can often be superior to a modern knock off.
Because Forever 21 does absolutely nothing to satisfy my style. And I agree finding a gem is sooo rewarding to me. I'm still ga ga over seeing Lanvin slacks at a thrift store as well as Prada flats.
I like buying vintage. I can find good quality clothing and unique pieces that you just can't find in the malls. Plus finding a gem makes me feel great and even better you will not see someone else wearing the same thing as you.
What causes me to buy vintage?

Lack of money.

And also the fact that my taste in clothing is really bizarre, obscure and narrow.
Well I started buying vintage because of being a student and having a tight budget, but also because I wasn't overly impressed with what's on the high street. I think it's more the later for me nowadays, plus it seems kinda wasteful to buy brand new clothes when there are already clothes that are perfectly fine out there already.
-Quality: Better woven fabrics, better quality fabrics; made with care.

-Fit: Especially dresses. They fit better on my frame (hourglass).

-Waste: Why waste perfectly good silk, camel hair, wool (and other animal based fabrics)?

-History: I like to imagine the person(s) who purchased and wore a particular item of clothing. What were they like? What did the look like? How were their lives, etc. Sometimes I can almost feel the sprit of the person who had the garment many decades ago.
History: ^ same as baRose
Price: It's usually a lot cheaper.

Not that there's any vintage shops in scotland....:innocent:
I don't/rarely buy vintage, but I like vintage pieces. Simply cause sometimes, it feels glamorous to me to wear something that is already absolutely f*cked up :lol:. Like a Vuitton bag. It looks so much more valuable when the patina is already totally dark and the monogram started to fade. It gives you a whole new "heritage" look.
because im not loaded, so i have to resort to thrift stores.
I buy vintage when I see a piece that would work really well in my wardrobe, or that strikes me as being a particularly exemplary garment for its era. I have a few pieces that are basically "archival" garments...things which so typify the trends of their times that I keep them around as reference materials.

I never buy from "vintage shops" just thrift/charity shops and rummage sales.
For me its, like mentioned a couple of times before, the hunt to get something unique. I admit that I suffer from the "cinderella syndrome" a little bit and like to stand out with a distinctive own style. Vintage or tailor made items give me the chance to do that and I like the feeling to wear something that is well crafted.

Even though there was of course mass production in the 70s for example it was different compared to today and I think this gives me a better feel wearing such clothes.
-you pay less to get much better quality
-i love last decades's style.
I love to buy vintage caus it´s unique, the quality is so much better then nowadays and so are the prices. I have a vintage bag that is over 30 years old and it´s like new, if I buy a bag from hm or whatever now, it´s damaged after I used it 1-2 times. And I don´t like to walk around with a bag 10000000000 other girls wear. It grosses my out. When you go out for shopping in germany you will see at least 20 girl in 1 hour wearing that ugly brand edc from esprit:yuk:. Don´t get me wrong of cours I love nowadays fashion too:heart:

23/ Europe
It's partly to do with the cost but I also like buying something unique and giving my money to a shop that’s not a chain store.

Also I find the assisants in second hand/ vintage shops on the whole so much more friendlier than those in regular shops and they often have a passion for clothes and the history behind them that you certainly don't get in the high street stores.
1. The items are usually smaller than modern clothes, so I have a better fit.
2. Better quality than mass market clothes
3. Less expensive than designer clothes but similar quality
4. Usually supports a local shop or a charity (if found at a thrift)
5. No one else will be walking around in the exact same outfit.
6. That Treasure hunt "high" while shopping

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