When Did You Start Wearing Makeup?

Caramel Candy

Jun 6, 2002
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I've got a friend who's 20 and she's never worn makeup in her life (doesn't even know what's used for this and so on), but is just now starting to get interested in it. It sorta surprised me because I began wearing makeup when I was 12 or 13 which is when most of the girls I know began too, I learned beginning makeup tips and stuff from my sisters, and the rest from magazines. My mom wore makeup, but she was so traditionalist at the time that she wanted me to wait until I got to high school or older before I started using it (which I totally ignored, heh).

When did everyone start wearing makeup? How did you learn to use it?
i remember buying clear mascara, clear nail polish, tinted lipbalm, and powdered blotting paper when i was in junior high school...and in highschool i started filling in my eyebrows and always paint my nails in grade 9 or 10...then i started to wear more make up (ie eye shadows) in my last year of highschool (19 yrs old) and now im a makeup addict at 22 and i always wear makeup.

i didnt really "learn" from anyone but ive had years of reading all the teen magazines like seventeen/ym and allure behind me. and i used to play with makeup a lot to see what kindda looks i can create even before i started to wear makeup...i guess practice makes perfect.
:shock: at 13 I was going to school with mascara, light rouge and lipstick, too normal
My parents were pretty strict about the whole makeup thing. I remember sneaking into the girls bathroom putting on eyeliner, and having to take it off before going home, what a pain that was! I believe I was around 10 or so. But either than a little eyeliner, I didn't do much after that.
I started wearing nail plish in junior school
I started wearing make-up about 13 or 14, I got ideas from magazines & tried them at home with other girls. My mum always wore make-up - in fact, I don't ever remember seeing her without.
i've worn nail polish since i was little.. but i bought my first makeup when i was in 6th grade it was just lip smackers, lip gloss, and brown mascara .. now i usually wear blush, mascara, and lip gloss. i do have lots of other makeup but only use it for special occasions like dances or dance recitals. we aren't allowed to wear makeup at my school but the teachers never notice mine cause it's really natural looking hehe :flower:
hmmm, it must have been mascara when i was about 14 or so.....
my mum always wanted me to wear make up and until today she is still trying...no i have to wear foundation cause my skin is slightly uneven with dark marks :cry:
Parents were really weird with makeup, longer nails and polish so I didn't really start wearing them until I graduated from college.
I still don't wear that much though, just some foundation and blush and some lip gloss.
13-14. a rose colored lancome lipstick and a pinkish beige lipstick from revlon. and curled lashed with a bit of mascarra. my mother got me a cover girl :sick: sampler kit and compact and 2 lancome lipsticks and plucked my eyebrows :lol:all for 7th grade- i wanted to be more mature and i even got a mirror for my locker :lol:

when a started getting into high school i started to go nuts with make up. colorful shadows, black smokey eyeliner and bright lipsticks. i even wore false lashes and glitter pieces. i didnt look like a clown though, i actually got very good at applying and even considered make up artistry. :shock: they all knew me at the mac counter and all my friends wanted me to do their make up. :wacko: my make up was very infuenced by gwen stefani.

now im in my twenties i dont wear as much. i need to start expierenting though :shock: i lost my touch ! just mascarra- blush - and gloss :ninja:
When I was around 13-15 I did just use some mascara.
Not until I were 16-17 I started using other make-up.
Well, I started wearing lip gloss and sparkly lip things when I was little, but I got my first Clinique Makeover at 12- but I only used to wear it on special occasions. I started wearing it a lot at the age of 13.
I started wearing makeup when I was around 10. My mom gave me her old Mary Kay products that included things like eyeshadow, lipstick, and mascara. I quickly learned to love makeup and now I wear it everyday. And I wear a full face of it, too. I'm talking foundation, concealer, powder, blush, lip gloss, eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. Lol, I know I'm addicted.
Probably ever since 14 but it depended on the occasion.

Normal days:
-Tinted Moisturizer
-Lip Balm
-Concealer for pimples
-Undereye concealer for the baggys

Special Occasions:
-Tinted Moisturizer
-Undereye for the baggys
-Juicy Lip Gloss Tubes

or a make-up artist would make a more dramatic statement, if hired. :wink:
My look was always au natural. B)
13 or 14, I think. But my parents were quite strict about it - my first purchases were pink lipstick (with the advisory of my mother, of course), clear mascara...and that's about it.

Didn't start wearing eyeliner or filling my brows till my senior year of high school (GASP).
i got my first make over when i was six :D it was in vegas:innocent:

i started wearing eyeliner at the age of 12...haven't stopped since...i'm scared of getting crows feet before i turn 20 :blink: but i can't stand how i look without eyeliner. i can't wear make up to school, but i always sneak some liner on my lash line and some masacara :ninja:
hmm foundation at 12/13 n still wearing it now... can't shake myself of this unpretty skin

Its amazing how u want the more mature or made up look at 14/15/16 but as u get older u'd want to go more natural...

I visit my highschool sometimes to see my old teachers n stuff n I see these gr. 8/9 girls n they have SO much makeup on... but I see the ex-gr. 8/9s (like they were gr. 8/9s when I was a gr. 12 but now I've graduated n they r in gr. 12) N they are looking way more natural then before...
13 is when I first started... I'm almost 18 now and I don't really wear much on a day to day basis.. probably less than any other high school girl I know. Just mascara... sometimes other makeup if I feel like it.. I probabaly should wear more :ninja: :lol:

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