Your fur style - please read thread guidelines in post #1 before posting

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MissyJG said:
...i do wear leather, and seriously, what is the difference between wearing fur and leather. it's just that fur still has the hairs on the leather...

exactly- that's wht I see nothing wrong with wearing fur.

Because I already wear leather
In terms of wearing fur and leather, it is quite simple: You wear fur/leather, you support killing animals so you can look posh in a jacket. Done. You are no less of a person.. and no one should judge you because it is none of our places. But there would be a whole lot less to argue about if wearers just owned up to it in this thread. You can admit you morally do not have a problem with killing an animal for fur, but don't justify it with these "sitational" examples of good fur meaning good treatment of animals, etc. Because when all is said and done, it is an animals life being taken- whether they got to see a few hours of daylight or not.
animals die to make steak, and fur coats and leather shoes-

and I have no problem with that
I'd rather not watch the video; I have a feeling I know what it's going to present me with.

I don't like fur, the meat industry or any sort of animal byproduct, but at the end of the day it's not my right to decide for others. If you want to wear fur or eat a fish stick, fine. I won't, but that's my personal choice.
I hate fur, but I'm not a vegetarian and I think that the PETA often gets a little out of hand...
I'm against fur I was vegeterian for some years , I still support animal rights campain . I don't know how to feel about Peta, they have Pamela Anderson as testimonial that always wear uggs, I wrote a letter to them few years ago to ask why she "can" wear kinda furs ..they replied that those uggs were made in fake fur...they are normal uggs and we all know I don't know what to say about Peta..
I will not wear clothes that have been made out of the carcases of innocent animals for vanity. Sheep, different story. But PETA tries to get all eyes on them by bombarding shows. Yeah, so what's going to change when you attack the runway? Nothing, people will just hate you more after.
I find people who support and join PETA rather amusing. PETA alone has killed over 14,000 of the animals the organization has 'taken in' [even going to the extent of entering private property if they see a cute little kitty sitting on someone's porch], store them in freezers, and even have a contract with Virgina Beaches to cremate them. Te president of PETA even attacked AIDS foundation & the American cancer society for animal based research that might help discover a cure, yet she herself had an operation which required animal based research. How ethical and caring.

To be honest, I like and own fur. I can't stand people who preach about wearing fur, yet have no problem eating a McDonald's hamburger. And I think it's extremely rude that people have thrown various things on people wearing fur just to ruin it. I understand you don't agree with it, but people spent good money on it, and it's not your right to destroy their property. Would you like it if they came and threw eggs and paint on your house or nice car? Of course not. I once listened to somebody saying that if they went into a store that sold fur, they'd knock all the fur off the racks, leaving the poor sales associates to have to clean it all up.
I don't have a problem with fur. It just symbolizes luxury to me, and I love that. When I touch my sister's mink coat, chills go through my spine. It's splendid. And I find that killing an animal for fur is just like swatting a fly, or killing pigs and cows and fish for food. And I'm sure all of us are guilty of swatting a fly. And Lamby, if the person you're talking about came to a store that I worked at and did that, you would have to drag me to the jail.
OK since so many people have made the "well i wear leather, so its no more harm to wear fur" argument i feel compelled to clarify something.

FUR= UNNECESSARILY killing animals so that you can feel luxurious. Thats the bottom line, its not necessary under any circumstances, its soft? so is synthetic, its warm? so is synthetic, its pretty? so is synthetic (DONT EVEN START WITH THE OH FAKE DOESN'T LOOK/FEEL AS GOOD because synthetic gets better all the time, and eventually, if we arent there already, no one will be able to tell the difference)

LEATHER= byproduct of the meat industry. Frankly, there is not a day in the near future when the entire world will agree to stop eating meat. This is a huge animal rights battle that is (sadly) unlikely to ever be won. Therefor- leather will always be around, because people are going to eat meat. (someone mentioned earlier that cows "make steak" or something of that nature:doh:, sorry, but you eat the animal, its nice that you can disillusion yourself by calling it steak and therefor was not a living breathing feeling being before it "made steak":rolleyes:). So, thats it! this is a frivolous industry, based on frivolous ideals and this is a battle that could be potentially won, that is why it is not the same thing as wearing leather. So take responsibility for your "justification" realize, that none of this is truly justified, and try not to live in ignorance! it's the least any one of us could do.
Peta has never thrown paint onto fur wearers... They've thrown it onto the store and they pied Anna Wintour.

Anyway yes PETA are..well you know...they've had their day. What they're trying to promote is still a worthy cause but nobody trusts them anymore. HOWEVER they still make a lot of impact with companies regardless of their animal euthanasia protocol.
I think fur is disgusting, and unnecessary.
Leather and fur are not the same things. Leather comes as a byproduct from the meat industry, and people are never going to stop eating meat, thus it is actually more responsible to use the whole carcass, then being wasteful. Fur is just a wasteful "luxury" item.
I personally cannot wear either, or eat meat.

I find it sad that there are people who cannot see fur for what it really is, or that there are people who just don't care.
Animals can feel pain. They can cry, and scream, and fight to live. They can feel frightened. It's mind-boggling how people can knowingly support that pain, and suffering associated with these industries. Why does it matter that they are of a different species than us? Why does that make it ok to hurt something? Sometimes I think people dissassociate themselves from animal, but I can't see the difference.

I would not have such an issue with the meat industry, or even the fur industry if they treated, and killed their animals humanely. I at least think you should see what you're wearing, and eating, and how it's made. There is no glamor in torture.

PETA is insane, and hypocritical. There are many other animal rights organizations out there that are respectable, and that are actually fighting for animal rights through legislature, which will actually make a difference.
The more I see pictures of and reports on fur farms, the more it saddens me that people still endorse it. Because there is no relevant reason to do so (like "surviving").

is the fur industry, and it's just :cry::cry::cry::



I just can't believe that these poor things in the pictures are now being worn by someone.
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it makes me sick to think that someone would turn that beautiful creature into a commodity based in vanity.
Fur is could anyone compare it to leather? :S
I would never wear it-EVER...
I was having a debate with my friend about how I find PETA extremely immature for doing such crazy antics like going to shows and parading around showing their banners, and throwing pies in peoples faces. My friend says that they are just showing that something is wrong. I think that it is not nice to interrupt a show like that and that it is ridiculous. Yes I understand their point about fur being bad, cruel etc but they take it too far.

What do you guys think of this?
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