Your fur style - please read thread guidelines in post #1 before posting

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I agree with you Kushie. I do not believe in protests because they don't create change. They create problems. Protestors get in the way and become everyone else's problem at an event. If PETA wants to prove a part, write a letter, boycott a company's products, circulate petitions, etc. I don't agree on de-facing property or bashing a specific company, and PETA does just that by create a scene and destroying property. You may not agree with what a company is producing, but someone put time and energy to make it and by ruining it is wasting it.
I think woodenhouse makes a great point. It all comes down to wether or not you morally have a problem with killing animals. As a meat-eater who owns and wears fur I don't and I own up to that.
I personally love fur, I don't own any fur pieces yet but I would love to in the future, I think fur lined boots are so hot even though they may sound unneccesary.
i have nothing against fur, but as a guy i personally don't own any. and in any case, wouldn't a fox prefer to be on p. diddy's back than running though the forest??
I'm right there with ya jodilicous. I like seeing animals frolic so it's a no for me.

I treat the topic of fur or anything revolving around animals and cruelty as I do politics, abortion, and religion...try not to bring it up at all, it turns into a very passionate and heated conversation and then spoils the night.
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i have nothing against fur, but as a guy i personally don't own any. and in any case, wouldn't a fox prefer to be on p. diddy's back than running though the forest??

:Dlol. I agree that the discussion of fur can really get both sides riled up, my personal pet peeve is when people try and make me see the 'wrong' in liking fur even though it's falling on deaf ears.:innocent:
I have nothing against fur!
I would love to wear it, but I'm only 15 so it doesn't really suit my age yet. But I think when I'm older I'll get a fur coat or something! Or a hat. :ninja:

I sometimes find it weird when people are against fur, but do eat meat and have leather bags. But I guess that's just different,..:unsure:
Well, I don't know about leather bags but it's human nature to eat meat. Whether you're a vegetarian or not, you need to get the same vitamins and minerals from meat in other foods since you're not going to eat it.

Fur is vanity for me. I won't support it, and it's sad to see that these animals get skinned for unnecessary reasons. Is faux fur not as good or high of quality?
love it!

im personally for fur.

what many people dont know, those who support faux-fur, is that synthetic fur is made from oil based chemicals and petroleum, and of which is extremely damaging to the environment, as well as a non-renewable resource. not to mention the fact that faux fur is not biodegradable, and is in landfills sitting there, not decomposing and leaching chemicals back into the environment.
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I'm against any exotic fur. Tigers, leopards, zebras, whoever they use. They're endangered already, don't kill them for coats. I dont feel as strongly about rabbits and animals like that but hearing that they are skinned alive is unsettling. Why do some farms do that?

jun, I didnt know that about synthetic fur, most of it just feels gross too. I dont think I'd buy either, it's not too much of a sacrifice!
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Well let me join VainJane, I'd save my dog first. I have made a commitment to my dogs, and I have a responsibility for them that I don't have for anyone else. If it were my child, that would be different ...

I felt bad at first thinking I'd save my cats, but I'm glad I'm not alone! :D
i have no strong opionion on this, but nothing provokes me as much as people strongly against fur, who still wears leatherbags/shoes and eat meat.
I disagree, I think every little bit that you can do helps. I dont eat meat but others who do can sacrafice fur and still save some animals. And also a lot of leather is a by product of the meat industry.
yes, but there's a difference between eating meat and don't wearing fur, and eating meat and being extremely against fur, discussing it, demonstrate etc. You can eat it and wear it on your shoes, yet fur it self is awful?

it's 100% shallow. A fox is a cute, soft animal, but, i dunno, a mouse is a 'small animal' who's 'discusting', so it doesn't matter if someone kills it. Same goes with pigs; 'fugly animals who's meant to be eaten', but, omg, look at the beautiful fox, how can you kill it, it's so pretty!
Wearing fur is certainly a personal choice and I believe animals are humanely killed these days. However what’s humane to me might not be humane for someone else. Personally I would most likely not buy new fur, but I don’t have any problems wearing a vintage coat that was created 50 or 60 years ago--I just choose the location where I wear it very carefully.

It’s certainly a slippery slope here in S.F. if you choose to wear fur. I’ve been verbally assaulted for wearing vintage FAUX fur that screamed I’m fake at a beach clean up! Bottom line it’s about personal choice and that collective choice will determine whether the market succeeds.
I love meat and I love leather... fur is way too pricey for me to actually buy and I'd feel too ostentatious wearing it, but I like it.

I'm a little bit of a hippie in other aspects so people are always surprised that I just really don't care about animals. :lol: Sure, I'm against poor treatment of any living thing, but I'm not going to go out of my way to avoid eating/wearing an animal. My vegan friends hate me for this!
i like fur, i admit..... i eat meat, i wear leather, i have a pet... i think wearing fur is vanity and shallowness but i dont have anything agaisnt it... im still too young to own fur and wear it but i would love to have a mink coat...

i dont own any fur except rabbit fur... some people gasp about it and tell me to go to peta's website and watch videos of bunnies being skinned...
but i think it's a matter of personal choice... it gets annoying when people judge you though just because you wear real fur....

honestly i dont like animals... except my cat but before i had her i never understood why people get so attached to their domestic animals... now i sort of understand; i love my cat dearly but im not into other animals. im not an animal lover....

i think it's a bit hypocritical of people who eat meat and wear leather to be against fur... theres no ifs, ands or buts.
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