Your Home

Originally posted by jetset@Dec 8th, 2003 - 9:27 pm
Small 1 Bedroom Apt, by the beach.
Need larger closet!
That sounds like a newspaper ad Jetset!! :lol:
I live in an old craftsman 2 bedroom house. Inside, it's all hard wood floors, walls are painted white. There is a white flokati rug in the living room, in front of a dark brown leather sofa with simple lines—it's pretty old as it's salvaged furniture, the leather is starting to crack and I like that about it. A Nelson bench is a few feet in front of the couch, we use it as a coffee table. An Eames walnut wood chair off to the side, by the tile fireplace with it's original late 40's tiles, Eva Zeisel white colored pottery on mantle. A large wall is occupied by a bookcase full of books, old magazines and my collection of antique bottles with sand, shells and stones I pick up from beaches all over—the bottles are labelled with the place and date where I got the contents. Eames lounge chair and ottoman, very light grey (almost white) leather and walnut frame, that I curl up in to read and surf online is in the corner. The dining room has an old, dark wood table, very clean lines, that belonged to my grandfather. Above it hangs a Nelson pendant lamp. The dining chairs are old Saarinen armchairs that I bought at auction and had reupholstered with light grey Knoll wool fabric. Various paintings, photo prints and artwork by friends on walls. The bedroom is more or less the same, dark wood platform bed, white side tables, touches of white and blue-grey in the drapes and pillows.
What a great topic. Love reading about everyone's personal spaces.

I live in a 3 level A framed wooden house built in the trees overlooking a river. My partner built it and it's an ongoing labour of love. It's got timber floors and slate in the wet areas. We have salvaged interesting old materials and used them where we could in the house, such as old pressed metal for the ceilings, a mosaic on the kitchen floor made out of old tiles, broken china, old coins etc. ( It's amazing what you can find in junk yards, under friends houses, etc B) ) It's furnished with a mix of period furniture (some handed down, some bought), and some Indonesian pieces. My favourite items are an ornate church pew from the old church I attended as a child, and an old wrought iron chandelier I found in a junk shop.

One day I'm going to sell up and do the minimalistic thing....much less dusting. :P
Our home reflects my husband's and my style, definitely: Decor is classic elegance with ornate pieces (framed art, etc...) and a touch eclectic to reflect our interesting personalities.

Example: our living room has ivory colored sofas and big fluffy pillows, with accents pillows from around the world. A gorgeous dark mohogany trunk serves as our cocktail table with candles and books on top. the room has a very romantic, comfortable feel to it. then, my husband's prized ornate Asian sword on a mahogany pedestal is there as a fabulous conversation piece. The entrance hall of our townhouse looks as if you're entering an art gallery. dimmed lighting complementing Monets and Renoirs. I love going home each day!!

The house is somewhat of a 'showplace' to quote visitors, but it's very welcoming. Nothing we have is just for show. Well, my Ethan Allen ivory/mahogany arm chair is but (I don't allow anyone to sit on it).... we enjoy our home. My husband has 3 children so we have a very liveable home! :-)

Good topic!

Lableaddict ;)
The rest of the building (backyard) seen from my window:

Carmel, you had me at hello :flower: Fantastic!!

Well until time tells, i only have one room i can call my own but i think few else would want to live in it so maybe its for the best i dont decide on all interiors. tis my faint lilac 50s fantasy, complete with its queen sized bed fit only for i the queen, cream everything on the bed but for lilac and purple silk cushions then a burgundy and it rectangular and hand-beaded with delicate flowers and stems. a silk wine quilted quilt for the end, canopy above and dotted with winter petals. antique dressing table for a few fitting beauty products, my grandmothers silver hand mirror, fabric gem holders, crystal slippers and boxes, sequined stilleto, gold jewelled candles and candle sticks, ballet shoes, mirrored mosiacs and pastel tinted glass perfume decanters. tiny embroidered cushions and bags to hang from the drawers etc. twisted iron lighting accessories decorated by fluttering butterflies and golden calligraphy. a gold fabric dressed chair. a burnt pink french antique sloping couch, stained wood floors, furnished with varying heights of fashion bibles and the 3 day work that is the way into my clothes room: the two doors, the mirror image of the other and each holding 32 black and white photographs of my favourite hollywood beauties.... there lies a square monochrome grid of audrey, marilyn, lauren, bridget, grace and vivien. the rest of the space is similarly inclined and dotted with my most delicate vintage shoes. i refuse to allow in sight anything that folds against the grain so my purchases can be quite limited. but, i cant tell i have bored enough already :doh: so i shall stop :blush: so many rose petals so little time but i keep praying santa shall deliver a rennie mackintosh chair or perhaps one of the windows. i am determined to find myself a small castle pleasing to the likes of tim burton and drip wax down the frosted wine bottles to mark the beginning of a jacobean scheme :heart:
Very clean sleek. All my furniture is imported Italian. All chrome glass and leather. Clean and simple.

It has a very cold feeling to it. I like it.
My house is big but it's not huge and in my house we have nice furtiture that we had ever since we came from Germany and we very nice dishes and yadros. My house is nice but it's kind of messed up right now cause we have Chirstmas stuff everywhere :lol:
I live in the basement of a furnished student house. My room has hardwood laminate floors and cream coloured walls (which is SO my style). I'm a minimalist both in fashion and decorating so I like to keep my walls bare. Since my room is in the basement it can be pretty dark at times so I try to liven it up with pink bedsheets, a sparkly purple lava lamp, and a giant carebear.
I live in an apartment (pretty big, about 1200 sq feet) right at the base of a mountain preserve in Phoenix, Arizona. It is so serene, even when you hear the coyotes howling at night! What I love about my place is the ceiling height (split level from 12' to 16'), the skylights, tons of windows (gotta have natural light!) the real fire place (for those chilly 50 degree nights! ha ha ha) and the location.

I hate the carpet! Actually, I hate all carpet; it's so gross! I'm much more of a hardwood floor, vitropiso kind of chica, y'know what I mean?

Anyway, a few of you mentioned Holiday decorations - share please?

This year my theme was snowflakes, so everything is white and iridescent.
Originally posted by Belowen@Nov 22nd, 2003 - 2:48 am
I'm very into the minimalistic look.

Yes, The minimalist look looks great, but it feels cold, and where do you keep your things. Unless you constantly tidy you lose the look and you create a mess. There's no texture. Its great if you put a gold framed mirror in the right place or a nice rug here or there. Then the place feels more like a home, rather than a prison.
''Classic furniture and unique accessories, like a throw rug, or a beautiful plant'' i can agree with that completely. But what do you mean by 'classic furniture'?
Our house suits me just perfectly. It's a little two-bedroom Craftsman bungalow.

This is from the day before we moved in--it had had some nasty carpet all inside, but we pulled out the carpet before we moved our furniture in and found that the hardwood floors under the carpet were actually very nice.

This is the living room before we pulled up the carpet and moved in and this is how it looks now. The fireplace is a Humphrey Radiant Fire, which is a precursor to a modern gas log, and it works brilliantly. We've been making considerable use of it during this recent cold spell.

I have a lot of wallpaper stripping and painting to do. In the living room and dining room, there is rather nasty old beige flowered wallpaper that is getting tatty around the edges, and there is extremely antique wallpaper on the ceilings that has been painted over a zillion times and looks horrible. Trust me.

I stripped a couple of generations of paint and wallpaper off the walls in the breakfast nook and painted the walls a cheery yellow and installed horizontal, parallel trim strips and painted all of the trim in that room a rich red that I am so in love with. That's one of four rubber bats that hang in various locations around my house. I am strange.

The kitchen is my next painting project. The walls and cupboardsa re a really offensive school-cafeteria green, though its true loathesomeness doesn't show properly in the photos. Everyone who has seen these pictures says, "Oh, it's not so bad," but when they see our kitche in person, they're like :sick:! Everybody loves the old-fashioned cupboards and sink. Oh yeah, and you get to see that I was soaking labels off of beer bottles. We save our empties to re-use when we brew a batch of homebrew! On either side of the door down to the basement are two smaller doors. The one on the left conceals a fold-down ironing board and the one on the right used to be a broom closet but is now a tea and spice cupboard.

Here is the cat being adorable in a sunny patch in the utility room off the kitchen. This is where all of the recycling and a lot of the tools and gardening stuff live. The cat likes to sit in front of the screen door back there and fantasize about the squirrels outside.

The pictures I have of the bedroom and sewing room are boring, as they were taken before we moved our stuff in, and the bedroom is always a mess anyways. I should take some of my workroom now that I hve it set up properly.

The bathroom is truly tiny. It is as wide as the bathtub strictly necessitates, and just about as deep. The sink is very old fashioned, with separate taps for the hot and cold water. I love the big old medicine cabinet which just holds my rather sprawling collection of perfumes, bath goodies, makeup, and hair doo-dads.

I think my favorite things about the house are all of the original 1920s features, like the great woodwork, the windowseat in the dining room, and the funny, old-fashioned kitchen. We're planning to finish out the attic someday for bedrooms (when we have kids) and finish the basement to an extent and move the computers down there, so that we can have the dining room be a dining room, not a computer lab. The basement is going to be our Geekspace with the computers, a big table for D&D and messy craft projects, and we already do most of our brewing stuff down there. The washer and dryer are down there, too, and I do my workout down there this time of the year (stationary bike, calesthenics). The spare bed is in the basement, too.
I live with my parents right now so I have one room with a very nice view over the city. I think the room, well mostly everything represents me and what I love. In some ways it says a lot about my taste in fashion.

My walls are painted baby pink as that is a favourite color of mine. The furnitures are all in white or light wood (can you say that? the wood is not "dark" anyway). I have a mirror and a pretty big closet (but still not big enough... :doh: ) I have nothing on the walls except three shelves. I try to keep the space clean and free of clutter so I have boxes under the bed (very practical).

My favourite piece of furniture are my bed. It is big and sooo comfy. I feel like a little princess in it :heart:

My bf just bought a apartment that I will help decorating this summer (I WILL post pictures). So far the only thing I've decided is that wall will be white and I've found a perfect sofa.
spacemiu and strawberry, love your descriptions!
space, your "shrine" sounds pretty, you should post a picture!
As you like it.... wow!!! I agree with Strawberry Daiquiri, great read. I love the blue tiles in the bathroom, and that the grouting looks fresh. Would love to intro your cat to mine as mine fantasises about going out and being a tiger but is too warm and cosy here.

Shall post photos at some stage soon... :cry:
My house is pretty simple.. I finally got to put a carpet in ...I hate...HATE wood floors.. well anyhow.. here is a pic of my living room a few months ago.... Ive made a few changes..but otherwise..this is it..


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