Yves Saint Laurent Pre-Fall 2009


Oct 29, 2008
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Stefano Pilati’s elegant, men’s wear-influenced collection for Yves Saint Laurent featured such details as braided effects on flannel frocks and swirling drapes and twists on evening dresses. Textured fur and nappa leather were also used as accents.








Wow, I like every single piece so far, especially the first. Everything's really flattering, so that's a nice change. Can't wait for style.com's photos...
I would have to say that the satin dress are looking very weak and underdone. A dangerous fabric. it's either freaking gorgeous, or just plain cheap and tacky.

Besides that, I think the collection's pretty typical for pilati's cruise collection standard, which is sad...
Galliano, lacroix and mcqueen all had proven that cruise collections can also look couture-like.
I like the first dress a lot, it's beautiful and elegant and it looks very wearable.
the silver dress is the only thing i don't like...
its alright nothing great , the firstdress is nice the rest are very predictable ,this pales in comparison to lanvin which I feel had the best pre fall ,with the passing of YSL , pilati can use some YSL references here and there and insert them into his collections , ironically marc jacobs and alber albaz capture that spirit much better than pilati does .
Another amazing collection from YSL :clap:
This is nothing spectacular but its still ten million times better than Spring 2009. What a disaster that was!

I'm really loving the 3rd and 4th looks. That coat is genius! It's so Stefano yet so YSL. Thank GOD for the YSL references in this because Spring 2009 was severely lacking in anything YSL! :lol: :innocent:
the first one is reallyLanvin..the rest are so Stefano Pilati ..but not YSL to me
a lot softer in comparison to his work the past few seasons. I like. Nothing particularly impressive but very nice nonetheless. I really want to see a detail shot of the shoes though.
The first dress is so gorgeous.
The tights of the second photo are tacky in my opinion.
I really like this collection. The looks are very beautiful and remind me of FW 07.
the first dress doesnt seem to go with the rest of the looks but i like most of it!

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