Yves Saint Laurent Mens F/W 10.11 Paris

it's marvellous !!!!!!!!!!!

thank you, so much !

i do really wonder for how much that autruche/astrakan (?) coat will go for !!!!
i want the long gloves, too. and the outwear ... this long coat with the "scarf" belt is great ! ... what a simple idea transformed into something very good.
i want all the sheep stuff.

It's not bad. Quite nice, actually, but doesn't get me very excited.
Nice but nothing spectacular, some of the pieces I find slightly oversized and not flattering to the models.

One piece that I really do like is the high-wasted pants. The textured sweater at the top is quite bizarre I find coming from YSL, I guess they wanted to try something different.

One of the pieces looks like overalls hehe :smile: good idea, but could have much better imo.
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The usual, it's nice. The closing look of the robe-like coat with the scarf belt is really nice.
Surprising, for YSL!!! Much better than I would have guessed! :smile:
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Huge fan of the opera length gloves for men !!! Want those ! I like this palette and I think it would all look great on me . Pilati is great !!
thank you Festat for HQ pic
Continue to support the YSL,

This collection can get away with what I can't in real life. Like the oversized shirts under jackets - never! But instead the outfits are monochromatic so you don't even notice the faux pas. That's kinda flawed in retrospect but it's smart and ti's nice and tempting to look at.
I expected much more from today's show too, but not really dissapointed, there are some pieces with subtle small details & fabrics to invest in , & could stay forever in my wardobe , love the shoes ,ostrich jacket, jumpsuits & robe-coats with the "scarf" belt !

but I was expecting a less formal & a colorfull collection or at least with a dash of color after 2 black seasons by Pilati.
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I'm in love with the waist-cinched jackets! I'm not going to wait until next fall to start recreating these looks...... can you say TOMMOROW!:lol:

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