Since I live in Sweden, we have a blognetwork called It's a very easy community and you can easily learn by yourself how it works. I started by first fashionblog there, but I wasn't satisfied with just writing in Swedish and have Swedish readers, I wanted to go international, so I started a new blog, called Lefashionisto at
There is still much to learn about how works, but if you put your mind in it, you understand how it works, and can easily manage to do everything by yourself. There are a lot of instructions and information at that helps actually.
I find as a very easy and good blognetwork, for those who wants to write in english and become international fashionbloggers. The HTML and CSS stuffs isn't the greatest problem, you can design your blog without the crapy and hard-to-get HTML.
My suggestions for you guys is to make your blog original from the others. Come up with an original idea and start making posts. There are a tons of fashionbloggers out there, but they don't have any readers, so have an original idea from the start, and then blog.
See it as a fun thing, and it will be fun reading your blog! Don't go in with a goal to be the new bryanboy or Susie, be yourself, and maybe one beautiful day, you will be the new bryanboy!
See and read my blog at