Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

i really like your blog.

also how do you get other bloggers to add you to there blog roll :blush:

Thank youuuuu! I really love yours too!

Well I think bloglovin' is supposed to be a really good engine to get blog followers coming through. Or if you mean how to get people to follow you then just click follow ;-D
Its kind of redundant but i would suggest when
you leave a comment on a fashion related website to
also but your blog link in it...if your comment is good then people
will be more likely to click your link.
Thats how I go offered my internship as well as emails from others
they dont happen very often but its nice getting an email every once in a while
from someone who loves your blog
I have a blog aswell, it is not really a fashionblog, it is a blog where I just post the stuff that I make. I would still like some feedback. I know the layout is boring, but that is on purpose. And the stories on the bottom are dutch, so don't worry if you don't understand.
I have a blog aswell, it is not really a fashionblog, it is a blog where I just post the stuff that I make. I would still like some feedback. I know the layout is boring, but that is on purpose. And the stories on the bottom are dutch, so don't worry if you don't understand.

You have a lot of white space on your page, so it's a shame you don't post your pictures in a much bigger size and put your menu on the far right. It would make the reading of your blog much more pleasant because as of now, I find it annoying that I have to click on the pictures to see them properly.

Apart from that, I like the fact that your blog is personal, that the content is original (and not something I've seen 100 times already on other websites) thus bringing something new to the blogosphere.
I've just changed the look, theme and a few other things on mine. Would anyone mind taking a look and telling me what you think of the style now?

Thanks in advance :flower:

I like your layout and the easiness to read, 5/5 :flower: I will be bookmarking this bad boy so don't let me down.
Okay I feel like a big dork right now, but I was trying to get my menu further to the right but I don't really know how to do it. Does somebody know how this works on blogspot?
Blogger/Blogspot or Wordpress?

I'm starting a blog and am hesitating between both websites to host it. What is your recommendation?
I've read blogs using Wordpress are more professional-looking but you can't insert ads and some services are not free.
Blogspot seems more complicated to use.

Also I have zero knowledge of HTML and CSS. I'm motivated to learn, but I guess it will take some time. Does it take long?

Thanks for your advice!
So the advice that I read on here really helped. I've been doing DIY on my blog (which is basically what I'm about) - the readers like it and I enjoy it. Thanks again guys.
you could also do a fan page on facebook
my blog has one and people are fan who i dont even know
people tend to like things just because others did...and as long
as you have updates on that page then people can view it
I have a fashion & lifestyle blog on wordpress, however it is in Russian so I realize that it cuts down my number of readers by a loooooot. :shock: It's sad that a lot of my non-Russian speaking friends can't access the concept fully, but I feel comfortable writing in my home language. :mellow: I guess that way I write better, as well. In Russia the most popular blogging platform is Live Journal - but I declined it due to it's OVERFLOW OF ADVERTISEMENT!!! The ads are horrible, they are everywhere and not only you are not paid to have them on your blog - you have to pay to NOT have them on your blog if you must! :angry:

I used to have a lovely little blog on Blogspot, but I left it for a more professional Wordpress one, where I can construct the design and track the amount of my readers. Still, sad that english-speakers can't get the whole idea of my posts... :cry:
If I post an article written by myself on my blog, is it going to be published on magazines (online and print) if I submit it to the magazines ?
If I post an article written by myself on my blog, is it going to be published on magazines (online and print) if I submit it to the magazines ?

Most magazines will not publish (or accept submissions for) any previously published articles, and that usually includes material posted online. Typically, they want original content, written or tailored for them. And that's if they accept unsolicited submissions, to begin with.

There are exceptions, I suppose. Previously, when I've been interviewed for magazines, they've included either snippets of content from my blog or an entire entry from it.

So, not to say anything you blog can never end up in a magazine or published elsewhere, it can, though it'd likely be through request versus submission. Hope that helps! :flower:
I just moved to tumblr, So far everything is really easy to use and I like it way more than blogger. For those of you who use tumblr, what are some features, add-ons, etc. that I should know about? Also, any feedback about my layout or things I should work on would be nice. Thanks!
Still, sad that english-speakers can't get the whole idea of my posts...

I think I can help you with that problem. I am not sure whether word press has this feature but you can embed a translator. I have seen other blogs that have this; they write in their home language but under what they have written is the translation in English! You could try to do that! Good luck!
I'm starting a blog and am hesitating between both websites to host it. What is your recommendation?
I've read blogs using Wordpress are more professional-looking but you can't insert ads and some services are not free.
Blogspot seems more complicated to use.

Also I have zero knowledge of HTML and CSS. I'm motivated to learn, but I guess it will take some time. Does it take long?

Thanks for your advice!

I was on wordpress and it was really hard for me to post images.I always had problems with that. On blogspot it's so much easier( you can put it left, right, in the middle). I would say blogspot is better also cause you can put "google account" on your blog so people can follow you (and most people follow each other with that) . On wordpress you can't put "google account" so only people who are on wordpress can follow you.
Also you can find blogspot on your language so it's easier cause you understand everything.

Hope that helps:flower:
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Thanks for answering EnVogueLove!

I actually went ahead and started building something up with Wordpress because I was more at ease with it intuitively. It does look a little complicated at the beginning, but I'm taking it step by step and hope something good will come out of it ;)
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Since I live in Sweden, we have a blognetwork called It's a very easy community and you can easily learn by yourself how it works. I started by first fashionblog there, but I wasn't satisfied with just writing in Swedish and have Swedish readers, I wanted to go international, so I started a new blog, called Lefashionisto at

There is still much to learn about how works, but if you put your mind in it, you understand how it works, and can easily manage to do everything by yourself. There are a lot of instructions and information at that helps actually.

I find as a very easy and good blognetwork, for those who wants to write in english and become international fashionbloggers. The HTML and CSS stuffs isn't the greatest problem, you can design your blog without the crapy and hard-to-get HTML.

My suggestions for you guys is to make your blog original from the others. Come up with an original idea and start making posts. There are a tons of fashionbloggers out there, but they don't have any readers, so have an original idea from the start, and then blog.

See it as a fun thing, and it will be fun reading your blog! Don't go in with a goal to be the new bryanboy or Susie, be yourself, and maybe one beautiful day, you will be the new bryanboy!

See and read my blog at


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