Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
i really like your blog.
also how do you get other bloggers to add you to there blog roll![]()
I've seen your blog and I fell for your reviews!Following!
I have a blog aswell, it is not really a fashionblog, it is a blog where I just post the stuff that I make. I would still like some feedback. I know the layout is boring, but that is on purpose. And the stories on the bottom are dutch, so don't worry if you don't understand.
I've just changed the look, theme and a few other things on mine. Would anyone mind taking a look and telling me what you think of the style now?
Thanks in advance![]()
If I post an article written by myself on my blog, is it going to be published on magazines (online and print) if I submit it to the magazines ?
Still, sad that english-speakers can't get the whole idea of my posts...
I'm starting a blog and am hesitating between both websites to host it. What is your recommendation?
I've read blogs using Wordpress are more professional-looking but you can't insert ads and some services are not free.
Blogspot seems more complicated to use.
Also I have zero knowledge of HTML and CSS. I'm motivated to learn, but I guess it will take some time. Does it take long?
Thanks for your advice!