Alexander Skarsgard and Kate Bosworth Split

I'm surprised they lasted so long. Part of me makes me think that it was a real relationship, I mean she fits his description of his ideal women perfectly. *Moderator edit for weight talk*

Actually, I was surprised when I first heard he was dating Kate because I didn't think she was his type. I've been a fan of Alex pre-True Blood/Generation Kill and his serious girlfriends (relationships lasting 2+ years) in Sweden were all brunettes, not blondes. Also I remember an interview where he mentioned his ideal girlfriend would be someone who doesn't care about dressy clothes and is non-fussy. Basically someone he could take back to his cottage in Sweden that doesn't have showers, TV or phones. And Kate never seemed to fit that description. But then again, he may not have been entirely truthful...
I'm not sure I believe this, actually.

This couple never made sense (he looks absolutely miserable with her and he hates the paps while she's a pap-calling famewhore) but I would be surprised if they don't stay together until after their terrible-looking movie is out.

HAHAH yes!!!
she looooves paparazi attention
and he clearly hates it.
he allways looks miserable in them.
anyway, two freaking years together????
it feels like they dated only month or so.
time goes by so fast...
I just saw your post.
This is the stunner Lainey is talking about?


I'm not disputing that she must be extraordinary in real-life, but she has to be on of those terribly un-photogenic beauties because I don't see it. She does have great legs, though...,

that gif
but seriously, that is the girl he left with???
she is...well, i don´t say anything,
i don´t wanna hurt anyones feelings.
but emilia is pretty!
The brunette is a Swedish actress called Alicia Vikander. She's most likely a friend and nothing more as she just did a movie with his younger brother Bill.

I don't know what to think of Alex. He's hot obviously and seems very nice too but sometimes I get the feeling that he's full of **** - especially when he talks about women :unsure: I'm also glad they're broken up though :innocent:
He's been photographed with Alicia and Kate before in the past... I'm guessing they're part of the Swede pack when in LA. I'm kind of glad they broke up, but I do adore Kate (wut) and he never really seemed to treat her that well in the public eye.
I just saw your post.
This is the stunner Lainey is talking about?


I'm not disputing that she must be extraordinary in real-life, but she has to be on of those terribly un-photogenic beauties because I don't see it. She does have great legs, though...,

Harumi that gif is pure brilliance!!!!!!!!!!! (I miss Arrested Development so much).

I agree with the sentiment "her? really?".
i dont know,,that girl is very ordinary. girl next door. not the stunner lainey and co. gushed.
Poor girl, she is snapped with him like once or twice and half the blogs & comments I read are just horrible about her. Not saying that has happened on here btw, we all know where those kind of things are posted.^_^ There are just some actors fans who scare the s**t out of me, I'm yet to understand this sort of, I suppose, level of ownership they feel like they have over someone and their private life, despite not actually knowing them at all. The press only serve to exacerbate things with all this 'mystery woman' crap they go into all the time not just with Alexander but other actors too. Ok, sorry about all that, rant over! If he's found someone else then good for him, but heaven help her, he has some serious fans! I'm mentally scarred for a life by a run in I had with three teenage girls because I was seen with a certain actor I know outside a place in London. I honestly thought they were going to rip me limb from limb because they assumed I was 'with' him. Anyway, I digress, it's a whole different story! :lol:
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i'm too lazy to copy the pics and videos here, but lainey posted some in her column today

she's pretty, but i don't understand the big deal. i first thought she just didn't photograph well but even in the videos i don't find her particularly beautiful. more like the girl next door pretty.

what i do find weird is that people believe 100% that he went home with a girl that night. wasn't that story from something like life&style? why do people believe them now but never any other stories? and that story was printed after lainey wrote about him flirting with Emilia and a (then) mystery brunette and she doesn't know whether he left with her, but even she believes that he went home with someone.
i'm not saying he didn't take a girl home, just wondering.
but the girl seems nice, def an upgrade from Bosworth
The brunette is a Swedish actress called Alicia Vikander.
Ah, thanks.
I got the 'friend vibe' too based on the pictures where they hugged (I should be a paid body language expert for Star Magazine). She cleans up nicely.
I do adore Kate (wut) and he never really seemed to treat her that well in the public eye.
I agree, actually.
I do like Alex but even then I'd be the first to say that the way he treats Kate in public is very douchey. There's tone of picures of him being friendly and affectionate with co-stars, friends, or even random fangirls, but he can't even make eye-contact with his gf or crack a smile when she's around? C'mon dude!
But as I said, this couple is/was beyond odd.
^This is the gorgeous, extraordinary, hot, stunning brunette Lainey was talking about? :shock: Lainey officially has awful taste. She's nice looking, cute but not worth the drooling Lainey was doing. I think she's just extra happy Bosworth is out of the picture.
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Lainey runs an incredibly biased, snarky and occasionally on the spot gossipblog. She's not one to be bothered with research once she has ideas.
Anyhow - Alicia has a boyfriend back home so I guess Lainey's post is more about taking a dig at Kate than anything else :blink:
^Lainey has her pet peeves, and Kate is one of them. Basically, she loathes her fame-whorish ways, her 'rumored' propensity to go after taken men, her irrelevancy and also two 'rumored' habits we can't discuss here.
This is the gorgeous, extraordinary, hot, stunning brunette Lainey was talking about? :shock: Lainey officially has awful taste.
To be fair, there are tons of stunning people who just don't photograph or film well. Alicia could easily be one of them, based on the reaction from the crowd at the party. Pictures don't always tell the whole story.
Lainey also keeps going on about that actress from Maria Full of Grace being an unearthly goddess who brings men at their knees and, to this day, I still don't see what she's talking about.
I get those are the type of women you have to meet to get it.:lol:
Kate is the person the word insipid was created for, surprised it lasted this long.

I do think Skarsgard is the best thing since sliced bread, just saying.:lol:
I think Alicia's pretty. The ultimate beauty of the universe no, but really who is? Step up from Kate imo.

I wonder if they'll try to do reunion rumors when Straw Dogs promotion starts. Anything to get more hype around a film.

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