Amber Heard Files for Divorce from Johnny Depp

^ funny how TMZ shows a photo of her with friends the day after with her hair covering half her face... if you're gonna report then stick with your side of the story :rolleye:
The way he got his friends and family to attack Amber publicly is disgusting. Frankly i'm still not sure what to make of the situation, but let it play out in the courts and let justice handle it, doing this is so low and crass. We know how society treats women who come forward with abuse allegations, and especially Johnny being such a loved personality to the public. I doubt these friends (and Vanessa!) know what really goes on inside his home everyday. Can you imagine if Amber is indeed telling the truth? How ridiculous would they look?
His PR team have clearly been working overtime (and TMZ seems to be earning their coins as well....) Always frustrating to witness how biased the media can be (especially in cases like this) - even if everyone *should* already know how that industry works by now and hopefully not fall for it. Anyway, seeing her smile in those (albeit invasive) pap pics yesterday made me happy for her, not sure I'm using the right words here but she actually seemed relieved/relaxed.
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Winona Ryder has a Netflix show out in mid-July so I'm sure she will be asked about this while promoting... She has already stated in the past that Johnny was violent.
It is clear to me that Johnny was/has been violent and Amber is just a woman trying to tell the truth to the world. But you can't do that in this industry, everything is so corrupted! People are so corrupted, they all serve the same master.
And is Vanessa supposed to be a reliable witness here? They did God knows what for 14 yrs in that hous in France and that has been reported so many times over the years, so now we are supposed to take her words and believe that Johnny is the good pirate? I don't think so.
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^^ exactly..

Vanessa was not part of the relationship, so she has no say, let alone any business sending a freaking letter.. the excuse that she's the mother of the kids doesn't work for me, he's also the father of the kids, it's his responsibility to protect them and clean the mess if he made the decision to go into a stupid relationship and they're all going into the pool of mud with him...

eta* re pixie: didn't he also have his friend at US Weekly publish a s*itty story on Vanessa?...

I agree. Vanessa really went down in my consideration with this stunt, and i used to love her. There is nothing that i find more disgusting than people vouching for someone's behaviour and dismissing accusations purely based on the relationship or opinion they have with the accused.
Agree. But even worse is these idiots like Paul Bettany chiming in. As if just because your friends with someone you know what goes on behind closed doors in their most intimate relationships.

Ugh ...

It seems entirely possible to me that he wasn't violent with some of his former partners, and was with Amber. She may very well be skilled at pushing his buttons ... that's no excuse. That's what separation and divorce are for--and unlike many couples who want to separate who may not be able to afford separate housing, they certainly can.

I also agree that the rock tour is not exactly seemly. His mother has just died and these accusations--had they been made against me and they were false, I'm quite certain that wouldn't put me in a rock'n'roll mood.
What on earth is an ear witness? Johnny's PR attempts are making me believe Amber more.

This wonderful statement was released by her lawyers to JustJared.

"As the result of Amber’s decision to decline giving an initial statement to the LAPD, her silence has been used against her by Johnny’s team. Amber did not provide a statement to the LAPD in an attempt to protect her privacy and Johnny’s career. Johnny’s team has forced Amber to give a statement to the LAPD to set the record straight as to the true facts, as she cannot continue to leave herself open to the vicious false and malicious allegations that have infected the media. Amber has suffered through years of physical and psychological abuse at the hands of Johnny,” the statement, provided to Just Jared, began.

“In domestic violence cases, it is not unusual for the perpetrator’s playbook to include miscasting the victim as the villain,” the statement continued. “In reality, Amber acted no differently than many victims of domestic violence, who think first of the harm that might come to the abuser, rather than the abuse they have already suffered. Amber can no longer endure the relentless attacks and outright lies launched against her character in the Court of Public Opinion since the tragic events of May 21st. With her statement Amber hopes to give the LAPD the opportunity to conduct an accurate and complete investigation into the events of that evening and before. If that occurs, and the truth is revealed, there is no doubt that Amber’s claims will be substantiated beyond any doubt, and hopefully Johnny will get the help that he so desperately needs.”

From the beginning it has been Amber’s desire to keep this matter as private as possible, even though LAPD officers responded to a 911 call made by a third-party. The LAPD officers viewed not only the disarray that Johnny had caused in the apartment but also the physical injuries to Amber’s face. We filed the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage at the very end of the day on Monday May 23rd and we did not serve Johnny with the Petition at the premiere of Alice Through the Looking Glass that evening. We sent a letter to Johnny’s counsel team the next morning making it clear we wanted to keep this matter out of the media. We then held off requesting a domestic violence restraining order as we knew that Johnny was out of the country.

We took the high road. Unfortunately, Johnny’s team immediately went to the press and began viciously attacking Amber’s character. Amber is simply a victim of domestic violence, and none of her actions are motivated by money. Amber is a brave and financially independent woman who is showing the courage of her convictions by doing the right thing against Johnny’s relentless army of lawyers and surrogates.

The Family Law Court is not going to be influenced by misinformation placed in the social media based on anonymous sources. Amber is the victim. Amber is a hero.”
^ but didn't she claim abuse after she was denied alimony? I'm confused about the timeline...
After she filed for divorce he leaked, through People and TMZ, that everyone warned him that she was no good for him, that his family hated her, that she prevented him from seeing his dying mother and framed month old pictures of Amber going to Tiffany's as something that she did the day after filing for divorce and asking for spousal support. I'm assuming these are the relentless attacks she's talking about.

Isn't she entitled to half of his property anyway according to Californian law? She may have been rejected spousal support but she will receive something regardless of he is convicted of domestic violence or not. There isn't a link between the amount that she will receive financially and his criminal record.
Strangely enough one of these articles provided a refresher on CA divorce law ;) She is entitled to half of the net of what he made during their marriage, and he had some big paydays. The catch is, it's net--what's spent is gone and not available for these purposes (article didn't say, but I assume it is available if there are assets like real estate that were purchased--but whatever got spent on magnums of champagne is gone).

He has a lot more assets that weren't acquired during the marriage that are up for discretionary use should he wish to end this quickly. I guess what could be gathered from all these letters and publicity is that that isn't happening.

I will say this ... he has friends claiming he predicted he would be 'blackmailed' with false accusations. (Blackmail typically involves the truth.) I'm not saying that's impossible, but if so, where's the hard evidence of it? All I see is 'ear witnesses' on his payroll, former lovers, and friends talking a lot of talk. Probably at least some of them are sincere, but if you're being blackmailed, couldn't you simply get a recording to prove it, rather than rolling out an endless, and obviously planned, scroll of statements from your buddies and employees? It all seems a bit elaborate to me. He seems to want to present overwhelming 'evidence,' and it seems pretty try-hard for a guy who says he's telling the truth.
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how long were these 2 together? i know they were only married for about a year, but that lawyer of amber's said she suffered years of abuse.
Amber and Johnny met on the set of the Rum Diary in 2009 and were official in 2012. Naturally, rumours about them happened while they were both still with their significant others.

I have to say this, the "man's honor" is always persuasive to the public eye compared to the "female's validity".

Most people have a hard time believing victims over the abuser and I feel like it's pretty much obvious.

Even if Johnny's movies aren't the hits they used to be, he's got one of the most powerful PR teams and brought Laura Wasser on as his lawyer. He's got everything money and power in the Hollywood game compared to Amber.

I will side with Amber because I feel like this gaslighting smear campaign is escalating too much.
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Personally, I would never have signed off on that statement from Amber's people. But I always listen to the victim first.

In this case, Depp is definitely coming off to me as taking a victory lap--"I'm more famous, have more friends, a more stellar career, needless to say more money--and whatever happened, I'm leaving you, just another starlet, in the dust."

From her camp, a ton of drama, no makeup, all black, plenty of stage direction ... to me it seems clear that neither is an angel and both are certainly actors, but so far I'm unconvinced that the abuse didn't happen.

To me what I'm hearing from him is consistent with a guy whose past is a mixed bag, who's convinced that he's big enough, and society is sexist enough, that this simply won't touch him--after all, Roman Polanski and Woody Allen have both pulled what is apparently 'worse,' and gotten away with it all in the end.

I'm not so sure ... I'd like to think we're all getting a little smarter every day--too smart to fall for Hollywood BS. And I also think that all three of them have yet to answer for what they've done.
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Ok I'm gonna have the unpopular opinion, and I know true abuse victims often are dismissed but in this case...I really do think for the most part that he's innocent. She stands to possibly make lots of money from this divorce and get more notoriety and job offers from the press. It might make people sympathize with her and like her more, making her more famous. The police say they didn't find any evidence. Everything I've heard about Johnny (once he became a father) from media to comments to whatever has always been good. The guy dresses up often to visit children at hospitals. And i really don't think his friends and family were coerced into defending him, I think they genuinely spoke out to defend him because they care. It seemed like the guy had a mid-life crisis and she was immature and they thought it was love at first sight, then the honeymoon period ended and they realized it was a mistake. It seems like she's the one taking him for a ride to be honest....and it seems like no family member of his likes her, and his ex whom he cheated on essentially even came to his defense. Right now it's just shaky circumstantial evidence
Since 2003, the last bad thing I've heard about this guy is that he smells funny
Also the TMZ picture looks odd. If that mark is supposed to be the cause of being hit by a flying iPhone, shouldn't it be swollen and not so completely red? I mean if he hit her face that hard and left a noticeable mark that big shouldn't there be some swelling? Especially around the eyes and the eyelid. It looks like minor skin irritation more than an impact mark. But I'm no forensic science expert, it just doesn't look like any hit mark I've ever seen

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