Decision: Otis or F.I.T.
I have been looking into various fashion design schools for quite some time now and thought I would go to FIDM because it is close to my current home. But after reading some reviews and general talk of the school, I am rather unimpressed and have now been looking elsewhere.
Now here is my dilema.
Otis seems like a good school, very good reputation, it's close to home, and i have read good things about thier fashion design program.
FIT also seems like a good school with all of the above, except for the fact it is clear accross the United States. I would love to live in NY more than anything, but I am wondering if the extra $10,000 or so a year is worth the cost between schools? If I had my way and money was no option, I would choose either FIT or Parsons but I have to look at this with cost in mind.
So with that said, what does everyone think; Is somewhere like FIT or Parsons worth the extra cash over a school such as Otis? Is job placement better in a city such as New York? Are there more opportunities to be had out there for Fashion design students/graduates?
Anyone who has gone to any of the aforementioned schools and has some feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I am 22 yrs old and have worked in the surfwear industry before and work as a graphic designer now. Don't know if this info helps in determining where I should go, but it may.