American / United States Fashion Schools

Yeah I'm doin that. It's super hard too.

Hey anybody who goies to school in new york at parsons or FIT what is the student life like; I read each websites description but those things ar eset up to atract students. What are the extracurriculars like (excuse my spelling) and better yet what are the kids like? What's Dorm life like?
rangerrick14 said:
Yeah I'm doin that. It's super hard too.

Hey anybody who goies to school in new york at parsons or FIT what is the student life like; I read each websites description but those things ar eset up to atract students. What are the extracurriculars like (excuse my spelling) and better yet what are the kids like? What's Dorm life like?

I don't know personally first hand, but I just got back from nyc where i visited and took a tour of both parsons and fit. FIT's dorms were a lot nicer than the dorms at my university. Also, i liked the campus a little better than parsons because its all in one spot and students were outside walking and talking and stuff. I've heard that a lot of the girls at FIT are stuck up or whatever but they didn't seem that way to me. Hope this helps a little?!
I was looking up schools in Penn. and Dickinson came up, I know the school is great and so is the campus but I was wondering if it is actually a good school for fashion. They have a pretty extensive art department and the site says many of the graduates go on to work in the fashion industry. Does anyone know if it is really good or not for fashion?
Thanks lilsweetie i can't do a campus tour because I live in Arkansas so this is the only way to get a feel for the campuses. It's a choice between those two if I get accepted to both; which would be really cool so I have to decide if Parsons is woth the money, I mean I love art so I would be surounded by great artists and could branch out and work on other stuff for fun if I wanted to. But at FIT I could go straight into fashion and study plus it's way cheaper and might be a better deal.
Im actually starting at Miami International University in a couple of weeks. Im going to be majoring in Fashion Merichandising. Does anybody know anything about that school? I heard its great and that the area is amazing but I havent been there yet.
rangerrick14 said:
Thanks lilsweetie i can't do a campus tour because I live in Arkansas so this is the only way to get a feel for the campuses. It's a choice between those two if I get accepted to both; which would be really cool so I have to decide if Parsons is woth the money, I mean I love art so I would be surounded by great artists and could branch out and work on other stuff for fun if I wanted to. But at FIT I could go straight into fashion and study plus it's way cheaper and might be a better deal.
I just got back from visiting both FIT and Parson's campuses and I was surprised how much better I liked FIT. It seemed like a much better deal (though possibly less financial aid offered?) and of course you don't have to pay for and go through a year of foundation. At the orientation FIT emphasized that you would be getting a good business foundation and technical skills along with studying the art of fashion. Parsons seemed purely focused on art, which is fantastic but if you don't have the business skills to back it up then all the art training in the world won't help you succeed. Also the FIT campus seemed much nicer, though that's probably due to the fact that Parsons School of Design is being renovated. But in the end they both had an amazing creative atmosphere as you would expect and tons of students from all over the world which was fantastic (there were people at the info session from Austrailia, Korea, Japan, Tennessee, Brazil and Lebanon.)
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Vermont Fashion Design School

Has anyone heard of a school in Vermont that offers Fashion Design as a major? I am looking around for one but have not yet found any such school. Just looking for some options. Thanksssss!
Affordable but good fashion school in the US

Am lookin for links to some good fashion schools whose fees are also affordable anywhere in the US but prefarably near Maryland, anyoen with any ideas/
rangerrick14 said:
Hey anybody who goies to school in new york at parsons or FIT what is the student life like; I read each websites description but those things ar eset up to atract students. What are the extracurriculars like (excuse my spelling) and better yet what are the kids like? What's Dorm life like?

There are a huge variety of students at FIT. Currently at the dorms it's about 90% girls. The majority of students at FIT are commuters that come in from the rest of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island, Westchester, etc. In the dorms it's VERY easy to meet people and most of them are from all over the country and a good number of International students too. (Mostly from Korea or Japan.) They just opened up a new and very large dorm several blocks away from the main 'campus' (FIT is really just 8 buildings put together.) to which they let commuters and upperclassmen dorm. They kick students out of the original 3 dorms after their first year unless you're an RA or roommate of one.

Living in NY is pretty much the main extracurricular activity for FIT students. There are lots of clubs but it really depends on how dedicated the members/staff are.

If you want to know anything else specific about FIT; I can help you answer them. I've been going there for 3 years now, lived on campus and have worked in a few of the offices. If you have something really, really specific you can msg me.
I'm planning on going to Parson's Summer Intensive Program (April-May) for Fashion Design...Anyone in?

I'm currently in 2nd year Uni for BSc. Wasting precious time and money. If after this coming summer I fall in love with Fashion design. I'd like to go into Ryerson for a BA in Fashion Design then maybe transfer to FIT or Parsons. But if I was to even attend FIT or Parsons (which costs me like a few cars and maybe a house) what would be the requirements? Because I don't need to take TOFELO or SAT right? and how much does my current GPA effect acceptance?
so_jealous said:
I'm planning on going to Parson's Summer Intensive Program (April-May) for Fashion Design...Anyone in?

I'm currently in 2nd year Uni for BSc. Wasting precious time and money. If after this coming summer I fall in love with Fashion design. I'd like to go into Ryerson for a BA in Fashion Design then maybe transfer to FIT or Parsons. But if I was to even attend FIT or Parsons (which costs me like a few cars and maybe a house) what would be the requirements? Because I don't need to take TOFELO or SAT right? and how much does my current GPA effect acceptance?

GPA doesn't effect acceptance at FIT all that much if you didn't flunk. There are no SAT or other test requirements for FIT but a certain SAT score will get you exempt from a required math and english proficiency test. (Those tests don't affect acceptance.)

For Fashion Design it's mostly about the portfolio and possibly the essay. (I honestly haven't heard/don't remember if the the FD essay was very important or not. And also, you said "If after this coming summer I fall in love with Fashion Design"... Just to let you know Fashion Design is one of the most competitive and work-intensive majors at FIT. I know a lot of Fashion Design majors that have dropped out or switched because they couldn't take the pressure anymore. So you need to really be ready and willing.
Delita: What are the academic pre-requisites for the Fashion Design course at FIT ... ? Are you aware if they will accept GCSE O-Level certificates? And is there a minimum age for enrolment into FIT?
Hey Delita what should my portfolio look like; should I have stuff other than designed clothing and would it hurt me not to have garments I've made in the portfolio (I don't know how to sew)? And what is the Home test like?
Thanks (:
Delita said:
GPA doesn't effect acceptance at FIT all that much if you didn't flunk. There are no SAT or other test requirements for FIT but a certain SAT score will get you exempt from a required math and english proficiency test. (Those tests don't affect acceptance.)

For Fashion Design it's mostly about the portfolio and possibly the essay. (I honestly haven't heard/don't remember if the the FD essay was very important or not. And also, you said "If after this coming summer I fall in love with Fashion Design"... Just to let you know Fashion Design is one of the most competitive and work-intensive majors at FIT. I know a lot of Fashion Design majors that have dropped out or switched because they couldn't take the pressure anymore. So you need to really be ready and willing.
Hey, thanks so much for responding. It's funny to me that even after I've done English and Math first year courses they still need me to have a proficiency test. mehhh..

I've actually thought to doing either one of the three: fashion design, fashion marketing or jewelry design. It just depends on my strengths.

Being a Canadian,
a)how hard would it be to get a job through the FIT career center?
b)is it hard to even get a decent entry level job after fashion school and work from there?
to any Canadians...questions a and b through Ryerson?

Also, on the old Parsons summer program 06 application it said something about an internship you can do before and/or during my summer intensive studies?
Edan: Prerequisites to the Fashion Design major? There are none; you can take the Summer Live courses (Most high school students do this) and take some courses but I don't believe they help you credit-wise. I have no idea what GCSE certificates are, you should call their admissions office for that one. I'm sure they'll have an instant answer for you. If you're talking about something along the lines of transfer credits; it's very hard to get those credits transfered if you didn't go to a SUNY or a NY community college. Sometimes they'll give it to you sometimes they won't. I've heard many varying stories but since FIT has very different requirements in terms of classes you have to take; 'normal college' classes sometimes fall through the cracks.

Rangerrick14: Home.... test...? I'm not very sure what you're talking about. Art and Design majors not within a certain distance from the school are not required to take the drawing test. (I didn't have to take it but it involves an interview of your portfolio by a current professor and you draw from live models.) On Fashion Design portfolios; I've met a few FD majors that couldn't sew but your portfolio should definitely include sketches and swatches. Lots of FD majors aren't used to the industry-grade sewing machines they have here so you won't be very behind... but you should start learning by yourself if you want to be better prepared.

So_jealous: Actually, I don't remember if they make you take the proficiency tests if you already have transfer credits.

Canada... It's really surprising to me but I do not recall ever meeting a Canadian student; ever. That's really weird... But anyway, I don't have any experience with the FIT job center yet. Most students don't think about that kind of stuff until senior year (2nd year Bachelors) where most of the classes are geared towards internship/job finding. The Job Center and the Job Fairs are all there but it's up to your own iniative. Some professors will push very hard for you and even pull strings to get you a job whereas some professors don't really care about you at all.

That's also one thing everyone should know about FIT. They don't hire professors unless they already have over 15 years of professional experience. (My Photo Media teacher seems to be the only exception because she's definitely fresh out of college and has NO idea what she's doing.) But there's a MAJOR fault to a hiring standard such as FIT's. There are A LOT of 70+ year old professors. Some are literally dying and don't teach you anything. One of my friend's professors goes into the class, tells them to draw and then falls asleep in the back. They can't be fired because they have tenure. A lot of them have been teaching for 40 years.

Now they aren't ALL like that but every student at FIT has had atleast 3 of them. There are some really amazing professors at FIT as well. Many of them also teach at Pratt and Parson's. Even a lot of the models work at Parsons as well. In the end school is what you make of it. If you enjoy it, you'll get a lot out of it. It's just that there's a few terrible professors thrown in the mix. Same goes for getting a job in the field... It takes a lot of effort. But actually I could give you guys a heads up on this. Menswear and Toy Design are supposedly the 'you're garunteed a job after you graduate.' I think there's another major that's like that too. Those two majors are pretty hardcore in terms of work. Basically you won't be able to leave your workspace for the whole semester. I have a few friends in menswear and ALL they talk about outside of school is menswear. Other than that they're at the school working until 3am.

By the way, you'll always see a handful of design students (Particularly Fashion design and Menswear) in the sewing/draping labs working until 3am; at school on holidays and also working for more than 9 hours straight. And this happens even before term garments. (When it's term garment season; people get crazy.)

Anyway hope that helps clear some things up at FIT.
^THANKS SO much for taking time to answer. I'm surprised there aren't more Canadians down in NYC. I decided it was best to go to NYC because I want to go somewhere that matters. There's Helen Lefeaux (SP?) and Ryerson but it doesn't sound as good as FIT or Parsons. I mean these schools are well known in the world.
I've heard alot about kids goin to FIT or Parsons and not learning much about construction. Will FIT or Parsons teach me pattern making, draping, and tailoring? Because I want to be able to do it all. Not just sketch and illustrate an idea but take it all the way from toile in muslin to sewing the fabric and putting it in stores. Also what type of buisness training do they give design students?
Hey guys I know this isn't related to admissions to fashion school but I was wondering how does a perosn like Tim Gunn or others who become Chairs of fashion departments get there and what do they do. Do they have that close of a relationship to the students or are they just administrators. Also what is a thesis collection at fashion school for. is it like a thesis for academic book college or is it just visual, what would I have to wright.

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