American / United States Fashion Schools

I don't mean to put a negative tone on your situation, but be prepared to do a lot of the career stuff and job hunting on your own.. the career center at FIT is not that great.
You wouldn't believe how many people have told me that! As a result I have been looking elsewhere for job oppertunities. I already found one lined up for this summer and Fall, thank god!
Anyone know of a school worth my time and money in the Dallas area? Even if it is a place to go to for a year or so and transfer, I just want it to be well known and liked in the community.
Has anyone been admitted to FIT yet for Fall 2007? or does anyone know when they start admitting students?
^^they said, for common reply, that it would be in the month of april.
I am a freshmen of Sping 2007 in usa and i finish my high school in hong kong.
I am studying in community college in NYC and plan to transfer to a fashion school.
I pass my SAT and ACT. I get 4.0 GPA.
Do I need to have my TOEFL result for apply FIT,Parson or Pratt?
Do I have any solution to replace the TOEFL?
coz everyone is telling me it is hard get a passing score in TOFEL.
I am looking at going to school for Fashion Merchandising and I am having a hard time choosing a school and determing what kind of reputation the schools have. I have searched this forum for the schools and nothing comes up but I appreciate any feedback!!

I am considering:

Stephens College - Columbia, MO
Kent State University- Kent, OH
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Buffalo State College, SUNY- Buffalo, NY

I have also thought about FIDM but I don't see that they offer a Bachelors degree and that is something that I really want. I would appreciate any feedback about the schools above! I want to know what the program, school, fellow students, alumni, etc are like.

Thansk in advance for any feedback!! :D

I just graduated from BGSU in the Apparel Merchandising and Product Development program.With this program you can either minor in Marketing, or take a semester at FIT in a partnership program the two schools have together. You can learn enough that you are prepared for an entry level job. My biggest complaint is all the other pointless classes you have to take to get enough credits to graduate. But I supposed that's w/ any state college. If anyone has any more questions, pm me and I'd be happy to answer.
Which transfer college or grad school in nyc.

Hey guys I have a dillema. Due to financial needs I can't go out of state for college which would have been for Art History, fashion marketing or design. So instead I'm going to a local school which is just is good too; the school isn't cheap but since it's in-state its much cheaper and I'm elligble for more scholarships. I'll be majoring in Art History with a concentration/ emphasis in apparel studies so I can have a fashion backgorund in art ( but the university of arkansas is so backwards that apparel studies along with interior design isn't in the art department or near it; they have it in the college of agriculture as a human enviroment department; insane fashion not seen as an art) But I digress....anyway I plan to tranfer out of state once I can raise enough money to go out of state. What schools are good in the NYC area for contacts into the fashion industry. I want to finish my art history degree but I plan on taking design courses at FIT during the night so that even of I work at a newspaper or magazine mayube even a PR agency I can do fashion designas well. But the main Uni will be my cover for my parents not to know( My parents aren't to keen on their son taking fashion as a career)
I go to FIT and have plenty of friends that study at Parsons .. a lot of them complain that they dont like that fact that they learn technical skills until there second year ...
FIT .. I'll be honest to say that there are lost souls in Fashion design that lack talent, but at the same time it can be very competitive and produces amazing work .. If you want to learn technique and bring your designs to life FIT is the way to go... PARSONS is very illustrious and I say is more fine art based ..
and yes!!^
"The prices vary GREATLY between the schools"

I will be attending FIT this fall. I was accepted into both Parsons and FIT and deciding between the two was extremely difficult for me! Reading this made me even more happy with my decision. I'm definately looking for better construction skills and I'm also getting a certificate in women's tailoring..which I don't think they offer at Parsons. I'm excited. Anyone else in here studying fashion design at FIT? I need new friends. Especially since this is my 2nd degree...I got my bachelors about 5 years ago (in journalism) and decided to go for my real passion...designing clothes. So being in school again is going to be weird, that's for sure! I'm 28, so I'm sure I'll be the "old one" in my classes... ;)
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate topic, but I need some honest advice re: FIT. I am trying to decide between two very different career paths at the moment. I have been accepted at FIT for Communication Design and other Canadian schools which have offered me scholarship money, specifically UBC, which is in Vancouver where I live. I'm just wondering how reputable FIT is for Communcation Design as I know it's mainly known for Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising Management. I've been so caught up in going to New York and the opportunities that will be available to me, but I don't know much about the actual school at all.

I love design and ultimately want to end up working at a magazine doing layout and graphic design, but is FIT the right school to pursue this? Or am I better off going to school here and doing my law degree and then trying for fashion afterwards. I realize that FIT is much cheaper than Parsons, but even so, for an international student the prices are pretty monumental and I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. The thing is, I've always thought not doing design after high school would mean giving up on the career. I don't know what to do - the fall semester at FIT starts on the fifteenth and I'm still debating on what I should do!

If anyone could offer any insight or advice it would be much appreciated. :flower:
I'm very tempted to start a new topic about this but I suppose I should post it here :D I was wondering if anyone knew of any short courses in the winter break for fine arts, art history, business, marketing, journalism, or anything fashion/art/business/journalism related (in general) in New York? I saw NYU have some programs but I'd prefer night or preferably weekend. Not necessarily looking for credit but some program consisting of a few sessions.

Had a look at Parsons but they only have the fall schedule posted up, does anyone know if they have any winter short programs?
I'm very tempted to start a new topic about this but I suppose I should post it here :D I was wondering if anyone knew of any short courses in the winter break for fine arts, art history, business, marketing, journalism, or anything fashion/art/business/journalism related (in general) in New York? I saw NYU have some programs but I'd prefer night or preferably weekend. Not necessarily looking for credit but some program consisting of a few sessions.

Had a look at Parsons but they only have the fall schedule posted up, does anyone know if they have any winter short programs?

I go to FIT and we def. have a short Winterem term with lots of classes...
Thanks kellylyne!! I'm having a look now. I was on there earlier but I got really lost! Hmm is there another link I have to click on from there as I can only see Fall classes, the latest they go is November :(
masters on west coast

can someone please help me which universities should i contact on the west coast for masters? and when should i apply?
Thanks kellylyne!! I'm having a look now. I was on there earlier but I got really lost! Hmm is there another link I have to click on from there as I can only see Fall classes, the latest they go is November :(

yeah i tried to look for you and didnt find anything either..other than the fact that registration for winter started oct 29. I would just call them, or go up there - Registration Center
Fashion Institute of Technology
Building B, Room 103
New York, NY 10001-5992
212 217.3850 phone
212 217.3851 fax

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9 am - 6:45 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1:45 pm
Sunday Closed

Summer, Summerim, and Winter and when classes are not in session
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 6:45 pm
Friday 9 am - 3:45 pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed
Thanks kellylyne, I'm not in the US unfortunately though :( I emailed them yesterday so hopefully I'll get a reply soon :D
Does anyone know what the portfolio requirements for fashion design at Parsons and FIT are? I don't have anyone to ask since I'm in Canada... and I can't seem to find anything on the websites. Could someone fill me in? ^_^ Where can I find the requirements for the other courses too?!
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anyone ever been to cazenovia college and studied fashion merchandising there? or heard anything about the school?
Do some schools have things against each other? I was talking to an F.I.T rep today who was reviewing my portfolio, and when I told him that I admired Mcqueen and Galliano in their creativity, he told me to stop because they were "crap".

Do some schools have things against each other? I was talking to an F.I.T rep today who was reviewing my portfolio, and when I told him that I admired Mcqueen and Galliano in their creativity, he told me to stop because they were "crap".


Hmm, that's surprising, but at the same time, it's not. FIT is really a technical school, they are not exactly a hot bed of creative talent. If you want to learn how to make clothing the right way, then FIT is good, but if you're hoping to expand your creativity, then I wouldn't recommend FIT.
I went to FIT for a while and I took one "design" class and it was really disappointing.

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