Anna Dello Russo (September 2010 - February 2011)

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Italian phenomenon Anna Dello Russo is like a glittery, studded, crystal-encrusted, mini-skirted one-woman fashion version of Brangelina. Wherever she goes, a trail of photographers follow. She’s also kind of like a prettier version of Karl Lagerfeld, with a reputation for giving the same did-she-really-just-say-that? soundbites that make you wish all fashion types were so candid. The editor-at-large of Vogue Japan reveals her fashion month strategy.

Plan (way) ahead
“Outfits are my job. I plan them one season ahead. By May, I have my September wish list. By the time the September shows arrive, I’ve come back from holiday and don’t want to cover up! I want to show off my tan and sun kissed hair. Fashion isn’t relaxed, but New York is the most urban. There you focus on a statement piece. There’s no mix and match. Milan is total freedom as I have access to my wardrobe and Paris is the place to be fashionable to the highest degree. It’s over the top and you can really push yourself. You are expected to put on an eccentric show. Walk around Place Vendome in Paris in haute couture and you’ll feel fantastic.” ‘Talk to the sharks’
“I wasn’t used to the attention at first. I’ve been around for 20 years. And for the first 10, nobody noticed me. And I promise you, I wore beautiful clothes then. Photographers, paparazzi, bloggers — they just ‘happened’. Why they didn’t follow me when I was younger, I don’t know! I used to be terrified of having my picture taken but now, I get mad if I don’t. I’m like, ‘Oh la la … they don’t like my outfit?!’ When you step out and there are all these people — Mamma Mia! — it’s like walking toward a sea of sharks. I relax, take it easy and play with them… you must talk to the sharks.”
Act like you do in church
“Fiddling with your phone is just rude. Being at a fashion show is a bit like being in church; you have to be there and listen. I love it most when I’m seated next to Carine [Roitfeld]. She’s so funny. Whenever I’m seated next to her, I’m like, ‘Allez!’”
Go for the highest first
“My all-time best front row moment was getting a seat at Balenciaga. Few people get invited and the impact of the show is so much stronger from the front row as you actually get to see the silhouettes.”
Exercise fashionable restraint
“I don’t carry a big bag to the shows, just a clutch. In it I carry my lipstick, my phone and a little notebook in case I need to remember something. I also carry water and almonds so that I can nibble without getting dirty. I don’t really have last minute beauty fixes because when I go out, I’m perfect and leave it at that. I don’t brush my hair or wear too much make up or perfume.”
Give the ultimate fashion face
“Working in fashion you learn to lie. You’re an actress and must remain impassable whether you love the collection or not. Out of respect and politeness we behave like wax works from Madame Tussauds, devoid of expression or emotion. Who cares what I like? It should be about the evolution of the designer, nothing more.”
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Dello Russo - Battaglia: September Mission

The girls' nuclear couture war is about to happen. Spy Swide spotted Anna Dello Russo and Giovanna Battaglia brunching together, exchanging details about their busy September.
What were Anna Dello Russo and Giovanna Battaglia chatting about Sunday at brunch right in the centre of Milan near Brera at bar bistrot Radetsky? Spy-Swide sneaked up one two of the world’s beloved fashion icons (and stylists) and got the juicy news.

Giovanna told Anna and three other friends sitting at their table about her holidays with boyfriend Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld somewhere in the Caribbeans: “it was wonderful and relaxing, I tried scuba diving and loved it”.

Anna Dello Russo told them about her trip around the small villages in Italy, tales of religious icons and folkloric details previously given on twitter.

While Giovanna was devouring her eggs and bacon drinking water and coffee, Anna was satisfied with an orange juice with ice. It was during lunch that the month of September came up in conversation. The two girls comforted each other on their respective engagements (often same ones). Dello Russo had just gotten back from Honk Kong where she followed an event with Lane Crawford, Battaglia was ready for an exhibition tied to Vogue Gioiello, and spy-Swide can already tell you that it will be during the 30th anniversary of Vogue Gioiello with a special installation mixing jewels and high fashion (couture?). The exhibition will take place on the 24th of September in Milan: “two days before my birthday” underlined Giovanna.
Anna had a shoot with Jurgen Teller the next day for undisclosed paper, Giovanna had to leave in a couple of days for Mosa, then off to Vicenza, Montecarlo, and Paris for the “Biennale will take place at the Grand Palais and there will be jewels worth 10 million euros you get to see only there and for the first time there will be Louis Vuitton as well”.

The pair gave each other loads of advice on what to wear at the numerous fashion weeks around the world: New York, London, Milan, Paris, and for Anna Tokyo included. Anna was explaining her plan of attack trying to hide it from her three guy friends who were absorbed reading their newspapers anyway. Giovanna listened to Dello Russo’s tips on how to organize September’s Mission with much curiosity (a month known to be the most tiring onenotoriamente il mese più faticoso dell’anno per chi deve girare per sfilate).

The table heated up when Giovanna reminded Anna to not miss the fancy dress party organized by Carine Roitfeld for Vogue Paris’ 90 years. Battaglia read an ironic sms sent to her by a friend about the couture war that will take place at the party “My friend just texted me: nuclear couture war is about to happen”. Anna Dello Russo got the message and reminded her who orchestrates the event (Carine, Giovanna’s mother in law to be) “Remember that Carine showed up at the first Vogue Party wearing a Dior Couture which explained everything”. Spy Swide can report seeing Giovanna Battaglia’s face look a bit lost, innocent, tanned and beautiful. Let the September Mission begin. (gf)

Spy Swide
I was hoping she would be in Milan for Vogue's Fashion Night Out.. but it seems like she's not..
I was hoping she would be in Milan for Vogue's Fashion Night Out.. but it seems like she's not..

Anna was in Milan for Fashion's Night Out! From her twitter: (

The black and white dress is so gorgeous. I love the black dress too. Thanks so much for the pictures.
Aaaargh! I just saw the video where she's in the Prada store. I can't believe I missed her out!!!!!!
Ohmigod! :shock:
She's the fashion judge of X-Factory Italy and I even didn't know that!! :woot: :shock:
So I don't speak Italian/know anything whatsoever about the language, but does Anna talk really slowly? Or was it just kind of unenthusiastic, maybe?
:lol: she was giving pretty short reviews about the singers and the judges but yeah she looked quite uninspired
Anyway she didn't say anything particular about her work or the upcoming fashion weeks,but I mean it's great to see her in TV rather than on blogs :lol:
Just saw her front row @Marc Jacobs
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