Ooh... The greatest Illusion that the modernist project ever created... avantgarde.. the idea of progress... the idea of moving forward... to an ideal of something "new" to break boundaries and dominant discourses... an idea based on subjectivity and subjects of statements...
... transgressing the boundaries, adopting the darring stance of rebellion, has little importance in itself, for weather one accepts or rejects "prohibition", one's identity/idea is still formed on its basis. So for me this term avantgarde is of little use(Isn't also a huge contradiction by defing it we fixate it..?), either way you see it, cliche or not...
Instead of directing desires towards either the permisible or forbiden "persons", we should encourage the connection of desires... one enters pacts with innumerable parts, the necessary condition is that such flows can never become subjects of statement(or language), even though they may be territorial and expressive. Desire no longer flows between subjects who to a greater or lesser degree express a normalized, majoritan ideal; desire is no longer simulated by the resonance of subjects of statements. In stead, desire is territorial and machinic... One desires something together with which one can function in order to produce things. There is no need to dismantle the assemblage which has produced a subject(the dominant, majoritan etc..), because as soon as the assemblage gains another component, it is significantly changed with which it will function... it is in the connection we discover other modes of expressions... And not in what avantgarde suggest in "moving forward".. in "progress".... or in the "new"...