Boho is out, Beatnik is back

impossibleprincess said:
But H&M has done stuff like that for ages. I bought a grey and black striped top there on sale 6 months ago. I also bought 2 pairs of black drainpipes there last year. I think H&M actually knows what they're doing a long time before everyone else - i.e. topshop.

yes I see what you mean; I wasn't taking a knock at h&m ;) h&m is always quite at the forefront of regurgitating trends for the general public, but I still don't see this beatnik thing lasting very long.
thats because its been there already anyway in London i've seen some mod looks in small doses since February.. its normal, a shop like h&m or even topshop know that not all clients are ready for one certain look, they needed something 'dynamic' to level the 'sweetness' of the gypsy/boho influence.

that said, there were kerouac 'on the road' corners at Printemps in march, it was done in a 60's country/ USA crossing mood but the gypsy blouses seemed a part of it , still it was 'sold' as.. yep> 'beatnik' :D
those round knee length full skirts are beatnik, if worn with a black high neck blouse..
i cant believe you dont have them
impossibleprincess said:
But H&M has done stuff like that for ages. I bought a grey and black striped top there on sale 6 months ago. I also bought 2 pairs of black drainpipes there last year. I think H&M actually knows what they're doing a long time before everyone else - i.e. topshop.

I am going to have to take a journey to a big H&M. The only one near me is kind of small and doesn't have a ton of things. I do like beatnik a LOT better than boho, because it did get old fast and it was everywhere. Plus it's more my style than boho.
I never knew Beatnik culture was so interesting. I did some research online and picked up a book by Jack Kerouac and its really good.
liberty33r1b said:
i think the beatnik look will not become as mainstream as the boho look was, one has not to forget that only skinny people will be really able to carry it off, otherwise it looks a bit frumpy.....

Lucky for me im skinny ^_^

I love the Beatnik look, its my favourite style to wear. I hate to think of it as a huge trend and Im really glad the whole boho thing is over :innocent:

I think I bought the same top you have impossible, it was only £7.49 on sale at H&M!!
I have my own style, definitely, that changes in small ways here and there, not in large ways every season, but the sixties & seventies are a large chunk of that style. I'd love to be able to partake in the beatnik revival. Sadly, I am not nearly thin enough to pull off this look, so I may have to make do with a sweater or two. Or maybe a pair of boots or earrings. Bummer!
My style is pretty much already beatnik, I hope I can still remain original looking.
I never fell for the whole boho thing.
impossibleprincess said:
I think H&M actually knows what they're doing a long time before everyone else - i.e. topshop.

For sure !
this whole beatnik look is growing on me .. Boho is a little messy, cant relaly carry it off every place.
Cyalume said:
It may be worse than boho.

Badly cut tiered skirts are just that : bad.
But with clean, unforgiving lines and graphic prints like these, badly cut mod clothes with cheap fabrics are going to be hell.

And with boho/gipsy/euroethnic, at least most people could accommodate a bit the look so that it coud suit their silhouette. It's going to be harder to do that with mod without loosing the sharpness. It will de dull and frumpy. At least the badly done boho look is noisy and frumpy :p

I agree as well.. I am more on the chunky side, and could not pull off beatnik styling with my size 12 bod. I prefer boho... but not so much on the messy side because I can wear it in a manner that will make me look slimmer. I still see it alot here in L.A. in the malls, etc... and I have a feeling it will stay a while because it's more laid back. Plus, in soCal we can wear boho styles all year round. Oh well.. we'll see how long beatnik lasts.

Alexander McQueen fall 2005 from

dolce&gabbana fall 2005 (
I love the gloves
I really like beatnik, but it hasn't been more than a couple of months since i started wearing it.. :blush: But i still do not want it to become mainstream because now i think beatnik is "my true style" :innocent:

I do have a question though:
What is the difference between mod and beatnik?
I got this from :)

Mod: 1 : of, relating to, or being the characteristic style of 1960s British youth culture
2 : [size=-1]HIP[/size], [size=-1]TRENDY[/size]

Beatnik: : a person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing and behaving unconventionally) and indulges in exotic philosophizing and self-expression

It sounds like "beatnik" is more of an attitude and lifestyle, whereas "mod" is just young people dressing in a hip/cool way. Beatniks greatly influenced the 60's counterculture movement, perhaps being the forerunners of mod kids????

One of my highschool teachers claimed he was a beatnik. He was super super slender and always wore black pants, colored dress shirt, black boots, and blazer. All of his clothes were really tight-fitting and he had shaggy hair and a goatee. He is also a musician, has very liberal political views, and watches a crapload of movies.:flower:
people are forgetting who the beatniks are. They'll just hunt for striped blouses and forget i.e the great beatnik generation books :(

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