Breaking Dawn *Spoilers*

they look up to her because they can relate to her. personally, i don't find the book sexist or bad for young teens to read. i've seen and read far worse than this (gossip girl??) and besides how many stories are their out there about a girl who is a damsel in ditress and has a happy ending?
No. In my opinion, young girls look up to Bella because of what she has (in the 4th book, the car, that oh-so-rare Black Credit card, etc) and of course the greatest thing she has in her possession is Edward.

Edward, without a shadow of a doubt is the modern Romeo, a character who refuses to mar his partner's sexual innocence not because of his own desires but for her own safety, a character selfless in almost every way, willing to do whatever possible to make the object of his affection happy.

Girls look up to Bella because they think if they somehow possessed the characteristic attributes she has, then perhaps this fairytale is in line for all of them.

It's sad but at that age, it's what we all fantasize about.

Here's the thing. Twilight has got to be the most sexist series I have ever read. The first book I found wildly entertaining but progressively, the relationship between Bella and Edward descended into something I can only describe as unhealthily co-dependent. (and the truly sad part is the Stephanie Meyer glamorizes this unhealthy relationship as a romantic fantasy all girls should long for. Um. N to the O)

The girl depends on two guys to save her, constantly. Not only is Edward not enough, oh no, Meyer adds in Jacob. Now, let's what TWO boys protect and watch over his ordinary girl.

Life isn't like that.

Look, I'm not saying that Meyer isn't a talented writer. She actually is because her application is in the wrong place. As a writer, I would only assume you want to send out a message to your audience and in my belief, it was the wrong message.

I hate to look at this so seriously when Twilight is a fluff series but just because something has become extremely popular in the mainstream audience does not mean it has to decline in quality just to cater to others and I apologize for bringing up Harry Potter again but these are the two most popular series in our generation and what JK Rowling created are truly characters we can learn from, what S. Meyer has created is a hodge podge of fanfiction-type writing to teach the next generation that life always ends perfectly and no sacrifice will ever be needed to get what you want.
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How can they relate to her? :unsure:

i think people relate to her because, and i mean based on twilight, bella is just an average girl. she isn't popular, she doesn't have the greatest clothes or a nice car, and she isn't gorgeous. but people still look her for who she is because she is different in her own way
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^^Exactly. I've read many books and I found books even more sexist than these, but this is a serious case. Young girls look up to these books. They look up to Bella, and soon they'll start to act like someone will come and save them. Bella is an anti-heroine. She is weak. And no I don't mean physically, I mean psychologically. When Edward leaves her she freaks out. She does dangerous things to hear his voice again. And let me say that is not romantic. That's obsessive. Sometimes I feel like Bella is not in love with Edward, that she's obsessed with him. Their love isn't that romantic. Edward is abusive, Bella is obsessed to that point that she's ready to give up everything (her family, her friends, her life) just to be with him. That's not a good lesson.

I don't think Meyer is a bad writer, she has a very generic style of writing. I've read many fanfictions and her books are like a overhyped fanfiction. I hoped her writing would improve as the books came along (like in Rowling's case), but alas it didn't.
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i think people relate to her because, and i mean based on twilight, bella is just an average girl. she isn't popular, she doesn't have the greatest clothes or a nice car, and she isn't gorgeous. but people still look her for who she is because she is different in her own way

Hmm... Let's see. She's not gorgeous, yet in the first book five people have a crush on her. She is a whiny, attention seeking girl yet everyone wants to hang out with her. That rings a bell in my mind...

Mary Sue - See Mary-Sue. A female fanfiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to "Sue". A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc). The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe.

There are a few types of Mary Sue's and Bella is the:
Victim!Sue - The Victim!Sue is your whiny, wimpy, pathetic female character who can't seem to do much of anything except cry and get herself into trouble that the romantic interest of the fic has to rescue her from.
(from urban dictionary)

OHO! Now isn't that exactly Bella's description?
i think people relate to her because, and i mean based on twilight, bella is just an average girl. she isn't popular, she doesn't have the greatest clothes or a nice car, and she isn't gorgeous. but people still look her for who she is because she is different in her own way

Sorry to Harry Potter-ize all my twilight posts but SO? Hermione was ordinary, she wasn't popular, she was average, she wasn't gorgeous but what did Hermione have?

Determination and intelligence, bravery, loyalty and rationality.

She saved Harry, she saved Ron, she was the heart of the group. That is more or less a fiction character young girls should look up to.

Let's do the same analysis for Bella. Ordinary girl, yes.

What would be her redeeming characteristics? She shows no interest in college (Oh no, I forgot. She clearly stated that the only reason she wants to go to Dartmouth is for more sex with Edward right? Ku-dos. Ku-dos. This is a format all young girls should be following), the only determination, bravery and loyalty she has are towards one person. She doesn't believe in a greater good, she believes in Edward Cullen. Every single book has shown Bella as a progressively weaker character. The only reason I enjoyed the first book was that Bella wasn't as submissive as she was in the last three novels.

Look, if Twilight was a tiny little independent series, then fine. I wouldn't put half the effort I have into these posts but when it sells 1.3 millions copies in the first 24 hours and the messages are what?

Fall in love, do obsessive things for you love, make another boy fall in love with you, ends up choosing other boy, continuously sulk sulk sulk, demand sex, gets pregnant at 18, suffer a hellish birth but ends up supremely flawless and beautiful anyway, gets a fairy-tale house, there is no real attack, the story ends happily ever after.

She has immortality, she has Edward, she has her perfect little ultra-fast growing child, the Jake problem has resolved itself (in a sickening way). What has she lost? Nothing.

1.3 million copies telling the next generation this drivel. (And I would like the say that although I did waste my time reading this, I am not one of those 1.3 million copies)
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You can't get much more into fantasy than crushing on a vampire boy.:heart: All I can think of is Lisa Simpson swooning over the teenmag "Unavailable Boys".

The movie poster for the first movie :heart: Cedric Diggory makes a great Edward.

Yes, Bella is dopey. Hermione is great.
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I want to point out a comment that someone posted on a NYT article:
The biggest piece of over hyped hack fiction since librarians who should’ve known better fell for Christopher Paolini’s “Star Wars”–oops, excuse me “Eragon”
Stephenie Meyer should go back to Utah, learn how to spell “Stephanie” and then publish her little Mary Sue fantasies on with the other sophmoric writer wannabees….
— Posted by Library Lady
(ontd_twatlight @ livejournal)

I believe she says it all.
Jacob made me LOL so much. I was dying laughing when he clocked Rosalie in the head with the dog bowl.
Here's the thing. Twilight has got to be the most sexist series I have ever read. The first book I found wildly entertaining but progressively, the relationship between Bella and Edward descended into something I can only describe as unhealthily co-dependent.
I completely agree. Couldn't have said it better myself. :flower:

i think people relate to her because, and i mean based on twilight, bella is just an average girl. she isn't popular, she doesn't have the greatest clothes or a nice car, and she isn't gorgeous. but people still look her for who she is because she is different in her own way
Despite that at the beginning of the series, Bella is described as ordinary and plain. I don't feel as if readers can relate to her at all. I think that it's just the romance and fantasy teenagers crave when they pick up this series.

When I was reading this book, one thoughts was constantly on my mind. "What on Earth is Stephenie Meyer trying to get through to her fans?"

I know that Bella has never been an independent person - she needs someone to take care of her to the point where it becomes needy and annoying (and there she was complaining about Renee doing the same), but is anyone realizing that she has no other interests beyond Edward? I was hoping that in the last book, Meyer would be clever enough to allow Bella to come into her own as an individual - be comfortable in her own skin, but she doesn't. Instead, she decides to send out a lovely message: Bella's character is only defined by the existence of others.

Meyer also decides to tell her fans that: HEY! Don't worry. Your problems will all work out! Bella didn't lose anything; she didn't make any sacrafices. She keeps Edward, the baby, immortality as well as her friendship with Jacob. And when Jacob imprints on her daughter, which I must add, I find creepy as it's Edward and Bella's child, I just thought that it was a complete cop-out. Frankly, life doesn't work out that way. Love comes and goes, but in the author's world, vampires and werewolves are all a big and happy (albeit twisted) family. I can already imagine Jacob saying 'Hey, I used to fantasize about your mom. We even made out once, did she tell you that? ... But hey, you'll do... By the way, do you like motorcycles?', which creeps me out beyond relief. Poor Jacob is bound to this family for eternity.

Another point I would like to make is that Meyer is depicting not going to college to receive a good education, getting pregnant and marrying at 18 and not developing as a person as a great--no, wonderful!--situation. BECAUSE IF YOU HAVE A GORGEOUS HUSBAND AND A BEAUTIFUL CHILD, IT WILL ALL BE OKAY. This is the most sexist message I have read in a long time and I read a lot of books, I can tell you that. Teenagers don't need to be reading this between the lines.

I understand that it's a fantasy novel at the end of the day and a sense of realism isn't expected, but then why did the author decide to give her protagonist a child? And what I hated so much was the inconsistency. Bella never wanted a child, Edward and Bella never wanted a child, but oh no! BELLA WANTS THIS CHILD - A LOT. She's growing a vampire inside of her and she doesn't even freak out. She can possibly die (and I won't get started on her lust, despite that she can kill herself) and she doesn't even care. Instead she's praising and saying "my heart has grown".

Also, someone who does dangerous things for the delusion of her ex-boyfriend's voice is hardly fit to be a mother. It just seems completely illogical that within moments, she went from wanting to be overprotected to wanting to protect someone else.

I like happy endings, I didn't mind if Bella turned into a vampire and I would have liked some sort of resolution with Jacob and of course, I was expecting the return of the Volturi, but this happened for all the wrong reasons. The ending was a terrible cliche and cop-out. I was also upset that we didn't see more reaction from Jake, regarding Bella changing. Maybe not accepting her or coming to terms with it. Part of me wanted him to move on, but definitely not with Edward and Bella's daughter.

I didn't expect this book to be a literary genius as I've always known that Stephenie Meyer is an abysmal writer, but anyone could have written a better book than this. I've stayed a reader as I have always loved the plot of the Twilight Saga, but after reading this, consider me off the wagon. The messages she has sent to young girls around the world are terrifying and wrong. I would have rather the series end with the third book, leaving an open ending. Anything would have been better.

ETA: I'm so sorry for ranting, but I just had so much to say. :lol: Feel free to dispute. :flower:
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Oh, I forgot there are positive things I want to say: if it's any consolation at all, Bella is much more tolerable as a vampire than a human being and I loved the book in Jacob's perspective. I appreciated his sarcasm and cynicism, but also his grasp of reality. :flower:
:lol: Sorry if I offended you or anyone else, which I'm sure that I must have done as there are usually more frequent posts. :flower: Go ahead though. We all think differently.
you didnt offend me my love. lol. i just choose to keep my mouth shut on the matter of what everyone is talking about.
I'm disappointed in what I've heard of the book so far... I will still finish Eclipse, and I will still read Breaking Dawn because I feel like I can't really pass too much judgement on it without actually reading the whole thing first :lol: But I will say, I feel like I've spent the last 2 and half books waiting for something to happen. Each book seems like something of an anticlimax. Yes, Edward is hot. I think mostly I'm just projecting my feelings of lust for Robert Pattinson there though, lol. Bella annoys the crap out of me. She sulks, she is obsessive, she whines, her imperfections include being oblivious to the fact that all the guys think she's hot and ... she falls down a lot? She was terrified of getting married, but hey having a baby and living happily ever after is alright?? lol. Argh.

Oh well. I'm on Team Alice/Jasper anyway, and Edward is still hot :brows:

BTW - I think the comparisons to JK Rowling are unfair. Different ball game entirely, IMO. JK is incredible at developing backgrounds for characters, intricate plots and actually rounding out people and storylines etc. Stepenie Meyer sort of leaves things a bit blank. It feels so rushed.
i just got back from the breaking dawn tour and it was amazing!! shes really nice and really funny and also she defiantly cleared the air about some stuff:

-the cover of the book- bella was always the weakest "player" in this book, and now she became the strongest. she thought it fit with chess because her life has always been about choices she has to make (like playing in a game)
-she also said that she always knew bella was gonna have nessie in the way way beginning of writing this book. she fought hard for her to be in breaking dawn because her publisher wanted to end it at eclipse.
-stephenie talked about future books, if she continued with any character it would be nessie and leah.
-someone asked how can a vampire have babies with a human, she said the answer will be in the twilight guide coming out at the end of the year.
-her favorite bella and edward moment is in the last few pages of breaking dawn when bella uses her powers on edward so that he can see inside her mind just how much she loves him in return.

i'll try to think of more questions that were answered
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i cant wait for the twilight guide. im sure it will clear a lot of things up.
-her favorite bella and edward moment is in the last few pages of breaking dawn when bella uses her powers on edward so that he can see inside her mind just how much she loves him in return.
Oh I also love this moment :crush:

Thanks alot fashionmuse :kiss:

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