Canadian Schools ... for Fashion

wonderful informative thread!

i would love to hear more from people who've had experience with helen lefeaux in vancouver though as i'm semi-seriously considering fashion after finishing my degree.
ShesElectric said:
I came accross this information a while ago... thought I'd share.

Here you go...

Canadian Fashion Schools


George Brown College - Centre for Fashion Studies and Jewellery

Humber College - Fashion Arts Diploma

International Academy of Design & Technology

Ryerson University, School of Fashion

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology - Fashion Arts

The Art Institute of Toronto
[email protected]


Academy of Fashion Design


Algonquin College


Blanche Macdonald Institute

Helen Lefeaux School of Fashion Design

John Casablancas Institute of Applied Arts


Campus Notre-Dame De Foy

Cegep Marie-Victorin

Ecole superieure de mode de Montreal (ESMM)

LaSalle College


College of the North Atlantic - Textile Studies


Dalhousie University - Theatre Department - Costume Studies

London (ON)

Fanshawe College - Art and Design

British Columbia

Kwantlen University College

Okanagan Fashion Institute Inc.

University College of the Fraser Valley


University of Manitoba - Clothing and Textiles


Lethbridge Community College

M.C. College Group

I would highly not recommend U of M for fashion (I never knew they had fashion there!) It's ok for other courses though... Ryerson all the way!:innocent:
2 of my friends and another of their friends are going to ryerson...I don't know if it is any good, but it is really close to new york, if they are ever up for a road trip, they told me to come east for thanksgiving since they are already planning to have swiss chalet, they are hilarious!!!One of the girls has a wild mane of curls and is really hot so if any of you are going to ryerson look out for her!
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have a question!

hey guys. hopefully you can help me out.
i got into George brown for fashion management. however i'm looking at the course requirements for this diploma... and i'm seeing that it requires 320 hours of 'practical work experience' i remember getting an e-mail from the head of the department months ago saying it was a retail placement. now if this is the case i'm don't think i would be really all that excited to work in a retail store for free when i'm all ready working part time in one where i get opportunities to learn visual and merchandising work. If anywhere out there who has completed this program can let me know that would be great. :)
Another question is whether going to college for fashion management is worth it when i could get hands on experience at my job already? do people find that employers woud rather you have a diploma in fashion management ALONG with experience??
sorry thats alot of questions at once. thanks to anyone that can help me!
pinkvolvo said:
I would highly not recommend U of M for fashion (I never knew they had fashion there!) It's ok for other courses though... Ryerson all the way!:innocent:

Actually that list is wrong now...UofM offers a Textile Sciences program through the faculty of ecology which is literally the study of the science of in what chemical properties are needed to create textiles that perform certain functions. If you're into that sort of thing it is a revolutionary program really but otherwise...ugh. Prior the program was a fashion textiles program where the main focus was on textile design but there was also fashion design courses as I think almost all the clothing design courses are gone. There is a part time evening diploma program through continuing ed but it is very basic and sort of inconvenient because it is 2 years to learn what you learn in one semester in most full time programs.
If you want to go somewhere in life and in the fashion industry Canada isn't the place to study with fashion as a concentration. Get a real degree in the general area you'd like to work such as a bcomm degree with a major in marketing if you wanna do fashion marketing or a degree in journalism if you want to be a magazine editor. Something concrete like that from a university in Canada with a reputation such as Carleton or UBC will get you much farther and not to mention a higher income. All you need to do to get your foot in the fashion door is get some connections by internships or co-op programs, industry events etc...None of these colleges and certificate/diploma programs from these schools are going to get you anywhere in the grander scheme unless your truely exceptional.
I totally agree with the above poster. im getting my diploma in fashion management at George Brown, and then transferring to Ryerson for my BCOM in Retail Management. I think its best if you have little bit of both, more flexible.
Actually, I disagree. First of all, a fashion degree (at least one from Ryerson) is a "real" degree.

Also, I don't thing a BComm will really help you at all at a magazine or design house, unless you really want to go into buying or marketing.
style_savy said:
None of these colleges and certificate/diploma programs from these schools are going to get you anywhere in the grander scheme unless your truely exceptional.

Finally, I think that you don't have to be "truly" exceptional to get some where with a fashion degree because most of my friends now have good jobs that they like having graduated from Ryerson. People in my year have won competitions worldwide, interned at McQueen/Westwood/Flare/Harper's Bazaar etc, and whenever I've been to Toronto Fashion week or anything Ryerson degrees are the norm rather than the exception. I mean, I wouldn't get a design degree to be a journalist but to be a fashion editor? No problem.
somegirl said:
Actually, I disagree. First of all, a fashion degree (at least one from Ryerson) is a "real" degree.

Also, I don't thing a BComm will really help you at all at a magazine or design house, unless you really want to go into buying or marketing.

You misread my post. I was answering questions for all the people asking about buying, magazine editing, merchandising and marketing in this thread. Not creative careers such as styling and designing. By real degree I was assessing the schools in Canada that give you a diploma or certificate of some sort. Lastly I stated a journalism degree not a bcomm degree would help you in the magazine department.
Anyone here a George Brown College Fashion Design Student???

I am currently a first year first semester fashion design student at george brown and find it HARD as hell. I want to be a designer soooo bad... I am hungry to learn but the course load is extremely heavy and the instructors expect you to already know things or pick things up very quickly. All I can say is that it is preparing me for the real world of work , I am learning but I feel that i am being bombarded with information. THe program needs to be a three year program instead of a two year program. anyone else here from toronto studying fashion design????????????????
Hey everyone!
i have a question about Ryerson. I am doing my aplication for Fall 2007 now and am working on my portfolio. I did the process through OUAC (I'm in first year at another uni) but i never got anything from Ryerson like a letter or anything. Has anyone else who has applied received info after applying? Anywho... Like I said I'm starting my protfolio and i was wondering if anyone here is doing the same or already goes there. My grades from high school were decent like mostly 80s in grade 12 but I'm just worried about the talent part because I fell like it's very competitive. Can anyone give me any advice or info about the admission process THANKS!
^ maybe call them to make sure your application was received? it never hurts to be cautious. however, when i applied to university 2 yrs ago, i didnt get most of my confirmations until mid/late-january

does anyone know if i can do the 2yr fashion mgmt prog at george brown concurrently with my degree?

i'll call them in the new year, but if anyone knows, it would calm my curiousity!
you should try contacting the program coordinator for the fashion programs. Call the main extension and ask for the program representative, they will probably give you the bes answer.
Like I said above I'm applying to the fashion comm. program at Ryerson and I'm enrolled right now at another university, but I was wondering if you get electives in the fashion comm program at RYE? I have a feeling I would need to start over again or would like a psych course or something transfer for anything? Thanks. Also does anyone know the deadline for the portfolio
I was just wondering if there was anyone here CURRENTLY working on their portfolio for Ryerson because I had some questions regarding some requirements
On the Ryerson website it says it is one of TWO universities that provide a Fashion degree. What's the other university???
so_jealous said:
On the Ryerson website it says it is one of TWO universities that provide a Fashion degree. What's the other university???

kwantlen in bc.
^ Thanks. I actually somehow clicked around and figured it out but the whole university/collage really messed me up.

does anyone know more info or attend Kwantlen?
kem said:
I am currently a first year first semester fashion design student at george brown and find it HARD as hell. I want to be a designer soooo bad... I am hungry to learn but the course load is extremely heavy and the instructors expect you to already know things or pick things up very quickly. All I can say is that it is preparing me for the real world of work , I am learning but I feel that i am being bombarded with information. THe program needs to be a three year program instead of a two year program. anyone else here from toronto studying fashion design????????????????

I attend George Brown for fashion design aswell, and I found the first semester overwhelming!! It was definatly too much. Now in second semester I feel like there is so little going on that Im slacking off. So Im putting less effort in now than I was before! I think its because I just needed a long breather from last semester. I think they should offer it in a 2 or three year program. How do you find this semester?

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