Chanel F/W 08.09 Paris

Although this is better than last fall's show, I much prefer the Pre-fall colelction which was to die for...I was really hoping he was going to continue in that direction... Oh well... at least he didn't continue that horrid spring collection...
I must say it was a AMAZING show, especially at the end where the carousel started moving. It was also fun, when lily donaldson started dancing and another model I can't remember the name of (they stod at the 2nd floor of the carousel). It was beautiful clothes as well but very classic.
why do people love chanel so much? the designs are always so boring...
^ i have to agree a bit

the designs are nice and wearble, but i'm never blown away either
Nothing special but there is some very nice pieces though and it's definitely better than the last one.
I LOVE the dresses especially the long sleeved cream/black one on Irina and the dark grey one with stripes running down the front and criss-crossed on the chest. And many many more!!

Not a fan of most of the jackets/coats though.

Great show!
the suits in the beginning of the show were decent (except for the slashing...)
but i'm not feeling this at all. especially the olsen looks :yuk:
(does it get any more obvious or insulting???)

tbh i haven't been feeling chanel in 13-14 years.

I agree with you... this looks like an outfit that could be easily recreated with thrift shop finds.
Love the carousel idea.. and love some, not all, of the pieces.. I agree that if I'm going to spend the money on a Chanel suit, I want it to look impeccable.. not like I took it out of a dumpster (sorry, Karl.. you know I love you) :)

And LOVE the tights!!!!! My only question is.. how long before those are knocked off and found at every mall shop?
they've been doing menswear for a while now.

Karl said in the interview after Chanel SS 08 that there was never a menswear collection, and there won't be, the Chanel man is the man who pays for things :)
why do people love chanel so much? the designs are always so boring...

Thank you so much for saying this, I thought I was going to be the only one.

For SS I really liked it and I have always liked Chanel, for god sake, Chanel Haute Couture 30's-esque heels from SS 2005 first got me into fashion, but this season, I really don't know what you like about this collection.

I was sooooo looking forward to it; 'What has Karl done this time???' so I came looking for excitement and I got uber-disappointment.

Now, it's not like me to dislike everything about something, so I rooted out things I do like, these being the tights, those long jumpers with blue skirts, that one round-ended dress Taryn Davidson is wearing, and the ironic idea of 'Destroyed Chanel'.
But the rest, I found very, very dull.
What also turned it off for me frightfully was the deliberate 'need your roots doing' look, it's disgusting. Where did the class go?
I think the best piece in the entire collection was the first collarless mans' jacket. That was because I would personally wear it.
Those plastic jackets just reminded me of the Chanel plastic bags from SS 07

You wouldn't believe how i've let opinions on this forum sway me to like collections if the general population like them, but seriously, on this one, the height of disappointment I recieved from first looking at it couldn't be changed no matter if everyone says they love it.

So, so upset.

EDIT: answering Crying_Diamonds post 124...
he also said that if they do ties, parfum, watches, etc. it was only fair that they had some ready to wear for them.
another reason is also the fact that coco herself did borrow a lot from her men's wardrobe, and doing Chanel Homme just feels like "paying them back"... or something like that.

we know that besides being very interesting to read and listen, karl is sometimes a bit inconsistent. after the Coco meets James Dean collection, he said that bermudas was the most horrible piece of clothing that a woman could wear for how terribly they fits the feminine figure. Chances that he hasnt done a bermuda short ever since are non existent, but that year, instead of doing short trousers, he cut off skinny jeans right above the knee, so it was legit to say it then!

fashion is all about evolution and karl is a fan of metamorphosing both physically and psychologically, and one just cant say "i will never ever do this, or that"...
not to long ago i was checking out the first posts on a thread called something like "i would never wear..." or something like that, and as it is a rather old thread, and trends have varied quite a bit since it was first created, i am sure that some of the brave members who swore that they'd never wear platforms, or high-waist pants, etc. would now reconsider what they said.

i guess this long speech just really shows how much i'd like a chanel homme line to exist, no? :blush:
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I do love this collection. I just love Chanel and Karl together. Nothing like it!

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