Chris Brown arrested and sentenced for domestic violence

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I don't believe Chris has gotten away with it, or hasn't learned his lesson. Even if he doesn't go to jail, the public's dislike of him will probably last forever and I'm sure he knows what people are saying about him. Because of his image, I don't think he'll ever do it again, unless he really has no control over his anger.
And honestly, we still don't know the whole story about what happened that night, and I'm sure we never will. Not that I defend Chris in any way for this violence, but Rihanna may not have been 100% innocent in the whole situation, and maybe thats why she's chosen to give him a second chance.
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No, I do not feel compassion for Chris.

Perhaps we all should feel some compassion for the Chris in our society... afterall, they do become OUR problem in the long term.

I am disgusted and amused by the pics of him on the jet skis... he is obviously troubled or/and delusional. Anyways, I hope the case goes to court... not so much for him to go to jail (I have already explained my stance on that) but to make sure that his anger management classes/therapy are taken seriously and completed in a timely manner. I fear that if the LAPD cannot mount a case against him and there is indeed a reconciliation between him and Rihanna.... he will not follow through... Then this incident will for sure occur again... if not with Rihanna but with some other girl.:ninja:
Perhaps we all should feel some compassion for the Chris in our society... afterall, they do become OUR problem in the long term.

I am disgusted and amused by the pics of him on the jet skis... he is obviously troubled or/and delusional. Anyways, I hope the case goes to court... not so much for him to go to jail (I have already explained my stance on that) but to make sure that his anger management classes/therapy are taken seriously and completed in a timely manner. I fear that if the LAPD cannot mount a case against him and there is indeed a reconciliation between him and Rihanna.... he will not follow through... Then this incident will for sure occur again... if not with Rihanna but with some other girl.:ninja:

I believe there are probably some people who are pure evil. At this point I need Chris to convince me he's not--then I may have some compassion for him. That doesn't mean I don't want him to get the help he needs ... but all the professionals in the world are not going to be able help the person I see in these latest photos. His attitude is going to have to change first.

AFAIK evil people get to deal with karma just like the rest of us. Karma hasn't had its say yet either.
I don't believe Chris has gotten away with it, or hasn't learned his lesson. Even if he doesn't go to jail, the public's dislike of him will probably last forever and I'm sure he knows what people are saying about him. Because of his image, I don't think he'll ever do it again, unless he really has no control over his anger.
And honestly, we still don't know the whole story about what happened that night, and I'm sure we never will. Not that I defend Chris in any way for this violence, but Rihanna may not have been 100% innocent in the whole situation, and maybe thats why she's chosen to give him a second chance.

It is delusional to think that Chris' concern for his own image (does Mr Jetski even think his image has a problem right now??) will keep him from being violent again. But Jay Z's bodyguard just might.

Unless Rihanna is an angel walking among us, of course she's not 100% innocent--nor are you, nor am I. That is rather irrelevant. But as has been pointed out, victims of domestic violence do frequently blame themselves. That doesn't mean they're right.
No, I do not feel compassion for Chris. Perhaps if I were a bit more saintly, I would ;) My own take on the world is such that I have pretty much zero tolerance for abusers.
I think you do lack humanity in here.

First, nobody should tolerate abuse but they are many abusers who deserve compassion.
I don't know what kind of childhood you had, mine was financially secure, violence free and sexual abuse free. I grew up a well-adjusted person because I was given all the opportunity and tool to do so.

Some people received appalling abuse during their formative years, they were victims too, and the worst kind of victims: children. Violence is often the only language they know, and that's often compounded by poverty.
Some victims of severe abuse grow up just fine by sheer will-power and good luck (meeting the right people, ect.). The truth is the majority never escape their personal hell, which mean more violence directed at other or at themselves (drugs, alcoholism, depressions).
I am certainly no saint, but I don't have a trouble feeling compassion for some of these people. That has nothing to do with tolerating abuse.

Second, if Rihanna doesn't wake-up soon, she will become an abuser herself. And in some way she already is. I'll explain myself.

Soon she'll be a mother. If she hasn't cleaned-up her act at this point there are huge chances she'll be in a violent relationship and will just contaminate her own children with that abuse culture. See, women who stay with violent men often don't hurt only themselves.
And the fact that, despite the fact that she is independent from him and do have the choice to stay away, she came back to him before he fixed himself makes her an enabler. An accomplice in fact. She has now active part in the abuse and offers him no incentive to get better.

Third, I feel like somehow you think childhood abuse are just some hurdles and not such a big deal. From your posts it looks like you consider battered woman syndrome a bigger deal.
Well, just because there are a lot of people who manage to get over it doesn't mean it's not terribly hard to do so. Being abused during your formative years is in most cases worst that being abused as an adult.

In this case, both Chris and Rihanna are sick and need professional help and support. And so far both of them have shown no sign they welcoming either (appart form Chris's classes). Yet you defend one and condemn the other.
Sure you could argue that Chris is a victim--his own people have been doing it day and night.
I though it was pretty obvious I was applying your own defence of Rihanna's behavior to Chris.
You've been arguing we should feel sorry for her because she is psychologically troubled (battered woman syndrome) and because of her hormones (oxytocin). I was just trying to show that if we are going to defend her stupid behavior because of that we will have to start defending Chris's own stupid behavior for the same exact reasons.
What good does it do to condemn and judge Rihanna for the way she's behaving? I would argue that she is trying, though she is trying to do absolutely the wrong thing from my perspective ... apparently she is talking to Chris, trying to work it out.
I am sorry but this is just a weak argument and could be used word for word to defend Chris.
And what is he doing? Out on jet skis posing for the paparazzi, flexing and doing his nasty SOB scowl pose. You call that trying?!
I have already made crystal clear the fact that I think Chris is a jackass who has shown no remorse or willingness to get better. The little compassion I was ready to offer him evaporated after he released his appalling non-apology.
Please don't act like I'm now defending him.
I think the best way to support a woman in this situation is to let them know you love them, and how much you believe, how absolutely certain you are that they deserve better than what they are choosing. How much you want them to be safe and have a good life. But judging, condemning, abandoning ... I don't see how that can possibly help.
Mollycotting week-minded people struck in bad patterns achieves nothing. Do not doubt she has been surrounded by exactly that: people telling her they love her, they are on her side, blah, blah, blah. And look were she is.
She needs a stern talking too, not some pep talk.
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I think you do lack humanity in here.


Third, I feel like somehow you think childhood abuse are just some hurdles and not such a big deal. From your posts it looks like you consider battered woman syndrome a bigger deal.
Well, just because there are a lot of people who manage to get over it doesn't mean it's not terribly hard to do so. Being abused during your formative years is in most cases worst that being abused as an adult.

In this case, both Chris and Rihanna are sick and need professional help and support. And so far both of them have shown no sign they welcoming either (appart form Chris's classes). Yet you defend one and condemn the other.
I though it was pretty obvious I was applying your own defence of Rihanna's behavior to Chris.
You've been arguing we should feel sorry for her because she is psychologically troubled (battered woman syndrome) and because of her hormones (oxytocin). I was just trying to show that if we are going to defend her stupid behavior because of that we will have to start defending Chris's own stupid behavior for the same exact reasons.I am sorry but this is just a weak argument and could be used word for word to defend Chris.I have already made crystal clear the fact that I think Chris is a jackass who has shown no remorse or willingness to get better. The little compassion I was ready to offer him evaporated after he released his appalling non-apology.
Please don't act like I'm now defending him.Mollycotting week-minded people struck in bad patterns achieves nothing. Do not doubt she has been surrounded by exactly that: people telling her they love her, they are on her side, blah, blah, blah. And look were she is.
She needs a stern talking too, not some pep talk.

I will take your judgment of me for what it is worth.

As it happens, I know what childhood abuse is all about firsthand. And I also happen to know exactly what kind of work it takes to overcome it--the kind of work I have been doing myself for decades now. I thought that my firsthand knowledge of this topic was clear from my posts. (I imagine it has been clear to some.) Perhaps this clarifies why I have zero tolerance for abusers. I will leave compassion for abusers all to you as you seem to have it covered.

Chris is an adult; he has free will; he is exercising it; and I do not approve.

There are people who are called to have compassion for abusers, murderers, etc. That's fine. That is not my calling.

You have admitted that you have no firsthand knowledge, so I am quite interested to know how you know what Rihanna needs. As I have explained, I have firsthand knowledge of multiple women who have been in this situation. I am not theorizing, I am not blowing smoke out my a$$, I actually know what I'm talking about.
As it happens, I know what childhood abuse is all about firsthand. And I also happen to know exactly what kind of work it takes to overcome it--the kind of work I have been doing myself for decades now.
I am very sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing fine and I congratulate you for taking steps.
I thought that my firsthand knowledge of this topic was clear from my posts. (I imagine it has been clear to some.)
It was obvious to me you had witnessed abuse and known people in abusive relationships. I didn't want to make assumption about your own experience because you weren't explicit about it.
Perhaps this clarifies why I have zero tolerance for abusers.
I have zero tolerance for abuse too. What I was talking about was compassion not tolerance, two vastly different concepts.

Abusers were often the victims of other's people violence, and I think it should always be kept in mind when passing judgement. That's not a justification or apology of violence. That's being humane, in my opinion.
I will leave compassion for abusers all to you as you seem to have it covered.
Very cheap shot. You're better than that, I think.
Chris is an adult; he has free will; he is exercising it; and I do not approve.
Free will is a tricky thing.
I think people who have been abused have their free will diminished because of their psychological baggage.
I know not to express my anger with violence because when I was a child my parent didn't beat me up when they were mad at me (OK, I did get some slaps and spanking, but nothing hardcore). If you have never been taught there are other ways to express anger, your free will is diminished.

However, I certainly agree that he has the choice to seek help, to try and change his attitude, to express genuine remorse. He has failed in all counts and like you, I certainly do not approve.
You have admitted that you have no firsthand knowledge, so I am quite interested to know how you know what Rihanna needs.
No. I have admitted I have not been abused myself, which is quite different.
I know people who have been abused and I have read about the issue too. My own best friend was beaten up by an alcoholic father during her childhood and has a borderline personality has a result, something even I wasn't aware of until she tried to kill herself.

Even if I had no personal experience, your suggestion that if you haven't experienced it yourself you don't know what you are talking about is fallacious.
That would mean that psychotherapists and psychiatrist can't treat their patient unless they share the same problems/delusions/psychosis, and that also suggest that humans cannot emphasis and understand other's people problems unless they have been in the exact same situation.
Experience gives you insight, yes, but that's not the only way to learn. And sometimes it clouds your judgement because you get too emotional.

Your own experience doesn't make you the foremost authority on the subject and doesn't negate anyone else's differing opinion.
There has been many women calling in radio stations telling of their own abusive experience and advising Rihanna to get back to Chris.
Should I think they know better because they have first hand experience?
As I have explained, I have firsthand knowledge of multiple women who have been in this situation. I am not theorizing, I am not blowing smoke out my a$$, I actually know what I'm talking about.
And I am?
I though you were a moderator. That sounds a lot like personal attacks to someone who is disagreeing with your opinions to me.
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^OK, I canoot edit that message anymore but I would like to correct a passage I am not happy about. At the end I say:

And I am?
I though you were a moderator. That sounds a lot like personal attacks to someone who is disagreeing with your opinions to me.
I now regret typing this as I am doing exactly what I am denouncing: taking things personally and resulting to personal attack. I apologise for that.

What I really wanted to say was:

Nobody here has implied that you were talking nonsense. It is fairly obvious both from the content and the form of your posts that you are highly intelligent and knowlegeble. I would not have bothered to debate with you if I though you were just talking out of your backside.
However, regardless of how clever your arguments are there will always be people who will disagree with them and it shouldnt be taken personally.
Yes, Harumi, I am indeed a moderator, and we moderators are human. (I believe this is common knowledge? :neutral:) I wonder if you realize just how personal an attack you yourself have made?

I'm sorry you feel attacked; that was not my intent.

I came back to this thread (I will have to remember to avoid it in the hours before I wish to have a peaceful night's sleep) before going to bed because I wanted to clarify one additional thing. As I mentioned earlier, I suspect that there are people who are dark souls--who have no humanity. There are certainly wise people who believe this. Hitler is the most-cited example, but if there is indeed one, there are many more.

It is not simply because Rihanna has been an abuse victim that I feel compassion for her, and it is not simply because Chris has been an abuser that I do not feel compassion for him. (I do not say that others should not; I say that I do not, and surely my own feelings are valid?) I believe it was clear in my recent post about Terrence Howard that I felt compassion for him, and he falls in the abuser category. The difference between him and Chris is that he has showed us his humanity, and to my mind Chris has not. I am not saying he won't, and I hope he will. But I haven't seen it yet.

My point is not that I have authority because I know what abuse is like firsthand. You stated, "I feel like somehow you think childhood abuse are just some hurdles and not such a big deal." I was simply responding to your statement with the facts.

My question is, on what authority do you base your statement that I am wrong, that what Rihanna needs is not love (which I and many others believe to be the strongest force in the universe), but "a stern talking to." Where is the evidence that the method you are advocating works?

Sometimes "tough love" is called for. But it's still love.

I certainly don't claim to be the world's foremost expert on this topic. What I do know is how to end the cycle of violence for oneself. What I do know, from volunteering on a frequent basis with women who have been and no longer are in abusive relationships (at least for the moment), is what helps them and what doesn't.

And I will say again--Love helps. Judgment doesn't.
the pictures of Chris Brown on the jet ski are absolutely appalling. and nothing short of it. he is making light of the situation. biting his thumb at the world, as if to say, "yeah, so what i beat her? and there's not enough proof to convict me and i'll get away with it and she's taking me back anyway, so F**K YOU!"

it's disgraceful. the thing that is getting me as well is all of these ideas that they should try to work it out. that he loves her. um ... no. they shouldn't.

they're like 20 years old. THEY'RE CHILDREN. even if their relationship wasn't fractured by such a traumatic incident, and they broke up... SO WHAT?? they're both SO young. they'll have plenty of loves in their future.

the whole thing is really disturbing to me. i actually talked about it briefly with a co-worker. and the conversation went as follows:

ME: "Have you seen the Rihanna pic? Can you believe that?"
HIM: "Yeah, it's crazy. But man! She pulled the keys out of the car and threw them on the street. In the LAMBORGHINI! That's like a $500,000.00 car!! She's crazy!! What's a man gonna do?"
ME: " ... ... *tremendously awkward pause* ... ... So ... did you watch the Oscars?"

SERIOUSLY. people are really messed up. what kind of environment are these men (and i use the word loosely) growing up in where they find that behaviour justifiable?
And I will say again--Love helps. Judgment doesn't.

I have been quietly witnessing this debate.

I agree that LOVE always helps, and judgment, well it depends on the situation. But aren't you doing the same thing by declaring that you have no compassion for Chris? How are you are to arrive to that conclusion without a moment of judgment?

I'm not picking sides, just making an observation, that's all.
LOVE doesn't exist without judgement. By virtue of being "in love", you are accepting that a particular person brings you a particular feeling. thus, judgement.
One thing is clear from this thread: Violence is a feminist issue.

Policy and politics don't protect women enough because hate can be spread around based on perception and reputation. Even if you're safe physically, emotional support can be swept out from beneath you.

The bottom line is that we need to change how violence against women is perceived by men. I think Mary Pipher said it best. To paraphrase: We need to make it so men find r*pe and physical harm against women is as distasteful as cannibalism.
and what is the most frightening thing to me, Uchina, is that there seem to be plenty of men and women who feel quite blase about violence against women. it's terrifying.
Hiding while boarding a plane with Chris..

WHY hide, if you want to be with him, why hide, is she ashamed, I found her annoying...I could care less what she and Chris do at this point, Iam not a HUGE fan of either

Rihanna has coat over her head, Chris ain't ducking


Driving to the airport..

LOVE doesn't exist without judgement. By virtue of being "in love", you are accepting that a particular person brings you a particular feeling. thus, judgement.

Nothing exists without judgment. The issue here lies in how it is applied, not whether it exists or not.
yeah she's annoying me a bit too now. why is she hiding if she wants to be with him? I dunno what to say really...
i am sorry but the whole situation is ****ed up!

1. she is so naive to take him back, to think (hope) he will change; he really beat her up, the way men do beat other men,where is her dignity and pride?!

2. how on earth does SHE think this won't have a huge affect on her career? i mean, she is the one who tried to embody a independent young woman who lives her life like she wants and makes her own decision. and now, only what, 3 weeks after the whole incident she goes back to him. after the whole world saw what he did to her..

3. he is such a dumb, irresponsible and disgusting ******* who enjoys being photographed on the jet ski that the whole world can see that they are back together. and when she can forgive him, the rest of us can do that, too.

4. what the hell is wrong with esp HER family and friends???? i am sure my mother and friends would rather go hell, before letting me go back to him. NOT talking about going on vacation with that moron.
Btw: this is almost comical: diddy's house, who himself broke the nose of the mother of his kids, and beat Cassie till she bleeded...
this is so sick!

i hope that each of them gets the help that they need (which they REALLY do). i don't see a big career coming out of this for neither of them.
the photos are annoying at me, look at her hiding and him walking striding along thinking he's great, he go do what he wants and he has her back.
She's a dumb twit for taking him back. She has the money and people around her who presumably care about her AND know what happened to get her help. I.e. staying far away! Why does she not have somebody around her with half a brain to show her what an idiot she's making of her self? i.e. her parents? I predict Chris gets at least 1 hit song out of some dumb*** lyrics about saying sorry and she releases a statement saying how it was just a misunderstanding. What a pair of idiots.
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