Cleaning out your closet

I've been in the process of clearing out a lot of clutter too, as I'm moving up to olympia from southern CA. So i'm hoping to fit everything into my car. Might not work out so well, but..
I looked under my many magazines! What I usually do is, I throw away all the months that aren't in the recent few. So it is july, and I've been throwing away everything that isn't April-July 2008. I came upon some 2006 ones, it's been awhile..
As far as the closet goes, it's pretty clean - rather spare, because I go through it often and throw out what I don't wear. I can't stand to have clothes hanging up that aren't my style anymore. I like the aesthetic of the colors/prints all working together when hung up, as they are in plain view (if that makes any sense); I don't have closet doors anymore.
Don't throw anything away. Well, I do (when I'm short oncash).

My mother doesn't throw anything away. Anything she's not "feeling" she will store away. She'll get the box out maybe a few months later, and she will find something that she used to hate but with the changing fashions, she'll like it again.
^ Well, I used to not throw anything away ... that's why I have to have a clutter-clearing style now :lol: Although really anyone who lives in an affluent society needs one, if only to deal with what the post office is delivering ...

Seriously, though, clutter keeps you stuck and weighs you down ... it's not a good thing ^_^
im moving out and im turning one of the small rooms into a closet im gonna have to take note from this thread thanks guys
I'm trying to clean my closet, because I have to many clothes I dont wear. But I can't throw anything away, I always think maybe I need it one day.
^ Well, it's very sad ... pretty much for 20+ years, magazines came in but did not go out

My situation is similar, with newspapers in lieu of magazines. :unsure: I'll read the articles, fold the paper, then toss it into an ever-growing stack. My hope is that someday, years from now, I can look back and reminisce on the big stories from long ago.

Still, I fear the pile will soon take over my house - newspapers come every day, after all. :shock:
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I can't wait to move into our new house and clear all of our clutter... I have mild OCD when it comes to cleaning, lol.
^ Be careful not to create a fire hazard, seanut :unsure: There is microfiche of all that stuff at the library you know, in case you get nostalgic ;)

My sister is too, B, as I learned when she visited this past weekend & scrubbed things down for me :lol: It's amazing what she can do with vinegar :shock:
Maybe you could do something similar to what my dad did, Seanut... He collected every front page of his favourite newspaper - from every Sunday for each year, and made a little book/album out of them :lol: He is a delightful man :heart:
That is a great idea! It'd save tons of space, and if I put the pages in plastic protective covers I wouldn't need to worry about getting newspaper ink on my hands. ;) Thanks for the suggestion!
Glad to help! :flower:

We're moving into our new house on Saturday, and I have my clutter clearing hat on! If we haven't used it and I can't see any need for it, it goes!
:woot: Belowen just saved a few lives with a great suggestion ... now seanut's whole neighborhood won't be going up in smoke ;)

Good luck with the move :flower:
:woot: Belowen just saved a few lives with a great suggestion ... now seanut's whole neighborhood won't be going up in smoke ;)

My dad works at a fire station - you'd think I'd know better. :lol:

I'm happy to say that I just completed a major cleanup of my closet, something I probably should have done months ago. ;) I came out with three overstuffed bags with items to donate, and one large bag with clothes to sell on eBay. Now I no longer need to hang two dresses on one hanger just to fit them inside! :p
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Sometimes even if something is beautiful if I'm not wearing it I think I should let it go back out into the universe for someone else to enjoy.

Most definitely! :) I love that.

I keep sorting through my clothing piles (theyve crawled out of my closet and into a room of their own next door) and I've made one tupperware container of things to give, so far. I find it's easy when you think back to the times you wore a specific item, and remember whether you felt confident or not. Those peg legged jeans that make you feel pudgy, toss. The tie-dyed button-down vest that you wished you could wear to a music festival one day but know you never will? toss. Then again, items that people have complimented you on, or well-made basics are good things I like to collect.

I'm normally excessively sentimental with clothes but I just tell myself I can make a mental snapshot to trigger those memories. And I keep SOME memorable pieces.

With paper, I like to go through magazines (unless every page is amazing) and cut out clippings to make a style collage. Sometimes I get enough clips to make "themes", i.e. Equestrian, so it becomes fun. I just don't know why I haven't thrown away notes from my first boyfriend, who I could care less about now.. I'll probably do that soon.. :lol:
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My situation is very frustrating and I need some help! Across my room in random corners I have 4 closets that are MINIATURE. And everything is so jumbled; some thigns in this closet, others are lost in that closet, its all a mess and I cannot stand it! Anybody have any ideas? Should I do jackets in one closet? Summer/Winter? I'm so hopeless!
^ I have multiple closets so I have this issue too. :doh: So far I've just put dresses (that I rarely wear) in one and winter jackets in another. Still a work in progress with the rest though..

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