So I decided that I was unhappy with over half my wardrobe, and needed to "declutter" and "purify". I packed up bags and bags of stuff. Some for the garbage, some for a consignment shop, and some for the Goodwill.
I got rid of ALOT. It was good, because it helped me find some great stuff I had forgot about, helped me figure out what to STOP buying (you know how you buy stuff, but really can't wear it, but you KEEP buying it because your convinced you will fit it into your wardrobe/lifestyle/bodyshape).
But, now my wardobe is pretty bare. REALLY bare. I'm getting kind of nervous!
It has some awesome pieces, but there are such huge holes!
So now I get to rebuild the entire thing. I'm just going to pick up a few pieces for summer, since summer is super easy to dress for, and then start worrying about the rest of my wardrobe when the time comes.
But has anyone else done this? Did you have a nervous breakdown like I almost did? Or did it feel great? Did you start rebuying stuff right away, or are you still working on it?
And how do I make it work NOW, since I'm not going to go out tomorrow and buy a ton of stuff, it will be a more gradual rebuilding.