Dior Homme

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Trendy Andy said:
Sorry to change the topic abruptly. :D I just want to mention that I know someone who can acquire some Dior Homme sneakers and and jeans from last season 2004/2005. The shoes are authentic, because I just bought a pair from him and I wanted to use my pair a a reference for everyeone on the forum.

The one I have is a black canvas with black suede (Back of the heel has Dior Homme stamped into the rubber). Bad lighting on the 2nd picture, oops! :blush:

However, supposedly he has the white leather, white canvas with a blue stripe or red stripe as well. In my opinion, it seemed like they were all almost he same but in different variation and fabric.

Also, He is carrying Dior Homme jeans collection from last year as well. I am not an expert but they seem similar to this one sold on eBay. Despite of my uncertainty, I can assure you it is the last recent collection. I am giving everyone an opportunity to acqiure these. If you are seriously interested, please contact me with your size and I can see if he has them or not. Only contact me if you are serious about the purchase. I dont do this for a living.

P.S. The picture of the jeans shown in the picture are borrowed and only used as rerference. I have no affiliation with that eBay seller.

i am looking at a pair of white canvas/suede sneakers likes these on e-bay but how would i clean them? With cons i just throw them in the washing machine but that might effect the suede.
peacefrog said:
i am looking at a pair of white canvas/suede sneakers likes these on e-bay but how would i clean them? With cons i just throw them in the washing machine but that might effect the suede.

You can get special gels for cleaning white shoes, or there are various types of leather reconditioner available. If you're in the UK Clarks sell, or used to sell, stuff that cleans white leather, suede and canvas.
I dunno why I'm posting this, but I was just philosophizing about Dior Homme in my room, and came up with this out of boredom:

1. Shawnvox
2. Dominidior/Whimsicalist/Dioruchka
3. obsolete_design
4. black_all_black
5. colin

Lifetime Achievement Dior Homme Award: raimund
Youngest man with largest Dior Homme catalogue in his closet: doo888
American Express Centurion Award for Highest Number of DH purchases: Chinor1z

the definitive list of top dior homme aficionados in the world at the moment...these men have been chosen for their exquisite, selective taste and fine appreciation for the history and culture behind the brand we all have come to love and obsess over, DIOR HOMME.
Sweet! I get an award!

Although I know my collection pales in comparison to some of these other guys hahaha.

I thank you for the award Matt, btw... no credit card debt here! Amex paid in full hahahaha!
fade ,where are you living!

thanks for appreciations!

i respect your evaluation!

it is corect

i am dior homme hermeneut!

if you know the oeuvre of FROM to have and to be

I am disposed in third -to think..regarding Heidegger's triada

i mean that I am dior homminist
with zero dior homme item

just got two vintage perfumes of christian dior and very proud of them

eau sauvage and eau frais

from 1977...and 1979
btw,dear dior homministas(hommages to Raimund)

what do you think
is there some dior homme make-ups at rue de montaigne

because I found the make up as a cloth ,or as something that exceed the essence of accessoirity!

If someone have approach to hedi

(there is a forum at hedislimane.com with disgusting topics..do not go there,please)

can you tell him to do something
new moment for earning

nice advertizing,futuristic,glam forms for the boxes,mania about the cost...etc..etc..viva market,viva marketing....
Hi Whimsicalist,

I live in Hong Kong, but right now I am in the USA for school...i have always appreciated your posts in the Dior Homme MSN group, you show a deeper level of understanding and appreciation for the label than many people i see at stores who buy Dior by the truckload...yet these people never take the time to think of what the clothes are really about, or how it actually relates to THEM as an accurate expression of their personality. 'fashion victims,' is my favorite term for this context ;)
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I am srtiven to do same conversation as one year before..where I request our personal fashion and style myths

then a man was intervent with amazing statement about
his YSL obsession..because it suit,propre to the necessity of the class he belongs

I do not going to polemize with him regarding the chewing gum concept of class,implying with itself all the garbage of modern sociology...shaped by the model of sociology follows idea of sociology,not the events and objects

but rhethorically his announcement was spruce!

if i got a store i do his on the windows ,on vitrine
and may be with big picture ,photo,scan of Marx's Capital ,the chapter for "COMMODITY FETISHISM"
propre for panorame all American Psycho difficulties(sadistic,freudistic...not ,for me they are marx,deleuzian),to exegate contemporary life's phenomenons-p*rno{see baudrilliard's "SEDUCTION"-i hope the chapter "stereo p*rno" is where he problematize the sexuality of human body as enterprize (production)tool(Sredstvo za proizvodstvo)}
I am not familiar with the literature you mentioned, but I do think that in a certain way, Dior Homme is at a phase right now where it's undergoing the "American Psycho" process of transformation, as you said. I think Winston summed it up best, when he mentioned how the shifts of Dior Homme as a brand have run parallel to the shifts of conversation at the Dior Homme MSN group. As the brand has gotten commercialized, so has the culture surrounding it...it's become kind of lifeless, almost. Just as Hedi is moving on from inspiration of today to inspiration of tomorrow, the clothes have lost the meaning and loving details they once had (of which, unfortunately i must say I can only appreciate from photos, as by the time I got into fashion, Dior was already beginning its turn...). I read an article in Anthropology class this semester about the 'enchantment of technology,' speaking how certain art forms cast a spell over us, evoking our appreciation because of the inconsistency between our own abilities/level of comprehension and the skill involved in the production of such art. I think, with Dior, this enchantment is temporarily (or permanently?) lost...from an observer's standpoint, anyway. I'll still buy certain pieces that I see as wearable and in line with my look. But man oh man, if I could afford it you bet I'd be hunting down all the 'couture' pieces from the first few collections.
thanks fade to black!

by the way have you read the
amazing Roland barthes "Phragments over love discource"
there is nice analogue between memory of felt in love and fade to grey..he yet,going further with figurative exposures
and sayid..the love enchantment is like fade,bleaching jeans..
see it
i said this because of your nickname


I met very interesting persones at msn and here

as you know we are few friends,bulgarians living -milan,paris and sofia(me) who wants
to create a magazine

i will be happy if the intelligent and contemplative people include their flaves there

I feel big regret because Colin (NY ) stopped to writes at MSN dior group..
his posts was shaped as articles in Wallpapers*..very strong very confident phrase...

for one magazine ,such schizo idiosyncrasis as mine should be catastrophical..
that is why ,there should be persones from western world

I mean the follows

through one strong language we can find nice views and perception

the english shapes perceptions differently...

so,such rhethoric skills i found as base under which we can build the form-ation of magazine
Wow, Colin's posts from MSN made it into a magazine? Wasn't aware of that, that's quite cool...i'd like to see that issue if somebody can scan that section...

yeah, occasionally I like to go back and re-read the earlier posts from the MSN group, such as comments on which films, philosophies are similar to Dior Homme...it really increases my understanding of the brand and just fashion in general, lets me put the clothes i appreciate on the same plane as any other great works of art by thinking about how it relates to humanity on a deeper level.
you see,your letter here sounds as taken from magazine!

not a flattery...at least 5 person's posts sounds very nice

I understand your drive to primordial dior homme...

It is like first days of love affair..they always seems to be amazing..and we use them for foundaments when the love fade to grey to memorize and re-feel them again ,taking strenght from them!

solitaire shirts -it was new universuum!

at most -April Wallpaper* 2001 (my first wallpaper* ever )
where Eric van nostrand,marek olszwsky and chriss worn in solitaire eartquaking my world
yeah. As for Solitaire and Red/Boys Don't Cry, they're definitely a trip to look at. I go back to firstview and look them up all the time, then get lost in a fantasy of myself wearing those clothes. Like Kanye West said, "Testify, come up in the spot lookin extra fly!"
Wow, Colin's posts from MSN made it into a magazine? Wasn't aware of that, that's quite cool...i'd like to see that issue if somebody can scan that section...

yeah, occasionally I like to go back and re-read the earlier posts from the MSN group, such as comments on which films, philosophies are similar to Dior Homme...it really increases my understanding of the brand and just fashion in general, lets me put the clothes i appreciate on the same plane as any other great works of art by thinking about how it relates to humanity on a deeper level.

you see...
may be this is what we have to do here

in Bulgaria,macedonia,Ukraine,Russia

to teaching,to tell people the primary things.to relate the style to other parts of world

In my lecture about style
before students in Architecture institute here in sofia I
"Style nevers starts on empty place"

so if style integrate other phenomens,other areas,other hints and aromats people have to be teach to understand to recognize them!

so,what prince of cats ,or might be it was jonNY
had said about YSL is the right direction of our magazine -to enlight(aufklarung) the very sens of fashion,to hermeneut it,to explain the very primary acts and moves in /to be in fashion
Fade,excuse me for misunderstanding!
i don't intent to issuing COLIN's posts

but to integrate him,raimund,you,other fashion digging persons in a magazine
remain texts without redaction

authentic moment of meet with style and other people..
so if you wrote something in english this will remain in english

because people in Bulgaria,macedonia,Ukraine ,russia which will be interesting to know more about fashion ,they could translate it if they don't understand the languige

idea for our magazine is
to be printed with latin letters..
by the way
people of Bulgaria,macedonia,Serbia,Ukraine,Russia we all use slav language ,only bulg,russia,ukraine reads cyrillians..macedonia ,serbia with latin

But there isn't huge difficulties if I am writing in bulgarian
to be understand by macedonian,serbian,russians,ukrainians

this is a very might project and I know that I couldn't start it immediatelly in such format!

I met a girl (she is very sweet) she is a owner of retail store on sofia's equivalent of Via montenapoleone,the commercial street of sofia,bulgaria
where we got Zegna,Sysley,bentton,mango,retails for ferre and such sh*ts
she is selling moreschi,torras..and some label hrwatska where escada do their cheap productions..we got same here...Hugo Boss use cheap hands here ,and when many people started to going to this hidden factory on 120 km from sofia ,the management decide to build daughter mark..using the base -cuts,fabrics of hugo Boss,with intangible changes ..so we got different label Rollman..-big sh*t!

so this woman awares me that
bulgarians editors of
cosmopolitain ,ELLE and maximus ( this 3 are pertinent for toilet paper..the editor of ELLE is some 20 y.o girl with rich father of sugar daddy,never working ,never learning)
so the AD office of this 3 magazines
offert was

if her store wants to ADvertize the label of moreschi,Torras ...she need to pay 9000 euro

The quich arhithmetic she made was that she can make it's own magazine for this money!
she got the relations with rich people here,because only such nouveau riches buying Torras-Christo Stoichkov the football player of 90's,f.ex

so,he can build the marketing ,to integrate PUBs from big Gouvern companies,etc
why she needs to pay 9000 euro
,and to pay the salaries of such maitresses

By the way ,she got the most refine self made writing sens..(i met her in bulg forum for literature)

let me back to DIOR HOMME

even I am not owner of any dior homme items
I got feeling that OWN...

I am often ask myself why I am so dedicated to Dior Homme

may be it is because

it guarantees me that my deffinition of the occurrence is corect!

dior homme promiss me that always we got a move outside..
and that we can beautifully mad!
Like Kanye West said, "Testify, come up in the spot lookin extra fly!"

Please Fade ,
can you interprate
"Testify, come up in the spot lookin extra fly!"

i understand words,but can't build a sens!
i undrstnd
this is

I gotta testify, come up in the spot looking extra fly
For the day I die, I'mma touch the sky
Gotta testify, come up in the spot looking extra fly
For the day I die, I'mma touch the sky

but because of poeticism I can't undrstand the expression
Whimsicalist said:
even I am not owner of any dior homme items
I got feeling that OWN...

dior homme promiss me that always we got a move outside..

and that we can beautifully mad!

Well said. I think Dior Homme, as an abstract concept rather than the physical clothing, sparks something in all of us obsessives as it perfectly captures the moment in our lives when we live with a sense of reckless abandon whether physically or emotionally/mentally...the brash sense of 'f**k-you' cool covering a deeper sense of wanting to be noticed and admired, or more importantly, loved. I could be totally wrong, these are just my interpretations at 3 in the morning. I think I'm going to bed now. As a man once said, good night, and good luck ;)
Dioruchka those lyrics just mean, basically: "dammit, i'm lookin better than everyone else here tonight!"
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