Dior Homme

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Arturo, No LVMH doesn't own Dior (It's been covered before), it's the opposite, Dior owns 42.5% or so of the shares of LVMH. In fact, Christian Dior S.A. is the holding company of Dior Homme AND Louis Vuitton.

Anyways, the MH in LVMH beeing Möet Hennessy (or LV for that sake) wouldn't mean than MH is making Dior Homme perfume you know, and I guess you know, but I'll take the pleasure of pointing that out nonetheless :)
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Magnum said:
Arturo, No LVMH doesn't own Dior (It's been covered before), it's the opposite, Dior owns 42.5% or so of the shares of LVMH. In fact, Christian Dior S.A. is the holding company of Dior Homme AND Louis Vuitton.

Anyways, the MH in LVMH beeing Möet Hennessy (or LV for that sake) wouldn't mean than MH is making Dior Homme perfume you know, and I guess you know, but I'll take the pleasure of pointing that out nonetheless :)

Yes, thanks for pointing that out :lol: I had completely no idea that Christian Dior actually owned LVMH.:P Although I really don't care, as it's irrelevent to design. All I know it's becoming increasingly, and exceedingly commercial
it was one sondation!

i don't believe that
so called grand marks clothes accessoires
can be materially exhausted,settled as quick as their symbolic,fashionable/season hit rhythme...

it is not far for my idea to give(IT IS an old practic in counties called socialist/communist people to exchange their clothes...even today we exchange fragrances...buying a 100ml of last gucci ..it if profitable because 55 euro is 100ml ...45 euro is 50ml ..I buy Gucci,friend buy YSL (the example is not corect-they both smelts similary) and when we halfing the bottle we exchange it.. I do not feel any discomfort from this..au contraire...a flave of being against the politic of client to pay a huge amount because of AD of perfume,bottle of perfume..

fade write that the principe of todays "having dior " is quite victimous..

I am ready to save you from this feeling of being victims

for the moment

there is no big difference
if I w'd be worn in 3 or 4 years old pants of dior homme
or will wear 15 y.old Trussardi or burberry ,bought from second hand for 2 euro or five

i think if you gain 50-100 euro mounthly and pay 40 euro for warming/novemb to april / ,10 for electricy
you 'll find very sadistic to buy any things exceeding 5 euro
I'll gladly stay the night at the Marriott hotel if it means people will give me their Dior Homme clothes for free!...

i'll be glad to stay a year in every paris hotel/not in 'defence' /
ant to meet with personaes ,that have to say something!

f.ex about their clothes

if i can say 500 words about my clothes,this is literature..
once put in literature ,I'll be not more in need to own on my body this clothes...
and will disperce them to poors..as j.chr done...it's second shirt..i hope He'll done and his first,too

adverrtize principe -
telling aphorism about object(5 words)
literature principe
tell nothing or telling 'subject-verb-object' for a thing/s

in fact ,
you are much more imaginative than me!
you really don't believe that i believe that someone will
travel to defence to give it's old stuffs...

if you believe this that i believe ,you are very ,very metaphysical person

you have to respect
this two way of use of
-rhethoric and thematic/

it is quite tangible for me
that people from all over the world will be keen to safe this 5 euro for metro or 20 euro for taxi (to Marriot h-l)
for buying waxed jeans,t-shirt or sneakers..

here you got my trussardi white jeans for 5 euro
and rollneck for 4 euro

boots cK ysl - 150 euro
boots cK 70 euro..after 200% discount
ysl eyewear 150 euro bought without discount

it is my very big mistake..to spend so much money!
i can feed the poor people ...
make poverty a history

make property history

make property of history a history too
this thread went from viewing and talking about clothes, to completely confusing the living hell out of me.. :huh:
I don't think he's necessarily talking jibberish, probably just the language barrier. I can understand his posts most of the time.
Whimsicalist I think the look you posted w/ trussardi white jeans, burgundy rollneck and cK boots is very VotC...that's the season that i think best exemplifies your look.
Fade to Black said:
Whimsicalist I think the look you posted w/ trussardi white jeans, burgundy rollneck and cK boots is very VotC...that's the season that i think best exemplifies your look.

i agree
I think I just misunderstood the whole thing :huh:

is he selling Dior items? or wanting to buy some? or thinks the money should go to good causes instead of to clothes like that?

sorry if I sound like an idiot :lol: I just completely missed it.. but I wanna know!
Whimsicalist said:
it was one sondation!

i don't believe that
so called grand marks clothes accessoires
can be materially exhausted,settled as quick as their symbolic,fashionable/season hit rhythme...

it is not far for my idea to give(IT IS an old practic in counties called socialist/communist people to exchange their clothes...even today we exchange fragrances...buying a 100ml of last gucci ..it if profitable because 55 euro is 100ml ...45 euro is 50ml ..I buy Gucci,friend buy YSL (the example is not corect-they both smelts similary) and when we halfing the bottle we exchange it.. I do not feel any discomfort from this..au contraire...a flave of being against the politic of client to pay a huge amount because of AD of perfume,bottle of perfume..

fade write that the principe of todays "having dior " is quite victimous..

I am ready to save you from this feeling of being victims

for the moment

there is no big difference
if I w'd be worn in 3 or 4 years old pants of dior homme
or will wear 15 y.old Trussardi or burberry ,bought from second hand for 2 euro or five

i think if you gain 50-100 euro mounthly and pay 40 euro for warming/novemb to april / ,10 for electricy
you 'll find very sadistic to buy any things exceeding 5 euro

I caught on to this one :D

yeah, I agree! you can buy things that are second hand at a great price! and why not? it was an amazing price! people would probably never know anyway, so go for it :)

I bought a button down shirt by Theory at a thrift store the other day for $4 :D it's practically brand new, and looks great!

and sharing cologne, yeah, that makes sense. or you could just get those sample bottles, and share them with friends :) put the cologne in to those and let friends use!

finding things on sale is great!
anyone ever notice the kd0g guy on ebay who sells a whole bunch of Dior Homme? Wonder where this guy gets all this stuff, hes from NYC also. By the way, the way he posts his auctions just come off really ********.
EdK said:
anyone ever notice the kd0g guy on ebay who sells a whole bunch of Dior Homme? Wonder where this guy gets all this stuff, hes from NYC also. By the way, the way he posts his auctions just come off really ********.

yeah, I saw those, too.. heh.. I never liked the name "kd0g"

he has suites up for auction! (suits... :p)
:lol: kd0g's auctions are a trip...i think i saw one where he was sellin a raw denim, in the item description he included diabro's pics of the orange overdyes and said "NOT this dusty wash" or something to that effect, very funny in an offbeat way. LMAO but the absolute high point of his auction has GOT to be the phrase "Last of the Japanese Denim" as if it were last of the Mohicans or something...I bust out laughing every time I see that.
Totally agree his auctions are poorly put together, with lots of sloppy errors. I bought a couple T's off him which I was happy with. But, he told me he would fudge the customs declaration, and then didn't which cost me a lot.

EdK said:
anyone ever notice the kd0g guy on ebay who sells a whole bunch of Dior Homme? Wonder where this guy gets all this stuff, hes from NYC also. By the way, the way he posts his auctions just come off really ********.
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