Edie Sedgwick #1

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it just makes me sad how many people diss factory girl. yes it's a movie. yes they probably exaggerated scenes and some of the script to make it more interesting. it's a MOVIE. they never declared it as an autobiography. movies are made to be interesting with a thick plot that sucks you in. edie's life was meant for that in a certain way, define it as you will. we'll never know the real facts, we'll never know what really happened. but the fact we have this movie, which so many people put so much hard work and detail and attention and money into, just dedicating it to her life, trying to get her story out there to the public, in my eyes, is very admirable. it's just aggravates me how many edie fans hate the movie. i love edie, i love the movie. i respect the fact they made a movie about her. it brings recognition to her, new or old edie fans, regardless, who cares. an edie fan is an edie fan. but also, i really really really think people need to give way more credit to the movie than everyone does. a lot of thought and research went into the movie and i think we need to give some respect to that.
it just makes me sad how many people diss factory girl. yes it's a movie. yes they probably exaggerated scenes and some of the script to make it more interesting. it's a MOVIE. they never declared it as an autobiography. movies are made to be interesting with a thick plot that sucks you in. edie's life was meant for that in a certain way, define it as you will. we'll never know the real facts, we'll never know what really happened. but the fact we have this movie, which so many people put so much hard work and detail and attention and money into, just dedicating it to her life, trying to get her story out there to the public, in my eyes, is very admirable. it's just aggravates me how many edie fans hate the movie. i love edie, i love the movie. i respect the fact they made a movie about her. it brings recognition to her, new or old edie fans, regardless, who cares. an edie fan is an edie fan. but also, i really really really think people need to give way more credit to the movie than everyone does. a lot of thought and research went into the movie and i think we need to give some respect to that.
as you said in the beginning, it's just a movie..and IMO I think the ppl who made it just wanted to make money off Edie's story..but that's just how I feel,,^_^

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Photo courtesy of David McCabe
yes, a movie is just a movie... but I think if you decide to make a movie about real people, it's quite a big deal. the actual amount of authority family and friends had in the making of it is uncertain- there have also been those who strongly opposed it. I can guarantee there were at least 2 who contributed just for the money and attention...
facts aside, it was just a bad movie... I don't think they made it more interesting at all, unless their idea of interesting = two-dimensional soap opera drama. that was probably the most frustrating part for me... it lacked so much creativity and depth.
anyway, I hate to resurrect this topic because it's so polarizing, but I just wanted to give my opinion and tell you, PonyShow, that you shouldn't be bothered at all by our stubborness... I don't think it can be helped : )
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I don't think i've ever seen that second one! I like it because it looks like Andy and Edie are each others reflection in a mirror.
I think all those pics you posted Scarlettlover are pictures form the book Girl on Fire ^^
yes, a movie is just a movie... but I think if you decide to make a movie about real people, it's quite a big deal. the actual amount of authority family and friends had in the making of it is uncertain- there have also been those who strongly opposed it. I can guarantee there were at least 2 who contributed just for the money and attention...
facts aside, it was just a bad movie... I don't think they made it more interesting at all, unless their idea of interesting = two-dimensional soap opera drama. that was probably the most frustrating part for me... it lacked so much creativity and depth.
anyway, I hate to resurrect this topic because it's so polarizing, but I just wanted to give my opinion and tell you, PonyShow, that you shouldn't be bothered at all by our stubborness... I don't think it can be helped : )

I think that's really very well put. :heart:
^I definitely agree :flower:

and, yes that second photo is new thanks ScarlettLover ^_^
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it just makes me sad how many people diss factory girl. yes it's a movie. yes they probably exaggerated scenes and some of the script to make it more interesting. it's a MOVIE. they never declared it as an autobiography. movies are made to be interesting with a thick plot that sucks you in. edie's life was meant for that in a certain way, define it as you will. we'll never know the real facts, we'll never know what really happened. but the fact we have this movie, which so many people put so much hard work and detail and attention and money into, just dedicating it to her life, trying to get her story out there to the public, in my eyes, is very admirable. it's just aggravates me how many edie fans hate the movie. i love edie, i love the movie. i respect the fact they made a movie about her. it brings recognition to her, new or old edie fans, regardless, who cares. an edie fan is an edie fan. but also, i really really really think people need to give way more credit to the movie than everyone does. a lot of thought and research went into the movie and i think we need to give some respect to that.

They didn't need to exaggerate Edie's life to make a movie. But what gets me the most is the Bob Dylan thing.....Edie has said herself that Bobby Neuwirth (Bob Dylan's best friend) was the love of her life.....Edie says this on the "Edie Speaks" CD that comes with Girl on Fire. Was that not juicy enough for Hollywood? I am not denying she had a thing for Dylan but why not use the real story....there are people who were there that are still around??? I don't think that many people were involved either, her family (Liberty Bell included) was against the film.....there were alot of Factory people who hated the movie: The film has also sparked up news as Lou Reed, a member of the Velvet Underground and friend of Sedgwick, has told the New York Daily News, "I read that script. It's one of the most disgusting, foul things I've seen — by any illiterate ****** — in a long time. There's no limit to how low some people will go to write something to make money... They're all a bunch of whores."

I really don't like talking about the movie. I really wanted it to be good...but the missed the mark big time. But if you like it, that coolB)...I agree...it's just a movie
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I didn't know those pictures where from the Girl On Fire book, sorry! But I guess it's good for people like me who don't own the book and haven't seen those pictures.

Here are a few more I found, I've never seen the last one:

Thanks Scarlettlover for the new photos....the last one is new to me.....I think some of these photos are stills from Ciao Manhattan...but I love them anyway!!!

Edie & Viva kicking butt!!!;)
I don't think ppl on ebay should say that the pictures they're selling are rare when you can find them in a book^^ I don't know, it just doesn't seem right..
^^ That's understandable, yes of course...though people selling are going out of their way to make people buy their product so I doubt that will ever change. You just have to be weary I suppose and do some research if you care enough to
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