Edie Sedgwick #1

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Here are a couple of articles I found in the NY Times archive. There were some others but they didn't have much Edie info. I was surprised to see that Ciao! Manhattan got more hype than I had always thought. Of course this was before it turned into a mess and had to be improvised with the color footage. It was actually supposed to be a comedy... I would have loved to have seen it completed as it was meant to be...

Sorry if you've already seen these-

Those are fantastic, thank you!!

I may have just missed it, but I don't think I've seen this one either. I love it!

Thank you for the articles madison01! It's fun to read what people said of Edie at the time and to read her quotes! Here are all her quotes from the articles.

(She wears black tights) "never with the intention of being clever but because it's easy."

"I came to New York to see what i could see - that's from a children's book, isn't it - and to find the living part!"

"I really like good beautiful clothes, I love the spacey, Courreges things. I love Rudi Gernreich. I hate to go through 17 buttons. I'm nervous enough going some place"

"I lost all my jewelry including a $20,000 star sapphire."

(She dyed her hair silver because she loves) "the idea of light hair and dark eyes."

"I bite my nails."

"It's not that I'm rebelling. It's that I'm just trying to find another way."

(Why she's rejected offers from Hollywood) "I need the support of my friends."

(On what started the fire) "I tried to bake a sweet potato and the oven exploded."

"It's not going to interfere with the film. I heal miraculously. I've been in an auto accident and another fire. They thought I'd need plastic surgery, but i haven't a scar...No, i don't think I'm accident-prone, but it's strange..."

"When i started going around with Andy people thought i had a press agent. I didn't. After a while i got sort of paranoid about all the publicity, and i holed up in my apartment and cut off the telephone for two months. I saw only two people. Then i felt ready to go out again. I want to do more acting. I like it, but it's hard - the long hours, getting the lines straight, I didn't have to do that with Andy."
I'm never sure how I feel about people liking Edie. Of course it's a free World but for people who have considered her an icon throughout their lives it's difficult to suddenly have everyone know who she is, since Factory Girl. How do other "old" Edie fans feel?

I'm not trying to upset anyone with this, I'm simply stating it's how I feel. I'm sorry if any "new" Edie fans are offended by the question.

Hello, Retroist. As a long time Edie Sedgwick fan (since the mid 80s) --ha, yes I too used to try to emulate her look in my teens (wink!)-- i have to say I am quite happy at the recent interest in her. I remember when I first started using the internet in the early/mid-90s there were hardly any photos online. I fondly remember a really great 'geocities' website with lots of never seen before photos (anyone?). The extent of Edie sightings was limited to hip magazines like Sassy (in the 90s) and the like. Anyway, with that being said, the more gals that are interested in Edie Sedgwick, the more (hard-to-find) photos will be posted showcasing her darling eclectic sense of style. Remember the old adage: the more the merrier! (wink!)
here are a few rare ones I found:


I know I just posted the pink one, but this one is bigger. :]
They didn't need to exaggerate Edie's life to make a movie. But what gets me the most is the Bob Dylan thing.....Edie has said herself that Bobby Neuwirth (Bob Dylan's best friend) was the love of her life.....Edie says this on the "Edie Speaks" CD that comes with Girl on Fire. Was that not juicy enough for Hollywood? I am not denying she had a thing for Dylan but why not use the real story....there are people who were there that are still around??? I don't think that many people were involved either, her family (Liberty Bell included) was against the film.....there were alot of Factory people who hated the movie: The film has also sparked up news as Lou Reed, a member of the Velvet Underground and friend of Sedgwick, has told the New York Daily News, "I read that script. It's one of the most disgusting, foul things I've seen — by any illiterate ****** — in a long time. There's no limit to how low some people will go to write something to make money... They're all a bunch of whores."

I really don't like talking about the movie. I really wanted it to be good...but the missed the mark big time. But if you like it, that coolB)...I agree...it's just a movie
Maybe I like it so much because Sienna is in it and I love her. :lol:
Who knows...
I just liked seeing "Edie" come to life on screen. Dancing, meeting Andy, the costumes, the way Sienna imitated her voice, the flashiness of the whole 60s pop revolution, which could have been drawn out more for me. The parties, the drugs, the downward spiral. The Bob Dylan portion of the movie didn't really interest me that much, it was everything surrounding it, although Sienna and Hayden doing it wasn't so bad... :lol:
But the script of the movie wasn't really what got me hooked, it was just everything pertaining to it. I wish there were more parties, more details about her everyday life. If I would have directed it, I would have made it very avant garde, very musical, radical, and definitely all about Edie...not all the extra bull**** in it.
Neat little Edie Gif:

Thanks so much for posting ScarlettLover.
HEr makeup in that shoot is amazing, her eyes look like butterflies^^
hey guys, i recemtly saw factory girl and although i thought this movie could have been done better, the story of edie fascinated me. since then im watching youtube videos of her and i tried beauty # 2 but my english is poor and the quality of the video i downloaded wasnt good either...
at the moment im browsing thru this wonderul thread reading everything and looking at everything i can find anywhere!
she was a stunner! somehow the tragic and the desolation in relation to andy warhol, the factory and her family + her undeniable beauty and her personality is just awesome and fascinates me... i'd love to see ciao! manhattan but i dont know if i understand a single bit...

thank you guys and girls ^^ unfortunately im just at page 14 :flower: :flower:
^^ welcome welcome I look forward to more of your thoughts on the enigma that is Edie :D You don't even need to understand what's going on in ciao Manhattan to enjoy it! But give it a shot, I think you'd like it a lot, it's very different from what she did with Andy. Even though you say your English is poor, you express yourself very well and interestingly!
I do speak english and barely understand ciao! manhattan :lol:
it's definitely a must-watch anyway, the black & white footage is stunning :wub:
Welcome Mr. Brightside!!! :DI agree with lizzardqueen and eli marie, you must watch Ciao Manhattan several times to figure out what is going on.....I still only understand 1/2 of that movie.....but I love it anyway:p

Photo courtesy of Jim Galete

Don't you just love the GIGANTIC earrings Edie is wearing??!!
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