Edie Sedgwick #1

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In the last photo of her, it looks as though she lost alot of hair. Her part seems very wide, anyone else see that?
love this one

I think it's just the light. In other photos from the last yea of her life her hair looks really thick.
Thanks for the new shots! I've never seen those at the fashion show...

Colored another edie image:

It's fun to do when you're supposed to be doing your homework. lol If you guys have a specific image you want me to color, let me know. I'd be happy to do it. :smile:

original image: buzz.net
Thanks for the new shots! I've never seen those at the fashion show...

Colored another edie image:

*please do not quote images*

It's fun to do when you're supposed to be doing your homework. lol If you guys have a specific image you want me to color, let me know. I'd be happy to do it. :smile:

original image: buzz.net
that is absolutely stunning....so realistic thanks for posting it
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^ yeah, it's really realistic! you can't tell if the picture is really colored or if it was pinted by a person and the real picture is black and white :flower:
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Your welcome. :wink:

I am working on a collage for my room that will cover all of my walls, and I plan on putting a lot of pictures of Edie in there. I want them to be colored though.

So I'll be posting more as I do them. :]

I just think it's cool to look at. When I see blk and white pictures of her, I always wonder: What would that be like in color?
^ i have the same thought, not only edie's picture but in every picture of my idols :P
Hi everybody! :blush:

I´ve been reading this thread for a long time and finally I´m able to post here too! I´m so happy! ^_^

I´ve been fascinated about Edie´s life and it´s great that there is this place where we can share our thoughts about her.

Thanks atoomic!^_^

I´ve been reading this thread since early 2008, and at last my request to become The Fashion Spot member was accepted!

I´ve been wondering, has anyone heard anything about Melissa Painters Edie documentary? It would be interesting to see it finally...on the other hand I doubt that it will be available here in Finland, but I hoping:unsure:
Hi and welcome, Dailee! I'm sorry but I don't have info on the doc, but I'm delighter to see another Finnish person here. *waves*
i don't have any info about the documentary either. here in brazil, the only thing that is related to edie is factory girl :P just kidding, but it's very hard to find other things about her here anyway.
ebay is your best friend when it comes to finding Edie stuff

and a big welcome to our finnish people here!
I´m half-finnish, can´t speak a word though =/
Watched Factory Girl last night and Edie absolutely fascinated me!! What a beauty...
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