Edie Sedgwick #1

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Diamond Star said:
Was that Edie: An American Biography
by Jean Stein and George plimpton?

Because I've been thinking of getting that book, but I'm always a bit wary of biographies (because some of them are biased or factually wrong e.t.c)

Be aware of one thing though
by the end of this book you might end up crying like a grandma
it's a good read
Jlgnxd said:
^I remember seeing candids of sienna and jude visting that exhibit.

That's where I had my celeb spotting of Sienna and Jude! Of course, there were no paparazzi when I saw them, but they probably went back another time or something. The pictures were displayed in a fashion and photography bookstore called Gallagher's. They were really cool photos, but pretty expensive. I had seen a fair share of them before.
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Diamond Star said:
Was that Edie: An American Biography
by Jean Stein and George plimpton?

Because I've been thinking of getting that book, but I'm always a bit wary of biographies (because some of them are biased or factually wrong e.t.c)

You really should get it, it's amazing-it's also (unintentionally) funny in parts. Did anyone read the bit when Edie's flat caught fire and she told one of her friends she did it baking a sweet potato in the oven (when she actually managed to fall asleep with candles alight). She was taking care of Bob Dylan's cat and he died in the fire, so someone said, "The cat died and Edie didn't. The cat was called Smoke and he went up in Smoke".Then she had to go into hospital and the first thing she asked for was her makeup.

Great pics too.
i am such a fan of bios and some are poorly written with exaggeration or so dry and boring, they put you to sleep- this is neither:)
it is true to the subject, fairly written, juicy, entertaining and sad at times.
did any of y'all ever see sofia coppola's first film- a short- called "lick the star"?
the glammy juniour high girl who is one of the main parts carries this bio around with her and reads it...i love that sofia put that in there bc it was such a specific detail and this girl would be the type to be waaayy into edie and the whole mystique...just like i was *blush* heehee...
Yeah.I saw that once on Bravo a long time ago.I stopped on it and watched it just because that book caught my eye.I am Edie obsessed.
TokyoVogue said:
Be aware of one thing though
by the end of this book you might end up crying like a grandma
it's a good read
I am so getting this book.:flower:
from corbis.com

aw, sweet pics thanks Anais, edie was so frickin small!

very awesome francoishardy avie btw


and some from edie_sedgwick at livejournal (awesome community!)





it's so strange that she actually looked more clean-cut the closer she got to death and the more drug addicted she was.
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I really am amazed at the last picture Odelay posted... she looks incredibly different. so beautiful.
Thanks to everyone for the really lovely pictures of lovely Edie!! :heart: i recently read about Audrey Hepburn's style, that what made her such a style icon was the fact that she stuck to what worked for her, she found what she liked and stayed with it. I agree with that and i think the same pretty much goes for edie, and i think that's why we can call her a style icon now.

And that's what differentiates them from the fashion-victim stars of today imo!! Alot of women today have good style, make good fashion choices etc. but i think few of them will reach the same iconic status as these ladies ^

Even though I would probably find it hard to always wear the same style... hehe. But i admire the women who did, and became immortal for it :flower: like EDIE!
TokyoVogue said:
The best song written about Edie is def. Just Like A Woman by Bob Dylan.

Apparently he’s threatened to sue the makers of Sienna’s new film ‘factory girl’ if they imply that he had an affair with Eddie
Gosh, you can tell who Madonna was inspired by in the beginning of her career...
I believe Bob Dylan was so taken by Edie ,he's still inspired by her and he'll never forget her.And you've got to hand it to Edie because Bob Dylan is just the coolest of the cool and possibly[in my opinion definetly]the best songwriter EVER and his best songs were inspired by her.He loves her soooo much he will not discuss her and claims to hardly know her-met her once-yea right!She dated his best friend for a while.I think he loved her but couldn't keep up with her,she was so strong but yet so vulnerable and he couldn't save her,so he took some of her shadow for himself and ran and now is haunted by her memory so he gets either very angry when she comes up or claims to have forgotten.
I think they would've been so great to look at together-
same with Edie and Brian Jones.You know she was involved in a jealous love triangle -Edie,Dylan and Jones.So FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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