okay so i just gt back from target...tried on about half the collection: the black coat, the white coat, the bib shirt, the blue courduroy skirt, the grey sweater. i saw the two coats, a white jacket and skirt, the white ruffled dress, purple ruffled dress, bunny print shirts, heart sweaters in black and grey, blue peterpan collar dress, white and black bib dress, blue dress with velvet heart straps, black shirt, grey thermal leggins, heart thermals, the heart shirt, heart scarf, headbands and bags..
i was going to get the black coat when i went in, but after trying it on and comparing it with the white one, i really love the white one and thought the black was just a bit too cutesy. and wouldn't you know it that the ony size small was sold

so im ordering that online. i didn't bother with any of the dresses as they were rather short and unless i wore leggings they wouldn't work. those jumpers were way cute, but i agree they'd most likely either snag or rip out in the seams.
i ended up getting the bib front black shirt and the grey sweater. Im going to order the coat in a SIZE SMALL. the bunny print wasn't too terribly disturbing, but definately not for me, although i think it'd be cute on someone else...
i thought the bags sucked, as did the scarfs, as the heart part was knit and all misshappen on all of them....and i was actually quite surprised my target had any accessories at all. normally we dont get any in, and it seems this time around, we got them all in...
all in all, a good collection. some pieces better than others...i really prefer her outerwear and think they were the strongest part of the collection