Gossip Girl Fashion (July 2009 - March 2010)

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I think there a two new 1/2 hour shows on Wednesday night after America's Next Top Model. According the CW website.
God I normally love all Leighton's coats... But I'm not sure about the green one at all.... I think the slits for the arms are just not in the right place.... I love the idea of the coat.... but no in practice its just not sitting right in certain poses / postures for me!

Still dieng to see her in a fur... I sooo think she would suiot a nice fur coat and think it would be soooo Gosip Girl!!!
I love Blair's yellow shoes, but not in that colour. They are Louboutin, right?
^ I agree- I like the shoes and the coat, but both colors are off- and together it just doesn't work... :doh:
Finally! A Gossip Girl look that I actually like! :)

Michelle Trachtenberg on the set of "Gossip Girl" (03/05/10)

You're welcome, Boomer! LOL, I have many more that I could share, but don't wanna be accused of spamming the thread. ;)
God bless u Luthien for those ed westwick pics. i cant stop saying how good he looks in suits so you all will have to bear with it :crush:

i love the blonde look on michelle. its softer..
^ :woot: Put some on the Ed Thread, too...we'll never telll... ;)
God bless u Luthien for those ed westwick pics. i cant stop saying how good he looks in suits so you all will have to bear with it :crush:

Aww, thanks! :blush: I'm very *enthusiastic* about Ed/Chuck, too. :D

Boomer, I just might take your advice! ;)
I'm jealous of his eyebrows...mine aren't nearly as impressive....:(
Some new Taylor shots. I love her accessories & makeup. Outfit... Not so much. :ninja:

I love Georgina in disguise. Now if only Jenny would disguise herself as normal 16 year old who isn't selling herself on a street corner.
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