*somebody's been spending WAY too much time in the YSL archives...

my jaw literally dropped when i first looked at this...
i know that YSL is a major influence on everything we know as modern dressing and that there are innumerable designers working today who cite him as a reference and an inspiration...
but this is too much!>...
it's just far too literal a translation of the YSL vocabulary...
and it's not done with any subtlety or finesse...
*it IS three different shows...
3 different YSL shows...
1-gypsy/russian peasant gone disco
2- safari
the direct reference to YSL is what holds the whole thing together...
this is so blatantly obvious, i almost feel silly pointing it out...
i also think that this is probably the best collection to come from gucci since tom ford left...which is unfortunate, because it basically looks like tom ford came back and tried to channel YSL, as he did before and, failed miserably, once again...
*you just KNOW that his own collection has some of these same references even if we didn't see the presentation...
it's already been reported that he did some version of YSL's 'le smoking'...
deja vu anyone?...
ugh...it's so weird, it's almost creepy...
the ghost of YSL ...meets the ghost of versace...equals gucci 2011?...huh?
**stay tuned for anna dello russo wearing one of those fringed numbers with a pair of antlers on her head...