Help Picking Out Sunglasses / Yay or Nay? (Please read rules in post #1)

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Sunglasses for asians faces?

Hi guys. for all you lucky people with a nose that isn't flatish sunglasses can just work it for you. but i was wondering, what types of sunglasses can asians wear without having the bottom pressed to our face or not rest upon our nose?
Yeah. Asian people are cursed with flat nose.
You'd have to try them on but I would think sunglasses with lower portion that is oversized might touch your cheek.
Try sunglasses that has little leg extentions that rest on the bridge of your nose. You can adjust them so that they don't touch your cheek bones.

Another thing about asian faces are that... we have protruding cheek bones between the ears and eyes...
You might also try sunglasses that covers up the flat bridge area.

For me... I don't have problem with the nose bridge being flat but I have cheek bones that stick out... so when I look for sunglasses, I look for sunglasses that have beefier sides, corner where the legs and the lense meet. That usually covers up the area. sleeker sunglasses make me look like ******** godfish.
my thing is that, how do you actually go about figuring if they fit your face. like what shape frame matches certain shape faces...colors i dont mind...its all about the shape and fit!!! im confused!!
side note. i don't trust sales associates. they want to make a sale, they don't have an unbiased opinion of what looks good.
universally flattering sunglasses?

I've never owned a pair of sunglasses that cost more than 15$. However, recently I've been more into accessories than I have ever been and I would like to spend a bit of money on a good pair of sunglasses that I will take care of and use often.

I've tried on lots of kinds of sunglasses and nothing really seems to look good on me.. to me, at least. I think it has something to do with my face shape/nose.

So, I'm pretty clueless and open to any suggestions.
I'd like to keep the price under 200$...

A couple not-so-flattering pictures to show profile/front of face:


ANY recommendations would be helpful.. I have no idea hwere to begin. Thank you.
sunglasses are tricky....
you have to go and try some on...
I recommend going to a boutique that sells a variety of glasses & just take some time to try lots of pair on....

after you try some pairs on...
leave the store....
think about it and come back to make a purchase.

don't be hasty.

I like Dita sunglasses...personally. they seem to flatter my face (imo). :flower:

good luck with your shade search. :cool:
aviator-rayban-glasses normally look ok on everyone... because they are a classic... and they would look reaaaaally HOT with that black trench coat and the bag and whatever you pair them with!

I strongly recomend: AVIATOR PRADA!!!!

because they are not flat as ray-bans so they "match one's face" (i don't know if that makes sence in english)

they are young, colorfull , "trendy" and around $200

a year ago i chose the prada and i dont regret my desition

good luck!
Thanks guys. I like a lot of the Dita sunglasses I saw and am going to check out hte Prada aviators right now..

Aviators are def. not universally flattering... I tried a pair once and I looked seriously disgusting.
Honestly, you should stick to the RayBan's
I don't know a single person that can't pull them off!
I need a pair of sunglasses that would work on me too. Every pair I try on, I get told that they don't suit me. I have no idea what kind would.
I agree with aviators not being flattering for everyone, I tried them and it made my face look messed up..hahah!
I don't think anyone can recommend a pair for you, you have to find out what style looks best on you.

I agree with borjacapella's comment about aviators....they seem to flatter everyone. It's just about finding out what specific style looks good. Right now, aviators come in so many different styles. Some are much bigger than others, some are wider, some are longer, but I think that everyone can look great in them.

Find a store near you that carries a wide variety of sunglasses and spend some time trying them on to narrow it down. Bring someone with you to help; someone who's opinion you trust. (Don't rely on the sales associates to give you an honest answer.)

Sunglasses are so worth the money!

Good luck! ;)
Hah, that's kind of the problem... the only person's opinion I trust is my mom's, because I know she's honest. But she thinks all sunglasses look terrible on me, haha. & I don't know if it's just her, or if that's really! I will try them on & decide for myself though next time.
I settled on a pair! My mother helped me, haha.
Got Prada PR OSG7s in black/gray
and for cheap(er)
I've yet to find a pair for myself. I've had several, but none look good on me.

Not to be spooky, but I love your hair.
^^ i second the hair thing... i love it too :P

if i had to narrow down aviators i'd go for RayBan (of course), Prada, Chanel, or Dior (with a huge emphasis on the first two) and i'd get away from Dolce&Gabbana -->hideous imo
haha thanks re: hair stuff
here is a pic of the sunglasses i chose!

of course my hair looks really horrible in this pic, but eh

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