iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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SMKelly Dyeing takes such a time but it's probably worth it :). I'm not too sure about sang yet so I'll be waiting for your swatch to convince me ;).

luisa I'm excited to see your paraty pics! Recently I've decided on the paraty instead of the ps1 (MAYBE). I'm still deciding a bag for my next purchase (I went from amethyst to ps1 to paraty). *sigh*

helens What a lovely bag and congrats :D. I'm also hoping you would answer some of cloudyblue's questions since I am also curious about Jacky's bow bags.
Helens- I like your miu miu bow bag very much...congratulations:flower:
I'm playing the waiting game right now...will have some new goodies to share soon...:blush:
Hey everyone! I just got invited to this site and have been waiting forever, I have just been following along reading, but now can actually post! :woot: I am so excited because I have been buying from Jacky for years and absolutely love all the bags I have received. I don't have as many as a lot of people, but I wanted to get on here because I am looking to buy a few new ones. I got lucky finding Jacky off a seller on ioffer a few years ago, it's been hard keeping up with the site changes though! I am just wondering now if there is a better selection with good quality on another site. I have seen people talking about Catty, but I didn't know this website and wanted to get the same quality. Any suggestions or imput? :blush:
My Anthra GGH work in the daylight...again just to show how it looks with darker gold teeth..pic by me...And i think it looks gorgy:blush:
I really want an anthra ggh,
but - I have noticed in this photo and in previous photos of yours -
that yours seems to not be very anthra, but be very blue! I have never seen a photo of an anthra that looked like yours :unsure:
So I'm all weirded out now.
i hope the boys go back to doing older bal colors. the new ones aren't anywhere near as interesting to me.

Yes yes yes!

I'd love it if they did some really old colors, like bordeaux, 05 caramel, 04 (I think?) khaki... I'd get one of each of those, seriously.

Yes yes yes!!

Am I the only one who thinks it's absolutely ridiculous that T&D expect people to buy and send in bags/coin purses/whatever, so they can replicate?
It seems that we are doing them too much of a favour, to try and help THEM make money.
I understand if someone already has a bag, and it's a colour that they did not think of doing, and you want it made, okay, so send it and they will make something of that colour.
But if we are compiling lists of 10+ people that are willing to buy a bag,
they can't go and buy a authentic themselves??
They make SO MUCH money :shock:
helens gorgeous bag! i love the color and style. i still want that pale pinkish/taupe color for the miu miu bow bag.. but it is a hard color to replicate.

i'm itching for a new coin purse.. i have so much loose makeup in my bag and i was thinking of how a new coin purse is in need...
miu miu bow bag from jacky arrived!

the leather is ridiculously soft.. I've already scratched it in three spots. there's a forth that came with the bag, and an issue with colour dying that's quite small.. but otherwise the colour is gorgeous and the leather fantastic.

the hardware is not one uniform gold colouring, and the shape is a bit off. Still, it's not bad. The pictures make it seem better than it looks in real life a little bit.. sorry for the camera photos btw, I will have some nice dslr shots on here soon.

Wow Helens I really love that bag!! Is that color close to the authentic one? I tried to do a search but wasn't able to find one that looked exactly like that... I love it though!!!
Helens- your bag is so gorgeous, the color is perfect for spring! Its so vibrant! In all of your opinions, who makes the better givenchy nightingale, Jacky or Catty? My sis finally got her bag from Jacky and she is ecstatic, so thank you all for your input and expertise :)
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It looks so much better that on Jacky's site :wub:


I agree... the colors look so different. Either I'm looking at a different bag or his picture is not his and is completely inaccurate...



Pictures from Jacky
I really want an anthra ggh,
but - I have noticed in this photo and in previous photos of yours -
that yours seems to not be very anthra, but be very blue! I have never seen a photo of an anthra that looked like yours :unsure:
So I'm all weirded out now.

Katinboots..I wouldn't get weirded out..:lol: my anthra 07 is spot on with the authentic 07 and the rh work in the picrure is the anthra 09...both are great matches from NBF:flower: Anthra has green and blue undertones, if you look on TPF in the Bal thread and look in the gray thread you will see lots of bluey green anthracites.
Pics by me
If you go back to the last thread and look at my post #4124 you will see an authentic anthra and my NBF so you can see what anthra 07 looks like...HTH.:flower:


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Am I the only one who thinks it's absolutely ridiculous that T&D expect people to buy and send in bags/coin purses/whatever, so they can replicate?
It seems that we are doing them too much of a favour, to try and help THEM make money.
I understand if someone already has a bag, and it's a colour that they did not think of doing, and you want it made, okay, so send it and they will make something of that colour.
But if we are compiling lists of 10+ people that are willing to buy a bag,
they can't go and buy a authentic themselves??
They make SO MUCH money :shock:

I completely agree with you, you would think they would go out of the way to provide us with colors rather than the other way around since we are the ones paying.
KatInBoots: no you're not alone, in fact I'm sure there're many of us who have same thought like is ridiculous to have/or even asking the customer to invest for them..and the worst is, there's not even a guarantee that the color will be made..
katinboots..this is for you
This is a good comparision pic of the 2 Anthras that NBF made
Anthra GGH Wk 07 Anthra RH WK 09
pic by me


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alright i think im loosing my mind. i'm doing bal research on overdrive with this news of amethysts left (why didn't i just ask the guys instead of making jokes about brad pitt??)

i have two questions: 1. do they use the pattern for a rh day but just put gh on it? it looks like the size is wrong on the pocket on the gh bags. it's really hard for me to tell though since most of you guys took photos of the bag flat. maybe i'm just not looking at it right.

and, 2. the part of the front pocket where it overlaps that seam down the middle of the work, is it not as point as it should be? it looks like it sort of points like a 'v' on the authentics.

i think i'm probably just paying way too much attention to detail??
T&D should do more than 2 colors in 3 months... Some sellers have dozens of colors available why does T&D always have 2 colors and black??? I only want to buy from them so its frustrating that there is such limited choices :( I agree that they should make some of the older colors - they don't have to invest in a new auth cp and they have more bags to sell.
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katinboots..this is for you
This is a good comparision pic of the 2 Anthras that NBF made
Anthra GGH Wk 07 Anthra RH WK 09
pic by me

Oh my goodness! :o
They are completely different bags! :blink:
(ps: thank you for the pic!)
THIS is my drrreeeam anthra

Would that be a... '07? :unsure:
(google images)

So my momma recently got a new bag, and put it in our laundry room, where she managed to put a gift basket on TOP of the bag. :blink:
The bag is a camel colour, and the gift "basket", well, it's not so much basket. More like big metal painted thing.
Today she was sorting things, and when she went to get her bag, this is what it looked like



This is what was resting on it



Sooo pretty much the purse is ruined. I fear that some of those "stains" have actually rubbed off the purse's material, and aren't just stains.
I'm here asking a WWJD, except it's:
What Would You Ladies Do??
My mom wanted to try nail polish remover, but then decided against it cause it may leave white patches (take the colour off the bag).
Please, some safe purse cleaning suggestions!

(my photos)
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