Jennifer Aniston's New Interview [mention of Pitt and Jolie]

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Wow, I feel sorry for jennifer. . . . because she is pathetic, self-involved, delusional, yet at the same time, condescending.
Puh-lease, am I suppose to believe her lies just because she says so in Vanity Fair? ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS and jenjen never tried to have a baby in the 7 years she was with Brad altho Brad has talked about wanting to be a father for how many years. Why couldnt she have a kid while she was on Friends? Lisa Kudrow did as well as many prime-time actress. Hell, Jennifer garner is doing so right now even though a pregnancy is much more inconvenient for a spy action series than it is a for a 30 min ensamble comedy.

I dont blame Brad forn getting tired of waiting and hooking up with someone who obviously enjoys being a mother and not being obsessed with her hair and clothes. jen has only herself to blame if she has ended up alone and Brad hasnt looked back.
^True,but if he wanted a baby so bad why didn't he stop whining to the media and get out of the relationship sooner. <Sorry had to vent,never really liked brad pitt>
Marleen said:
I don't believe her when she says that she wanted to be pregnant this year. In all his interviews you can tell how much he wants kids and she kept putting it off. I also think it is disgraceful of her to have her friends chime in and give their two cents - it wasn't their relationship. She also calls him insensitive but she herself has not talked to her mother in a decade - she has issues. I think that he didn't want to be in the marriage any longer and wanted to get out. Even in his new interviews he says he wants to focus on having kids.

But Angelina no longer talks to her dad what does that make her?
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sonjanicky29 said:
But Angelina no longer talks to her dad what does that make her?

Good one. I don't get why people bring that up. Jen has stated that she never had a good relationship with her mom and that thats. I wouldn't want to know my mother if all she did was put me down. Heaps of people in the world don't see one or both parents and they don't have "issues".

And has anyone thought they maybe Brad shoots blanks and it's not Jen. Everyone always blames Jen over the baby issue. I'm glad Jen has come out stating that she has never said that she never wants to have kids. With all the pics of her with Coco you can see that she is comfortable around kids.

I been wondering if Brad and Angie are really together then considering that she has said that she never wants to give birth it's weird that Brad would go with her if say he wants biological kids. There's nothing wrong with adoption but before the seperation he never talked about adpotion.

thehepburn I dont blame Brad from getting tired of waiting and hooking up with someone who obviously enjoys being a mother and not being obsessed with her hair and clothes. jen has only herself to blame if she has ended up alone and Brad hasnt looked back.

Thanks for the laugh, Jen obsessed with hair and clothes. I take you haven't seen some of her candids pic over the years. While Jen may always look glam on the red carpet sometimes her personally choices are not shall we say the best, so I doubt Jen is obsessed with her hair and clothes.
thehepburn said:
Wow, I feel sorry for jennifer. . . . because she is pathetic, self-involved, delusional, yet at the same time, condescending.
Puh-lease, am I suppose to believe her lies just because she says so in Vanity Fair? ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS and jenjen never tried to have a baby in the 7 years she was with Brad altho Brad has talked about wanting to be a father for how many years. Why couldnt she have a kid while she was on Friends? Lisa Kudrow did as well as many prime-time actress. Hell, Jennifer garner is doing so right now even though a pregnancy is much more inconvenient for a spy action series than it is a for a 30 min ensamble comedy.

I dont blame Brad forn getting tired of waiting and hooking up with someone who obviously enjoys being a mother and not being obsessed with her hair and clothes. jen has only herself to blame if she has ended up alone and Brad hasnt looked back.

Label Basher said:
Good one. I don't get why people bring that up. Jen has stated that she never had a good relationship with her mom and that thats. I wouldn't want to know my mother if all she did was put me down. Heaps of people in the world don't see one or both parents and they don't have "issues".

And has anyone thought they maybe Brad shoots blanks and it's not Jen. Everyone always blames Jen over the baby issue. I'm glad Jen has come out stating that she has never said that she never wants to have kids. With all the pics of her with Coco you can see that she is comfortable around kids.

I been wondering if Brad and Angie are really together then considering that she has said that she never wants to give birth it's weird that Brad would go with her if say he wants biological kids. There's nothing wrong with adoption but before the seperation he never talked about adpotion.

Thanks for the laugh, Jen obsessed with hair and clothes. I take you haven't seen some of her candids pic over the years. While Jen may always look glam on the red carpet sometimes her personally choices are not shall we say the best, so I doubt Jen is obsessed with her hair and clothes.
I wish I could have said my quotes that good. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Label Basher said:
I been wondering if Brad and Angie are really together then considering that she has said that she never wants to give birth it's weird that Brad would go with her if say he wants biological kids. There's nothing wrong with adoption but before the seperation he never talked about adpotion.

I'm sure due to his strong involvment in fighting extreme poverty, and AIDS awarness in Africa, it might have changed his mind.

And it's been said that he, himself has wanted to adopt an african oprhan.
number one: we dont KNOW that brad and angelina f*****when he was still with jen. he says that he didnt-i believe him. angelina says she wouldnt mess with a married man-i believe her too.

to whoever said "shes messing with a married man right now" -they are SEPARATED and going through a divorce. there is a difference. its not the same thing. i dont advocate sleeping with a married man and if brad DID f*** angelina while he was still in a relationship with jen then yes thats lame. but we dont KNOW this. everyone is just speculating and assuming. as far as i'm concerned-theyre separated, theyve filed divorce papers and are divorcing-and so they both can go be with whomever they want now, because they are not together anymore.

i almost think its funny how angelina is painted as this evil woman. why? because she doesnt look like the girl next door? because she used to keep billy bobs blood in a vial around her neck? because she says what she feels and does what she says and makes no apologies? that makes me like her more, not less. i think its funny tho how everyone is like "awww poor sweet jen" and "eww evil angelina". its a joke. theyre both human beings, we dont know what happened, for all we know "poor sweet jen" was a raving b*tch to live with in private and thats why brad got out.

i wish them all happiness...and yes i'm interested in this story because i like brad and jen. but all this finger pointing and blaming is ridiculous.
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LifeNatureLove said:
I was hurt for her by the spread they did for "W" magazine.
Yeah, that spread was a really inconsiderate move on the part of Brad and Angelina...i never really found Angelina that attractive anyway, especially after hearing those reports back in the day about her penchant for self-mutilation.

In the local Hong Kong newspaper today it is reported that Angelina has ordered Brad to give up smoking or else she wouldn't sleep with him - and apparently Brad has been smoke free for 2 weeks now! I just don't understand the spell this woman supposedly puts on men, and i can't see her appeal.
Fade to Black said:
LifeNatureLove said:
I was hurt for her by the spread they did for "W" magazine.
Yeah, that spread was a really inconsiderate move on the part of Brad and Angelina...i never really found Angelina that attractive anyway, especially after hearing those reports back in the day about her penchant for self-mutilation.

would you say the same about someone diagnosed with depression, or diabetes, or someone who self medicated with food, or alcohol? self mutilation-or self harming as it's most commonly called, is actually a response to stress, pain, and depression. its a persons way of coping when they cant figure out any other way. angelina stopped her self harming, which takes strength and guts to do. i dont understand why you'd say "especially after hearing those reports about her "penchant" for self mutilation. if she did it she did it because it was the only thing she knew how to do. she's since gone on to be a beautiful, successful, mature, caring woman who has a great carreer and who has really settled down from her former wild ways, and adopted two children. kudos to her for overcoming self harm.
Fade to Black said:
In the local Hong Kong newspaper today it is reported that Angelina has ordered Brad to give up smoking or else she wouldn't sleep with him - and apparently Brad has been smoke free for 2 weeks now! I just don't understand the spell this woman supposedly puts on men, and i can't see her appeal.
:huh: I think you need to take your reports with the obligatory bucket of salt. If she lives with him and has two kids, maybe she doesnt want the kids sucking in his passive smoke...?

When Penelope Cruz was doing her bit for Homewreckers United, was there all this horrible stuff said about her? Because Angelina choose not to be a Hollywood clone, people are so willing to vilify everything she does. Why do people get so posessive over their exes? If you split up, you have as much claim to the person as you do to everyone else who you're not seeing: NONE.

She's gorgeous, undeliably talented and HUMAN: she fell in love with someone who happened to be married. Obviously Jen and Brad weren't meant to be life partners! I agree with angel, perhaps Jen was a ball breaking monster, we don't know. Let's just quit the Brad and Angelina bashing :flower: B)
UniqueChic said:
:huh: I think you need to take your reports with the obligatory bucket of salt. If she lives with him and has two kids, maybe she doesnt want the kids sucking in his passive smoke...?

When Penelope Cruz was doing her bit for Homewreckers United, was there all this horrible stuff said about her? Because Angelina choose not to be a Hollywood clone, people are so willing to vilify everything she does. Why do people get so posessive over their exes? If you split up, you have as much claim to the person as you do to everyone else who you're not seeing: NONE.

She's gorgeous, undeliably talented and HUMAN: she fell in love with someone who happened to be married. Obviously Jen and Brad weren't meant to be life partners! I agree with angel, perhaps Jen was a ball breaking monster, we don't know. Let's just quit the Brad and Angelina bashing :flower: B)

Penelope and Cruise? I would have thought that everyone has understood by now that was a publicist relationship. Most people understood that, so therefore little was said about it.

We don't know what happened but it is insensitive for someone with Angelina's background - disliking her father for cheating on and leaving her mother - to do the W spread and cover that she did while proclaiming that she doesn't go after other women's men. Please. I guess the feelings of this Hollywood star doesn't compare to the horrors she's seen in Africa so she can do whatever she wants with rich people now. It's all very convenient.

Dropping Jennifer and starting to date Angelina within weeks of his split form Jen is rather insensitive given the publicity that was bound to ensue. I would guess that Brad doesn't care for Jen even the slightest anymore with behaviour like that. But in the real world, this happens all the time, so the only extreme factor is that this poor girl has to live in a cave in order not to know what bliss, passion and happiness that he is experiencing with his new woman.

Well, I don't care either way, I just think it's amusing how Angelina's fans will find excuses for her immature behaviour. I like her - she's beautiful, talented and amusing, but she does not seem like a very nice person.
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its terribly heart breaks for her....
but people do make their choices...
and live their lives...

i dont place blame in any direction...
it really doesnt help anyone..
and at the end of the day, no-one really knows the truth....

but i wish them all the best...
brad, angelina, and jen...
may they all be happy individuals and make good choices from here on....
iluvjeisa said:
We don't know what happened but it is insensitive for someone with Angelina's background - disliking her father for cheating on and leaving her mother - to do the W spread and cover that she did while proclaiming that she doesn't go after other women's men. Please. I guess the feelings of this Hollywood star doesn't compare to the horrors she's seen in Africa so she can do whatever she wants with rich people now. It's all very convenient.

Dropping Jennifer and starting to date Angelina within weeks of his split form Jen is rather insensitive given the publicity that was bound to ensue. I would guess that Brad doesn't care for Jen even the slightest anymore with behaviour like that. But in the real world, this happens all the time, so the only extreme factor is that this poor girl has to live in a cave in order not to know what bliss, passion and happiness that he is experiencing with his new woman.

The W shoot was planned months in advance; while they were filming. It takes ages to plan shoots, especially ones that are as involved as that one was. It was probably finished before the movie was.
And they did deny the relationship was taking place. The paps obviously intrude too far into people's personal space. Show me a pic of Brad and Ange kissing before the divorce was finalized (movie stills don't count!)
^ Um..the divorce still is not finalized, but I completely understand what your saying
iluvjeisa said:
Penelope and Cruise? I would have thought that everyone has understood by now that was a publicist relationship. Most people understood that, so therefore little was said about it.

We don't know what happened but it is insensitive for someone with Angelina's background - disliking her father for cheating on and leaving her mother - to do the W spread and cover that she did while proclaiming that she doesn't go after other women's men. Please. I guess the feelings of this Hollywood star doesn't compare to the horrors she's seen in Africa so she can do whatever she wants with rich people now. It's all very convenient.

Dropping Jennifer and starting to date Angelina within weeks of his split form Jen is rather insensitive given the publicity that was bound to ensue. I would guess that Brad doesn't care for Jen even the slightest anymore with behaviour like that. But in the real world, this happens all the time, so the only extreme factor is that this poor girl has to live in a cave in order not to know what bliss, passion and happiness that he is experiencing with his new woman.

Well, I don't care either way, I just think it's amusing how Angelina's fans will find excuses for her immature behaviour. I like her - she's beautiful, talented and amusing, but she does not seem like a very nice person.

Yes it is.

But it is just as bad as hardcore Jen fans hating Brad and Angelina just because they're beautiful. (and they are).

Yeah it sucks to see your ex coercing with someone else, but there's a difference. She's a celebrity, so it's ten times worse. But other than that, they are just a regular couple that happens to get a divorce. They probably grew apart like most hollywood couples do.

As far as the "I guess the feelings of this Hollywood star doesn't compare to the horrors she's seen in Africa so she can do whatever she wants with rich people now. It's all very convenient." comment, I don't see what that had to due with anything. There are horrors in America, as well as Africa.

All this is based on, "Angelina just seems like a mean person". Hasn't anyone heard of "don't judge a book by it's cover"? Base your judgements on concrete things like, her overwhelming involvment for the people of Africa and Cambodia and other third world countries. She's a freakin' Goodwill Ambassdor for cripes sake! That's why I like her.....oh and she's also beautiful and talented. Either way, it's more than I can say about countless other stars in this world.

And also in the report it said, "Their relationship started six months before the break-up". That's dosen't technically imply that it was a love relationship.
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fashionicon said:
All this is based on, "Angelina just seems like a mean person". Hasn't anyone heard of "don't judge a book by it's cover"? Base your judgements on concrete things like, her overwhelming involvment for the people of Africa and Cambodia and other third world countries. She's a freakin' Goodwill Ambassdor for cripes sake! That's why I like her.....oh and she's also beautiful and talented. Either way, it's more than I can say about countless other stars in this world.

It's sad that all people can see is the charity stuff that she does. There aare tons of celebs that do charity work and go to other countries and visit sick children but we don't see them on a high pedestal. I think you and other people have a one sided view of her. Yes she does do charity work, yes she did adopt children, That's Great!!!! I respect her fully for that, but Angelina is no saint for doing charity work. Hell I do charity work and I am far from a saint. My parents are adopting a child from a third world country but they are far from saints. People are two-faced. Most of Hollywood is two-faced. IMO:D :flower:
UniqueChic said:
The W shoot was planned months in advance; while they were filming. It takes ages to plan shoots, especially ones that are as involved as that one was. It was probably finished before the movie was.
And they did deny the relationship was taking place. The paps obviously intrude too far into people's personal space. Show me a pic of Brad and Ange kissing before the divorce was finalized (movie stills don't count!)

It's quite possible that they have not consummated their affair, even though that is unlikely. They have the most remarkable chemistry between an A-list celebrity couple in years. They seem like star struck teenagers when they are in eachother's presence. I just don't understand why you or anyone else would be denying their romantic relationship. They are beautiful together, but they appear to have acted a bit selfishly. I don't understand this goth halo people attach onto Angie. She's likely a rather self involved person who overcompensates by doing what she thinks must be the kindest thing in the world (ie adoption of abandoned children). Which is cute, but kinda silly.
surferchica said:
It's sad that all people can see is the charity stuff that she does. There aare tons of celebs that do charity work and go to other countries and visit sick children but we don't see them on a high pedestal. I think you and other people have a one sided view of her. Yes she does do charity work, yes she did adopt children, That's Great!!!! I respect her fully for that, but Angelina is no saint for doing charity work. Hell I do charity work and I am far from a saint. My parents are adopting a child from a third world country but they are far from saints. People are two-faced. Most of Hollywood is two-faced. IMO:D :flower:


so what should I be basing my opinion about her on? The speculation that she slept with a married man or the fact that she "seems" like a mean person?:innocent:

I highly doubt Hitler, Jeffery Dahmer, Joseph Stalin, the unabomber, or John Gotti was so heavily involved in charitable work.

Anyone who takes the time out of their own lives to stop and acknowledge the suffering of other people is a-okay in my book.
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fashionicon said:
As far as the "I guess the feelings of this Hollywood star doesn't compare to the horrors she's seen in Africa so she can do whatever she wants with rich people now. It's all very convenient." comment, I don't see what that had to due with anything. There are horrors in America, as well as Africa.

All this is based on, "Angelina just seems like a mean person". Hasn't anyone heard of "don't judge a book by it's cover"? Base your judgements on concrete things like, her overwhelming involvment for the people of Africa and Cambodia and other third world countries. She's a freakin' Goodwill Ambassdor for cripes sake! That's why I like her.....oh and she's also beautiful and talented. Either way, it's more than I can say about countless other stars in this world.

If she really wanted to do something for Africa she should donate 90% of her earnings to some worthwhile cause that she got involved in. To me, she's doesn't seem particularly kind or unkind, she's just selfish like most other people but likes to seem like a goth saint or something. I just wonder who's judging the book by its cover here ;)
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