Karl Lagerfeld (March 2010 - December 2012)

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Two people I would most like to hang out with!! ;)

Karl Lagerfeld and Freja attend the Gordon Parks Foundation awards dinner and auction at Gotham Hall on June 1, 2011 in New York City.

Karl Lagerfeld will show Chanel's couture collection in the glass-ceilinged, normally light-filled Grand Palais in Paris. However, it'll be pitch dark this season, since it's slated to start at 10 p.m. (in fashion-show time, that's 10:30 at the earliest). As if show-goers needed another excuse to drink their dinners.

17 June 2011
YAY! Karl Lagerfeld's photo-book is published in English!


As anyone who has watched the seminal 2007 documentary, Lagerfeld Confidential, will know, Uncle Karl is nothing if not a bibliophile (lover of books) with his huge personal library of fashion and photography tomes, big enough to make the average Waterstones feel sparse. Anyhoo, as well as books, he is also a keen photographer and after many years of scratching his wig thoughtfully has come up with an idea that forms the perfect synthesis of these twin interests: A book of photography.
Yes that right readers, we don’t bandy the phrase ‘utter genius’ around lightly here at Grazia Daily, but there are some events that do demand a certain level of adjective to put them in context, and the publishing of Work in Progress (Steidl)—a survey of Karl’s photographic oeuvre, from his first dabbling with a camera in 1987 to his most recent, highly polished images – is just such an occasion. Oh yes. It has already sold out in the French version (called Parcours de Travail) and shows his process of experimentation with many techniques such as algraphy, serigraphy, resinotypes and sepia prints, as well as more than a couple of his snaps of his celebrity chums. Perfect!

Big Time Feud on the horizon!! Alaia doesn't like Karl, or anyone else...B)

On Karl Lagerfeld:
Happily, women love me and buy my clothes, unlike Karl who’s never been loved like me! [Laughs.]​

I don’t like his fashion, his spirit, his attitude. It’s too much caricature. Karl Lagerfeld never touched a pair of scissors in his life. That doesn’t mean that he’s not great, but he’s part of another system. He has capacity. One day he does photography, the next he does advertisements for Coca-Cola. I would rather die than see my face in a car advertisement. We don’t do the same work.​

Read more: Azzedine Alaia - Page 40 - the Fashion Spot http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f60/azzedine-alaia-2835-40.html#ixzz1Q6utZU4N
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Auch!!!! Thats a little mean spirited why would you bad mouth someone like that ! I think he is jealous Karl is a rock star
I don't think it's bad mouthing, he just said his opinion and as much as Karl is entertaining, I have to agree with Alaia.
Jalouse May 2011

Blake Lively and Karl Lagerfeld
I don't see anything wrong in the words of this Alaia-guy, whoever that is... :shifty:

Karl does call himself a caricature! Maybe Alaia has watched the documentary "Un Roi Seul" so that's how he knows... but I don't think he would admit to that.

Perhaps Karl would disagree on the "never touched a pair of scissors" thing, and he would go on to tell him about the "very sordid" days he spent at Patou. One thing is clear though... As of now, he doesnt touch them scissors because he doesnt want to!
He has said it many times: he sketches, he is a graphic designer, not a "drappeur".

Shall monsieur Alaia speak again, the Karl Army should burn down visit his modest studio, no? :judge:
^indeed, that Alaia-guy doesn't even produce fashion shows...
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I've got nothing against speaking one's own mind, I just don't like Mr Alaia's attitude ...
... he says he would rather die than doing car advertisements - haha, like anyone would recognise him anyway! But I'm a little biased of course ... :angel:
^ How true- I can't see anyone saying, I was going to buy a Renault, but if Alaia says the Peugeot is better, that's the car for me!!! :lol: He may be a great fashion designer, but he has a very delusional idea of his power and commercial appeal....If you stopped 100 people on the street in NYC, I doubt maybe a couple of them would even know his name, whereas Karl can (and does) cause riots in the street when he shows up!! (Even if he 'never touches a pair of scissors', as if that is the standard for talent and success; sort of like saying an architect is talented but never puts pencil to paper, when it just isn't the way it is done anymore...) B)
New York Magazine-

Karl Lagerfeld pooh-poohs the popular notion that today's fashion industry forces designers to overextend themselves:

I'm not like those designers who think they are pressed too much, that their creativity is so fragile. It's very simple, no? Don't take the job if you think you cannot do it. Bad football players do not play in the first league. Swimmers who cannot really swim never win. I mean, you have to know if you can do this kind of sport on that level. If not, forget about it. But you cannot expect people to cry about you, that you are so overworked, so pressed. Nobody presses me.
It helps that he does all his work — a dozen runway shows between Fendi and Chanel, plus ad campaigns, books, and styling jobs — extremely quickly. For example, he made the 30-minute-long film for his Chanel cruise collection in only three days, because he just makes everything up as he goes along. "I write the dialogue in my mind and I tell them in the minute what to say," he explained to Imagine Fashion. "Everything I do is improvisation. But I am a very professional improvisor."
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