Kings of Leon

i know right. i love lily but i kind of had a thing for caleb as well. well, good luck to them. they make a beautiful couple.
matt and johanna

source susan pinn facebook


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Awww, Matt looks so happy and Joanna is just beautiful :heart:

Thanks for all the interviews, em1885 :flower:


The Come Around Sundown Interviews - Part 2
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love all these interviews....why has nate got his arm in a sling?!
and the pic of Joanna and matt it to cute
I've been naughty and downloaded the leaked album today :innocent: It's so f***ing amazing, even better than anything I'd expected. Love it :heart:
what happened to nathan´s arm?

after party of jessie´s gig at mercury lounge


HAHAH what a face expression!


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I don't see why they couldn't have made it all one part? To me it'd make more sense than breaking this interview up into little bits.

But anyway, I think Matt has talked more in these interviews than most all other interviews. Often he says nothing or a couple of words, which is why I'm always enamored when he says anything! He's rather mysterious, which I kind of like. ^_^

And ... I can't wait for the record to come out! :woot:
I'm fine with people disliking the new album, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don't get why they have to be so nasty about it.
But this is pretty funny:lol:

nathan's twitter
You can listen to the album in its entirety (and legally) on their website here. :woot:

I'm listening though I shouldn't get myself sucked in when you still can't download/buy the album (legally that is).
I will Resist!!!!!!!!!!!

And I agree with you, Those interviews cut into little bit are absolutely irritating.

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