Kings of Leon

I'm fine with people disliking the new album, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don't get why they have to be so nasty about it.
But this is pretty funny:lol:

nathan's twitter

I think it's nice to see Nathan tweeting about something other than alcohol.:innocent:
Bought the album yesterday and I really really like it, has a summer-feel to it, they always have great melodies!!!
I just listened to the whole album and I can't get into it. I'm so disappointed! I wanted to like it so badly-but it's terrible.
Having said that, I don't like pop music at all so that is probably why..... pop fans will love it.

The Radioactive pretty well sets the tone for this whole record.....
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Luckily I like almost every genre of music, enough that when bands evolve and branch into other sounds, chances are I won't completely detest it. I imagine it's tougher on fans who are partial to a genre or a few.

I've streamed Come Around Sundown from their website and while I'm not crazy about it, I might add almost every Kings of Leon song from their previous albums has grown on me. I like every single song (from the past four albums), though some certainly more than others, but funny enough, originally ... I didn't like a single song of theirs! Every single one had to grow on me. Strange, but true.

So far, from the new album, I've taken a liking to "No Money", "Pony Up", and "Pick-Up Truck". I wouldn't say I hate the rest, but am a bit undecided, as of now. Hoping they'll grow on me...

But admittedly, I haven't gone mad for any of them, like I once did for previous songs like, "Molly's Chambers", "Red Morning Light", etc...

Bought the album yesterday and I really really like it, has a summer-feel to it, they always have great melodies!!!

How'd you buy the album? It's not out until Tuesday (the 19th).
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I'm hoping that it will grow on me too....I was really excited to hear a return to blue grass/country sound but there isn't much on there
ive been putting the album on repeat and i have to say i really like it. i never want to skip a song and thats because theres a line or melody in each song that i really like. i end up wanting to put each song on repeat after it finishes.
I liked Come Around Sundown right away, though it has grown on me even more after listening to it on repeat ever since it leaked on the internet.
My favorites are Pick Up Track and The End, but Celebration, The Immortals, The Face, No Money and Pony Up are super awesome as well. The only songs on CAS I'm not crazy about (yet) are Mi Amigo and Beachside. I can't wait to hear all the songs live :heart:

That's too bad so many fans are disappointed by the album. I really do hope it will grow on you guys and you'll end up loving it as much as I do!
the videos that were posted here from kingsofleon youtube page are really insightful. they talk about each individual song and you appreciate the songs and KOL's sense of musicality. Its nice to hear them discuss the work they have put into the record.
There is a short piece on the new album in the new Rolling Stone mag (with Keith Richards on the cover) and it says Matthew married his gf right around the same time Nathan married Jessie. I was shocked as I thought Nathan was the only hubby in the group. Anyone know if it's true?
^Ha! That would explain why Johanna has been using her first and her second name on Twitter and facebook instead of adding the last name since around that time. There have been pictures of her with what seemed like an engagement ring, which could definitely actually be a wedding ring. I don't see why RollingStone would make that up, so I suppose it's true.
TAO New York 10th Anniversary Party


First impressions, I'm not at all excited with the new album. Some songs are interesting but in general everything sounds horribly like U2.

Actually the guy at the record store tried to stop me from buying the album, he was appalled at how bad it was, he kept asking me if i was sure i wanted to spend money on this c**p. Apparently all the staff heard it last night and decide they would not play it in store.
I'm starting to think that maybe i should have listened to it before buying.
you have to give the album a chance i was iffy too in the beginning but i really like the album now.

did you watch the videos posted here from their youtube page? its insightful about most of the songs which made me appreciate them more.

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