Los Angeles Street Style

That's funny you say that Vivi, because I complain about the Mary-Kate wannabe look all the time. I admit, I think it can be cute if done correctly. But the thing that pisses me off the most (on so many levels) is that everyone in LA thinks they're a "hippie" now.

First of all, real hippies would be turning in their graves right now if they could see half of these girls. It's hippie couture... the look completely commercializes a group of people who were supposed to be so counter-culture. Every time a messy-haired girl(all the same shade of blonde) in big, boho(designer) sunglasses flashes the peace sign and makes that MK duck face, I lose it.

But that's LA for you, hate it or love it. Maybe that's fashion in general. The truth is, the MK look really isn't the only trendy look in LA right now. It depends on where you are. The first batch of girls I posted were more polished and less of that MK layered, baggy, vintagey look. I like the first group's style much better(with a few exceptions), to be honest.
these people look like they came straight out of a laguna beach episode.
someone should just walk around westwood if they like this type of "fashion". everyone looks like this.
Boluda said:
these people look like they came straight out of a laguna beach episode.

:lol: :lol:

i live in L.A. everything at my school is Holliser or A&F...
my school is a blend of tons of different styles. you have the occassional a&f, but there's also a lot of boho and marc jacobs type stuff. the one thing that frusterates me about la (maybe not the one thing, but one of the things) is that most of the teenage girls around here look the same (clothes, hair, accesories, etc.).
here are some pictures of my and my friends (sorry the polaroid wont resize):





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..wow I'm starting to take a like on the la street style, some very nice rockerish pieces..
laRenta__x0 said:
Jeez, you're friends are gorgeous.
I love the outfits in the polaroid photos.

haha, thank you.

the polaroid is a picture of me and two of my friends before some wb cast party we went to.
EskimoGirl said:
my school is a blend of tons of different styles. you have the occassional a&f, but there's also a lot of boho and marc jacobs type stuff. the one thing that frusterates me about la (maybe not the one thing, but one of the things) is that most of the teenage girls around here look the same (clothes, hair, accesories, etc.).

I think that you think so simply because you haven't seen how teenage girls in other towns look... I can't agree with you, anyway... The girls I've seen in LA were the best and the girls in your area are just :woot: . I mean they're the best you can possibily look, imo. So much of a personal style...
By the way they are pix at LA.com, but I don't know how to post pix, if anybody can do it?

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