Louis Vuitton S/S 2007 : Scarlett Johansson by Mert & Marcus

i love these ads! very much a calling back to the vargas grls of the 30's/40's....and i love the flowers.....this and MJ's marc by marc line are getting me really excited over pastels and girly-girl stuff for spring!
vargas girls from google image search and btinternet.com


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She's not a really good poser. She's just holding the bags up like "LOOK!!! Buy this bag!!!"
eternitygoddess said:
She's not a really good poser. She's just holding the bags up like "LOOK!!! Buy this bag!!!"

Thats what they always do in the Vuitton ads. Just holding the bags.
Just lovely. Those colors :heart: It's so crisp and flowery. She just glows....I don't even mind the photoshopping :D And that bag that she carries flowers in looks pretty good to me.
I *hate* her but I really like this. Except for the white bag with the studs - eck.
SCARLETT JOHANSSON is back in the house of Louis Vuitton and she's posed for the spring/summer 2007 ads in her underwear. The 22-year-old actress, who previously posed for Louis Vuitton for autumn/winter 2004, will share ad space with fellow Marc Jacobs favourites Christina Ricci and Chloe Sevigny this season. Jacobs famously picks the world's most beautiful women for the LV campaigns, which have starred Uma Thurman, Naomi Campbell, Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Lopez in the past. (December 14 2006, AM)

Dolly Jones

peacelover142002 said:
I think the ads are gorgeous. And I love that its Scarlett Johansson, someone who actually has a few curves. :heart:

...and isn't very tall!
I'm not going to talk about the bags or clothes or whatever here because to me LV is just tacky. :lol: Sursprisingly I really like these adverts. It looks fresh and kind of different from the other LV ads before which weren't really my type of thing. Still Scarlett looked gorgeous in the last LV adverts she did ...well so she does in these. She's the pin-up type of girl and it really fits for me. I love the concept and the whole idea of these..Gorgeous. :heart:
There's no doubt that Scarlett is beautiful and a good actress, but from these ads, she is a bad poser.
ooh christina! she always is so beautiful in editorials!!!!!!!!! cant wait to see her as a pin-up girl!
I don't love the ads but i don't hate them either...
i think i prefer her ads from last time...

these look a bit too "pin-up" for me...

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