Mel Gibson arrested for drunken driving

Sorry, this might be a stupid question, but wasn't Jesus Jewish??
He wasn't that drunk, people. He blew 0.12? I had a friend get pulled over who was 0.18 - granted, he shouldn't have been driving, but he was far from out of control. I'm shocked by the number of people who are willing to give him a pass for this...makes me ill.
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they said it had nothing to do with Mel about pulling out on the holocaust special. I think he feels bad imagine how guilty he must feel for hurting all those peoples feelings. I would not like to be in his shoes right now.
^To be honest, I am not sure if he is sorry for what he said. I think he is sorry that what he said was publicized.
^^^ yeah, like i'll admit that i'm prejudiced against racist, anti-semite drunks who endanger peoples' lives on PCH.
electricladyland said:
^^^ yeah, like i'll admit that i'm prejudiced against racist, anti-semite drunks who endanger peoples' lives on PCH.

My thoughts exactly. I have no tolerance for intolerance.
greeneyebeauty said:
I think it's all crazy.

Deep down EVERYONE has a little prejudge against someone.

You're right, but where do you live, where people are going around calling each other racial slurs and blaming certain races for the tragedies of our country?

There's a BIG difference between judgement and bigotry.
huda914 said:
I forgive him we all say things we dont really mean. anyone heard of Carlos Mencia? ; )

I think Carlos Mencia is a terrible comedian.

I miss my Chapelle. :cry:
riiighhtt we all blame the Jews for the worlds problems when we get s-faced :rolleyes:
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Hipkitten said:
He wasn't that drunk, people. He blew 0.12? I had a friend get pulled over who was 0.18 - granted, he shouldn't have been driving, but he was far from out of control. I'm shocked by the number of people who are willing to give him a pass for this...makes me ill.

It's not worth making yourself ill over. That's why forgiveness is a good thing. I've been a physical victim of anti-Semitism, when I got punched in the head by some idiots when I was watching the Israel Day parade on 5th Avenue in New York in 1991. These dumb heavy-metal rocker-type kids punched me in the head, knocked me down, and told me "to go back where I came from."

All I could think was "where? Pennsylvania?"...I wore my head shaved bald at the time, and had a little knit hat on. I guess they thought I was a teenaged boy in a yarmulke. Now, the punchline was that no one else watching the parade bothered to help or defend me, because they knew I wasn't a teenaged boy in a yarmulke, but rather some crazy-***ed bald shiksa in a rasta-colored kufi.

For Mel so loved the world, he took a fall...
He certainly doesn't get a pass from me.

When my great-grandmother was in her 90s in the nursing home with dementia, she went through a racist period--and she got no free pass from me, so you can be damn sure that he doesn't. (Luckily the dementia then progressed to the point where she was blissfully unaware of race ;) )

My mother said, oh, I know what she was like, she wasn't like that, there were always little black children running around the farm, she was always sweet to them just like she was to everyone. And indeed, she was a wonderful woman.

The point is, the racism or whatever ism is there because you didn't actively root it out and refuse to harbor it. When your defenses are down, out it comes ... "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." So ya better watch what's in there ... eventually we're all gonna find out, and if you're a celeb, that really means all ...

You really don't want to be insulting the people who are wiping your butt in the nursing home ... :innocent:
fashionista-ta said:
You really don't want to be insulting the people who are wiping your butt in the nursing home ... :innocent:

My parents both do hospice work, and I've been around people with senile dementia. There's all sorts of horror and ugliness inside of people, conscious, unconscious, collectively unconscious, etcetera. You best believe someone can be a fount of garbage which are totally opposite to the values they truly hold. That's what the unconscious is.

People who loved you, raised you, even, end up not recognizing you, calling you dirty names, disowning you completely, even. Do you judge you your loved ones like that? And do you think you cannot be broken thusly?

Some guy with a brain tumor downloaded child p*rn because the brain tumor impeded the part of his brain which hold our rational control in check. He had no interest in child p*rn up until this point. When he had the tumor removed, the strange impulse disappeared?

I've known brain-injured people who are like children, they were in auto accidents, and when they came to, they were more like jealous siblings to their own children.

You can get hit on the head and turn into a slobbering, reactive, cursing beast. So I don't doubt what a little booze can do.
fashionista-ta said:
You really don't want to be insulting the people who are wiping your butt in the nursing home ... :innocent:

and in this case hollywood is wiping mel's butt and he keeps sh*tting all over it. :rofl:

sorry mods...i couldn't resist.

A more appropriate adage might be, "don't bite the hand that feeds you, mel."
mellowdrama said:
My parents both do hospice work, and I've been around people with senile dementia. There's all sorts of horror and ugliness inside of people, conscious, unconscious, collectively unconscious, etcetera. You best believe someone can be a fount of garbage which are totally opposite to the values they truly hold. That's what the unconscious is.

People who loved you, raised you, even, end up not recognizing you, calling you dirty names, disowning you completely, even. Do you judge you your loved ones like that? And do you think you cannot be broken thusly?

Some guy with a brain tumor downloaded child p*rn because the brain tumor impeded the part of his brain which hold our rational control in check. He had no interest in child p*rn up until this point. When he had the tumor removed, the strange impulse disappeared?

I've known brain-injured people who are like children, they were in auto accidents, and when they came to, they were more like jealous siblings to their own children.

You can get hit on the head and turn into a slobbering, reactive, cursing beast. So I don't doubt what a little booze can do.

The human mind, and indeed the collective conscious, are largely not understood at this point ... many mysteries there, that's true ...

Definitely not saying it couldn't happen to me. I realize it could, which is one of the reasons why I try to be a conscious guardian of what's floating around in my brain soup. I'd like to get out of here having said a minimum of really, really stupid things ...

But I also thought denial--my mother's favorite response to virtually all unpleasantness--was the inappropriate path to take. My grandmother, daughter of my great-grandmother, is and has been a racist as long as I've known her, so it seems not at all inconsistent with the family picture as I know it (all too well) that my great-grandmother was too. Unfortunately I don't need to go searching in the collective racist conscious for answers to this one ...
mellowdrama said:
You can get hit on the head and turn into a slobbering, reactive, cursing beast. So I don't doubt what a little booze can do.

True, but drinking alcohol is something you choose to do....As far as dementia goes, who wants dementia? No one chooses to go through something like Alzehimers. Getting hit in the head is something no one wants to go through....unless you are a cast member of Jackass and just do dumb stuff like that.

And Mel, being a recovering alcoholic knows more than anyone the effects it has to his body.

He's a grown man. Though being scolded by people everywhere, I'm sure sucks, just think what would have happened if the man had hit and killed someone while driving home drunk. And there's no excuse for that.
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