
skinny overalls .......are fugly.......its like hillbillie meets eurotrash....
and another pair, these are by diesel
source: revloveclothing.com

Grey Ant

i think these are interesting... i really like the view from the back and the way the front pockets are done, but that's it. not a fan of this trend personally--but some of the really fitted overall high waisted shorts are cute. i'd prefer to wear braces :shrugs:... :]
I really like those ^^^^

I never thought I'd see the day overalls came back.. lol ..I kinda thought ew at first..but overalls may work in my favor, I havent tried on a pair in years.. I feel a bit goofy even considering it. BUT they're more womanly now and more grown up. perhaps..
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Overalls have usually been the offical garments of "does this make me look fat?" Much as people say that Crocs should only be worn by children, same goes for overalls. I was never particularly excited about overalls. Now that I see these skinny overalls, I think that would really make me want to see an eye doctor if some girl wears these with the pant legs tucked into boots. And I hope skinny overalls don't take off much the same way skinny jeans have. golucky posted a picture in Post #9 ( http://www.thefashionspot.com/forums/2116700-post9.html ). And to be honest, these look more like pants with suspenders. Even worse would be these overall skirts paired with leggings. Something tells me that some lady probably already tried this.

Ladies do look cute with overalls, but only on rare circumstances. These newer overall styles look like an attempt at taking current bottom styles and trying to add an overall look to them. That's the only credit I'll give most of these new-age overalls. It wasn't until recently in which I found out this was an old thread.

Get ready people... someone will likely buy these overalls and make you have to go to the eye doctor after seeing a terrible sight (no matter who says they are cute).
Overalls.. I dunno..really depend on the actual overalls & the person wearing them.. Classic overalls are hideos.. Now some new updated style might not be bad.unfortunately I haven't seen any good ones in the stores..except in Bulgaria when i was there while ago they ahd some hot ones, & overall skirts.. they weren't completely overalls tho & I liked that.

Anyways I was going through elle.com - street style and saw these.. these aren't that bad, although just the jeans part is what is nice about them.
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Overall Shorts

I am obsessed with overall shorts right now!!! If you go to youtube.com and type in the teenagers and the 1st video is called homecoming and they french girl in the music video is wearing some and she looks ADORABLE!!! I am so obsessed with this look. What do you all think?
Tsubi Also made some amazing Skirt overalls i saw some on ebay recently i think i might bid
they are also by Tsubi
I have the exact same one and I like to wear it with grey or white tops too ^_^
omg i have to get a pair!~ i am about the same size as the girl in the picture what size do you think she is wearing>? i am in los angeles where can i find these every site i found them on they are sold out because they went on sale darn.. i hope i can find a pair and fast... i am obsessed...



{2ndbook.tumblr, utro2.ru, shinysquirrel.tumblr}
It is very interesting that overalls/dungarees have become so trendy lately. I once was thinking about overalls a few months ago, wondering if they'd ever make a comeback. These garments are mostly bad '90s memories. I've never HATED overalls; I just didn't think they were all that cool to wear. But as anyone would know, if you can do something to make people want them, any look or trend will become popular. So I guess it's time to welcome back overalls/dungarees...
i love overalls!!! but i mostly wear short overalls because i always find difficulty picking shoes for a long one. i just love wearing short overalls with boots
I must confess, I like dungarees. They've definitely made a comeback - I'm noticing them everywhere in high street shops and on the street. A related trend is that of denim pinafores, or dungaree-ish dresses.
I love the looks in post 116, but I don't think im that adventurous hehe reminds me too much of when I was little. Looks good on some though!

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