I'm on the site right now, and they do welcome foreign students:
"those students will be recruited, based on their work and a CV. They will then be able to study for a period of 3 to 12 months.
Beside the normal course in the domain they will be studying, they can also take special classes: french, history of art, cultural studies of paris, plastique expression, living models, etc, and others that will be put in place if needed.
Remarque: at the end of the period of studies, a certificate will be delivered to the student, specifying the nature, number of hours and appreciation of the teachers.
When the student sends in his request to study in the school, he will need to send:
a CV,
a motivation letter explaining the reason he wants to study in that precise section, the level of studies he already has, and a brief description of his professional projects or searches.
a photocopy of his diplomas
a folder with his previous personnel work or a cd.
Remarque: the documents must be translated in either french or english, and the folders won't be sent back.
Date limits:
For the first semester: end of may
For the second semester: end of october
the documents sent will be examined by a jury who will transmit it's decision to the candidate before end of june or end of november.
Eventually before entering for sure the school, the student will be submitted to a french test, and have to give some precise documents.
that's some of the stuff they have on the page about the foreign students.
Hope it helps