Pierre Casiraghi

I am sorry to dissapoint, but its not Pierre - its model Wesley Oliver

He was also in V.Westwood s/s 08

(pics modelhommes)


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Thanks Cordie! I really didn't think it was Pierre. They are very similar though. I'm dissapointed; Pierre would make such a cool model.
Holy crap! Getty Images, you have dashed my hopes and have failed me. Never again!

*feels a little embarrased, actually*

But, man does that model look a lot like Pierre in the picture above.
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i was too good to be true.

but i bet there will be a magazine out there that will report it as pierre. they look so alike
It's kinda scary how much they look alike! In those pics posted by cordie he looks EXACTLY like Pierre from couple of years ago...
i knew it wasn't him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!! it's PIERRE! he can't be a model. he doesn't need it.... like charlotte doesn't need to be paris or sth like that. it would be stupid of him to start modelling!
I don't think it would be stupid for Pierre to start modeling. His look is obviously in demand (and he has the height, so he can be a model) and maybe he'd have fun with it.
I don't think it would be stupid for Pierre to start modeling. His look is obviously in demand (and he has the height, so he can be a model) and maybe he'd have fun with it.
maybe i didn't explain it right.... i mean of course he could be a model because of his face, height and just because he is hot^_^.... but he doesn't need it.. like i compared with charlotte... i mean these kids don't have to be somebody else they are who they are... and they are cool:heart:.... i meant that it would be stupid because of his status:blink:
maybe i didn't explain it right.... i mean of course he could be a model because of his face, height and just because he is hot^_^.... but he doesn't need it.. like i compared with charlotte... i mean these kids don't have to be somebody else they are who they are... and they are cool:heart:.... i meant that it would be stupid because of his status:blink:

32nd International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo - Day 4
Princess Caroline's son Pierre Casiraghi attends the 32nd International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo in Monaco, on January 20, 2008. Photo by Pool/ABACAPRESS.COM



Thanks! He is so handsome there. And is it just me, or is he really starting to look like his father? He looks so much like Stefano in the first 2 pics.
^ Yeah, I think so too. In fact, he looks more like Stefano than Andrea ^_^

And did he undergo lasik eye surgery? Or is he just wearing contacts?
finally pierre has a good hair cut. he looks realy good, i love the little hair stuble on his face
^ I think opposite from you, cyberfruit. I love Pierre's look at the circus. Very manly. :heart: :p

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