Pierre Casiraghi

Pierre, just like Prince Harry seems to have surpassed his older brother in looks and sex appeal.

Pierre Casiraghi in the VIP lounge area of San Siro Stadium watching the football Champions Leage game Inter Milan - Manchester United (0 - 0) - Milan, ITALY, February 24, 2009:

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5

source: Royal Truth.
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Is he going to finish his econ degree soon? maybe in June? I think it's a three year degree. I forgot when he started.
Pierre, just like Prince Harry seems to have surpassed his older brother in looks and sex appeal.

I've loved andrea since i was young, when i would go to italy my cousin would buy me all the italian teen magazine's an andrea would be on the front cover. i feel like andrea hasn't quite changed his style as he's grown and he looks so gaunt now.

at first it looked like pierre was going to follow andrea's footsteps with the long hair and stuff, but i'm glad that he's come into his own.
I agree, I wish Andrea the best though, for a while he seemed to be going through something.
I "third" that. Thanks guys. Have a look at Pierre's fan page on facebook. There are lots of pictures and information.
Pierre with family and girlfriend Beatrice attended an Easter mass
in Saint Remy de Provence, France, on April 12, 2009




He's looking really good with this hair style ^_^
Wow he's all grown up. I can't believe how hot he is now. I use to think that he's the odd one on the Casiraghi trio, but now I think he's hotter than Andrea. He used to be geeky....
she seems very much in love!!!
his style is more casual and less fashionable since she is with her....don't you think?
he was never in fashion ...
by the way whats her name?
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yeah you're right but he was trying harder to have a more sophisticated look
anyway her name is beatrice borromeo

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