Pierre Casiraghi

Pierre Casiraghi dances with Melanie-Antoinette de Massy during the 58th Annual Monaco Red Cross Ball held in the 'Salle des Etoiles' at the Monte-Carlo Sporting Club in Monaco on August 4, 2006. Photo by Frederic Nebinger/ABACAUSA.COM



he's very cool! ^_^ and he and his brother are so handsome very unfair! :lol: hee hee! thanks for the pics! :D oh and yes he's hotter than andrea I think? :ermm: :p
Meg said:
haha i love that european people say toy boy instead of boy toy....anyway! he could! I just think he would go for a very typical girl...which to me, is unattractive. but it's nice that he's sweet. love the languages

Hey, a boy toy is a boy's toy; like Lotus Espirit, and a toy boy is a boy for toying with ... like the subject of this thread. ^_^
This is my favorite of the new pics from the Red Cross ball,posted by Beckham18: http://i5.tinypic.com/23rjo8z.jpg
Pierre is extraordinarily handsome here. The lighting is hitting his face in just the perfect way. Just in case some might be confused or not know, Melanie's name is actually Melanie de Lusignan. Her mother is Baroness Elisabeth Ann de Massy. Abaca press just made a mistake. If I remember right, Melanie's dad is Nicholas (sp? Nikolai or something?) de Lusignan. She is Pierre's third cousin and she works in Monaco for a PR firm. She was educated at Monaco's International School. She and Pierre also sat next to each other at the Rose Ball dinner in March, so I think they must really enjoy each other's company. She is unusual looking but I always liked her exotic squinty eyes.
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I think he looks much better with short hair. His hair is starting to look like Andrea's now.
mlsnts said:
I think he looks much better with short hair. His hair is starting to look like Andrea's now.

I can't agree. The long hair works for him in a way it doesn't really work for Andrea. Andrea is handsome but would be so much more handsome with shorter hair. Andrea of 1999 was his best hair, imo. But Pierre of 2005, with those long curls, was awesome. I know a lot of people disagree because I've seen the responses to Pierre's different hairstyles. Most, it seems, prefer him with the short hair.
CTstyle said:
I can't agree. The long hair works for him in a way it doesn't really work for Andrea. Andrea is handsome but would be so much more handsome with shorter hair. Andrea of 1999 was his best hair, imo. But Pierre of 2005, with those long curls, was awesome. I know a lot of people disagree because I've seen the responses to Pierre's different hairstyles. Most, it seems, prefer him with the short hair.

i agree with u when it comes to pierre's hair, remember that pic of pierre attending an event with his uncle held in a stadium and pierre wore a deep red tie with a vest and blazer, and he's sitting there with one foot on the seat infront of him...he looked sooo sexy. how can anyone look at that pic and not think pierre looks his sexiest there
now on to andrea, i can't really imagine andrea with shorter hair, but i must say i prefer him with long hair. he has these soft golden curls in the back and underneath (swoon) he looks like a greek god. it's like they say " curls get the girls" it's true im my case^_^
adore dior said:
it's like they say " curls get the girls" it's true im my case^_^

Curls get the girls, that is too cute. I've never heard that before but Pierre at the ??IAAF event with Albert in Helsinki was definitely sexy. :p Not just the hair, though. Those jeans and that V neck sweater and deep ?burgundy tie looked so great on him.
Wondering what means the blue bracelet he's wearing...(red cross ball)
I don't remember about the bracelet, but I found some old pics of Pierre so here they are. The source is Abaca Press. They are from the 9th (show) Jumping of Monte Carlo, held in april 2003.
annelein said:
Hey, a boy toy is a boy's toy; like Lotus Espirit, and a toy boy is a boy for toying with ... like the subject of this thread. ^_^

Actually that's incorrect. In the UK/Europe women boys who's girlfriends are older them them are called toy boys and in North America they called boy toys. Or possibly the other way around. :p
^in France we say toy boy so you might be right.
So he still is with that Scarry chick... Were they going to a pimps and prostitutes themed party?
Harumi said:
So he still is with that Scarry chick... Were they going to a pimps and prostitutes themed party?

:lol: That's what it looked like, huh? But I guess it was D&G. Here are some new pics of Pierre with the model Caroline Winberg @ Milan airport (he is studying at Bocconi university, economics, in Milan now)
The source is Diva e Donna magazine.




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