Pierre Hardy for Gap

Does anyone know when Pierre Hardy's line (shoes) for Gap debutes in US stores? I love Pierre Hardy and can't wait!
I wonder when it is coming out in the US as well...the pics that lucy posted have me wanting to see more...
i called a couple of gap stores yesterday and no one had any clue what i was talking about...


I was on the site looking for the general number b/c I was going to call too! :lol:
i couldn't find anything online about these being available in the u.s....:(
i called a couple of gap stores yesterday and no one had any clue what i was talking about...


Ahahahaha! They're probably like "Who's Pierre Hardy???"

But really, I'd buy a pair (or more) if these were sold here in US. I LOVE Pierre Hardy's designs. He's a genius!
I hope they are still available in Christmas time, when I visit in the US!!!
I saw some two tone metallic purple/gold flats by him, really really cute but off course way too big for me.

The current stock in Gap now is just so French, it really looks like apc.
i am so annoyed...
i saw some pics online of the current gap UK fall merchandise..
it is totally different than the US stuff and SO much better!!!...

the US stuff looks like some sort of outfits for a x-mas elf..

i am so disgusted...
i bet anything they won't sell the pierre hardy stuff over here...
like we are some sort of fashion wasteland ..
what is WRONG with these people!?!?!?...

they have great bags and shoes too!~...

i thought patrick was supposed to be stepping it up...:unsure:
what the heck..
see- i knew it...
he's gotten fired or put several companies out of business already..
i bet he screws this one up as well...:ermm:...
I saw four styles in GAP today -there wasn't obvious pierre hardy branding, actually, just 'designer lines' or something like that. I wouldn't have known they were the PH shoes unless I'd read this thread before. I liked them, but wish there had been more, it's so hard to get excited about a 'line' when it's only really two styles!

There were two pairs of pointed flats with a deep v shape cut -one in all gold, the other in purple (front half) and gold (back half). £55, so cute. I might buy them when I've got a little more money, nobody else was interested so I figure they'll be around for a while.

The others were quite simple patent flats which were posted futher up the thread in an article -pointy with strap at front, £55 in red and blue.

Unconnected (I think) there were some quite cute metallic plimsoll/low converse types for £25. So not my style but very cute.

softgrey, don't get too jealous of UK gap -I always like it in theory but then when I try it on it's totally wrong and very overpriced (it's substantially more expensive than Zara, for example).
gap is MORE expensive than zara???...

that can't be right?...

that is def not the case here...:huh:...

thanks for those descriptions uw...
i'm still totally annoyed...:p
I read somewhere that GAP take the same prices like the $ prices in the US for the European stores but instead of putting $ they use €. So that might be a reason why GAP is more expensive Zara (which is already overpriced for their quality from time to time). The article was older and haven't been in London or France for awhile I can't say if this procedure is still going.
I read somewhere that GAP take the same prices like the $ prices in the US for the European stores but instead of putting $ they use €. So that might be a reason why GAP is more expensive Zara (which is already overpriced for their quality from time to time). The article was older and haven't been in London or France for awhile I can't say if this procedure is still going.
that is so stupid because there is a BIG difference between $20, £20 and €20 for example.
zara doubles the european prices on most items for their american stores.

i think gap is like 60 percent more expensive in europe than in the states.

it seems like we are all getitng ripped off!
^ Gap is definitely more expensive in the UK and Europe. It's the same for most US brands that set up in Europe -Abercrombie, for example, charges £60+ for a standard collared shirt ($120). Not that you'd want to buy it, but still... Any US denim label will basically just change the dollar sign into £s to get a UK price.

Then again, EVERYTHING is more expensive in the UK than in the US. Food is more expensive (whenever I eat in the US it works out at £=$, i.e. it's twice as expensive in the UK), same goes for electrical appliances, home decorating stuff, etc. It costs £35 for me to fill up the tank of my 1.6l engine VW ($70). The only things that seem to stay constant through dollar/euro/pound translation are proper luxury goods -designer shoes and (I've found) ipods, macbooks etc. -things which don't seem to be priced relative to the cost of living. I buy so much of US ebay now because even after paying around $20 a pop for shipping and then customs on top it's still cheaper than shopping here.

I'm going waay off topic -my point was that Gap itself isn't a higher-end store in the UK (because everything here's pretty expensive by US standards), it's just that its UK prices are high for the UK high street. I couldn't find a standard cardigan in there the other day for less than £35 ($70).
not sure if this thread is for Gap in general or only the Pierre Hardy collab.. however, on many occasions have i noticed in the UK that the currency sign was only changed from the $ to the £... yup rip off!
i always buy in bulk when im in NY :innocent:
well first of all, I don't think Gap is substantially more expensive than Zara. I would say they are pretty on par. Zara in Canada for example, is quite expensive, but at the same time there is a conversion to the Canadian dollar,duty fees, etc. which also hikes up the price. And no, not all retailers just change the $ to the pound sign, obviously the stock is different in these two stores but ultimately Gap is an american company and I would expect it to be cheaper in the US. Same thing for high end brands as well, if you compare the price of 3.1 Philip Lim on NAP from the UK to the American site, there is a big difference. Anyway, yes the cost of living in London is more expensive than the cost of living in rural Idaho, but you get paid more and some things ARE cheaper in the UK
Shame I was too poor to buy any. I could be convinced to go to paris and buy the metallic sneakers , topshop make me sad with their version.

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