Project Catwalk UK

did anyone else hear that the ratings were so bad and the advertising budget for the programme was so high, it would of been cheaper for sky tv to pay £12 to each viewer....
^I have heard something bad things about the ratings. But I hear Liz Hurley is planning on another series despite this....ah well, perhaps Arun is funding it....:lol:
The Independent made the ratings sound a fair bit worse than they are. I'm pretty sure the £12 thing is rubbish.
I'm surprised by that. I prefer Project Catwalk to Project Runway. I think the designers and the designs are far more interesting. I do wish that both programmes would focus more on design and contruction than personality conflict (real or imagined) but I guess that's what makes reality TV.

I noticed that Project Runway will be holding auditions in London, so I do wonder what that means, if anything for Project Catwalk.

Oh and if Ben DeLisi was replaced by the adorable Tim Gunn, I wouldn't bother watching Runway at all. :blush:
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I cant believe he went, I always thought he was a great designer...And I HATE Julien Macdonald...who does he think he is :doh:
cygnenoir said:
I prefer Project Catwalk to Project Runway. I think the designers and the designs are far more interesting. I do wish that both programmes would focus more on design and contruction than personality conflict (real or imagined) but I guess that's what makes reality TV.
i couldn't agree with you more... on all points...

also, i'm quite surprised that the ratings for project catwalk are so low!
ive just gotten into this show. ive seen the first four episodes and im downloading the torrents of the rest.

it shares a lot with project runway, but it has to have a much bigger budget. the sets are so nice compared to runway. but i do find myself missing tim

there is a difference between the designs. at first i thought they were far more advanced than the american designers, but then i saw they kept making the same style every week, so maybe its just what is taught in school is differently.

that one blonde girl is such a b*tch. is it debi (im so bad with names). telling ben not to help the other one. god, i guess thats another difference with runway, everyone helps eachother on that show.

im sad leslie got kicked off, she was really sweet and i liked her stuff. i also like kristy and christopher

i also wish i had a clue what barbour was aside from what the show said. is it like northface?
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^Yes, I suppose it's really for people who live in the countryside who like traditional things like hunting, fishing etc.... it's a very old brand with a lot of heritage apparently.
masquerade said:
that one blonde girl is such a b*tch. is it debi (im so bad with names). telling ben not to help the other one. god, i guess thats another difference with runway, everyone helps eachother on that show.

There's a difference between helping people out and changing their design. And she helped Matthew out quite a bit, as shown by this week's episodes when she helped him with the jeans.
I didn't much care for Debi at first, but after reading the UK Elle profile here (a few pages back) I respect that she won't work with leather or fur. That can't be an easy position for a young up and coming designer unless your surame is, oh, say, McCartney. ^_^

I thought it was amazing that in the group challenge that no one outed anyone else. Even when Julian wickedly said something like "so are you are going to let a person you barely know ruin your fashion career?" and still no one would. I thought that was really impressive, although probably not an exciting TV moment for the producers.

And weirdly, Julian is growing on me. :shock:
This thread shouldn't die, at least not for a moment so I can vent anger! Christopher getting kicked out, what??? I bet Matthew's gonna win, I can just see it god grrrr. Ok so christophers dress wasn't the best, but its the first week thats happened. Matthew yet again, I think, shoul have been kicked out. Fair enough he made a mistake and still salvaged it, but he made the most boring, simple dress it really was so uncreative.

anyway rant over :innocent: :blush:
^5AvenueMarceau....I fully agree with you! I was too angry to even post anything!
I was absolutely livid when they kicked him off! He was my favourite one....someone who clearly had v. strong design ideas, had the skills to back it up and was also really down to earth. I think Debi's designs are pretty weak - they border on being quite ugly really and she doesn't seem to have a distinctive style but just tries to fufill the brief to the right technical standards.
The thing that I kills me is that they seem to think making a red carpet dress makes/breaks your career - is that a guideline across the board? No! Plenty of designers get by without red carpet dresses - this challenge was just all wrong for Christopher, I think I'm gonna go on supporting him if he ever designs a collection!
Kicked off a week early, but I think Christopher might come out as the true star of the show no matter who wins. He was easily the most consistent performer, and I'm shocked they didn't throw him a bone and let him through anyway like they've done with Matthew a bunch of times.

Now there's no-one I think deserves to win in the final. Maybe Debi will do it for "Cornwall".
I don't understand Christopher's boot either.

Just WHAT is so special about Matthew that he is given "second chances" week after week?

I wish the judges would actually take into account the overall work/portfolio of the designers instead of fixating on that one single dress of the moment. Reynato, Shakeel, Christopher, Lesley, Gemma, and even Sushino would be better F3 candidates than Matthew since they have the knowledge and tailoring skills than Matthew, IMO. He's cute, he may or may not be talented, by my God, this show is supposed to be looking for the next big designer, not Ben de Lisi's next apprentice!

Thanks, Project Catwalk, for reminding me that this IS a TV show first and foremost. Gotta keep Matthew around for the eye candy, I suppose! :innocent:
i hate julian mcdonald- he's a one trick pony, bitchy without wit or taste and welsh!!
I expected debi, matthew and christopher the final 3...@@, but anyway i want DEBI to win!!!
i'm so enthralled in this series... i can't wait for the next episode... :woot: ... :clap:
I recorded this weeks show and just watched it, so I came straight on here and I'm glad to find you are all as livid as I am! How could they let Christopher go because of one bad dress and overlook how well he has done on all previous challenges?!!

intentionless said:
I'm shocked they didn't throw him a bone and let him through anyway like they've done with Matthew a bunch of times.

This is so true. Christopher has been consistantly good, where as Matthew has done well once or twice and the rest of the time just awful, but it let through on the premise he will do better next week.
Oh my god they kicked Christopher off?!?!:shock: :shock: I was planning on watching the repeat on sky three tomorrow, but I couldn't resist checking out this thread. He should definitely go, he's no doubt the strongest of all the remaining contestants left!:angry: (....Unless they think that he's so good that they've gone and done a Gemma Ward - withdrawn him early from the competition so he is not forever tainted by the title of "reality TV show winner", because to be honest, no one ever takes reality show winners seriously, I mean just look at where all of BB winners have ended up...)

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